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Lolcow.org Simulation Thread AKA Cjocker Did A Fucky-Wucky

The fat retard came back after an entire weekend of downtime. No questions about why this happened, no thoughts in brain. Give me updoots pls other cat piss smelling creepy girls

The fat retard came back after an entire weekend of downtime. No questions about why this happened, no thoughts in brain. Give me updoots pls other cat piss smelling creepy girls

mad because she won't be your latest pet Special Person aren't you
Remember when your friend Karl said he used to strip his brother naked for fun lmao.
only child syndrome rears its ugly head again
You are absolutely complicit in a man's suicide. The widow herself blamed you. In a functional country you and every freak in that thread would have been arrested.
I don't think any country's laws hold a person accountable for actions they choose to commit themselves.
Like if I said "Fuck I wish that faggot Trudeau just disappeared" and someone read this message and killed him; I can't be held accountable because I'm not a psychic or a warlock who can puppetmaster people into doing things against their will.
If what you're saying is even remotely true it would be like arresting J.D. Salinger for the death of John Lennon lmao.
You are absolutely complicit in a man's suicide. The widow herself blamed you.
me personally? lol OK I guess me saying Marshall was a wife beater did him in, astonishing he made it so long if his psyche was that fragile. couldn't have been any other factors involved in it like Melinda being an insufferable harpy who held his balls hostage
I don't think any country's laws hold a person accountable for actions they choose to commit themselves.
Like if I said "Fuck I wish that faggot Trudeau just disappeared" and someone read this message and killed him; I can't be held accountable because I'm not a psychic or a warlock who can puppetmaster people into doing things against their will.
If what you're saying is even remotely true it would be like arresting J.D. Salinger for the death of John Lennon lmao.
I think it's been established you're an insane person but I'll never turn down an opportunity to point out BPD freak fnarrf and 3 or 4 other mentally ill people in the Melinda Scott thread literally claimed her husband was sexually molesting their kids, in extremely graphic detail, for dozens of posts. They were making claims that he was raping their kids bloody with no evidence this was happening. Anyone could google his name and see these claims. Then he shot himself in the head a year later.
me personally? lol OK I guess me saying Marshall was a wife beater did him in, astonishing he made it so long if his psyche was that fragile. couldn't have been any other factors involved in it like Melinda being an insufferable harpy who held his balls hostage
Hey why did you target someone who was trying to sue this guy? Do you just not know any non-pedophile hurtcore enthusiasts to defend?

Ugly wants to keep claiming this happened because "Marshall was a wife beater" which she's referring to a spat that happened half a decade earlier which he'd already served time for. But they've claimed the exact same shit about me, because my husband has some tenuously related cousin who might be a sex offender, who lives multiple states away from us. The pattern is that they're obsessed with claiming anyone they don't like is a child molester, because they rally behind a pedophile an are most likely pedophiles themselves.
The best part of the Melinda thread was one of the raging sexist turbo-losers in there suddenly overdosing, because just like you he's an empty worthless creature who deep down knew he was nothing and deserved nothing good in this world.
Deadpool isn't going to rise from the dead to fuck you, Ash
I really cannot even fathom how fucked up fnarrf's family life had to have been that she habitually rallies behind these psychos. Like it's apparent from his writing that @Karl is the creepiest sexless faggot in the universe. It makes my skin crawl reading his tryhard shit where he's trying to look tough by repeating some stranger's name over and over again. He's a wormy little republican loser who resents that he doesn't have the irl authority to abuse more people, that is his primary motive in doing or saying anything ever.
Deadpool isn't going to rise from the dead to fuck you, Ash
He's a bloated decaying pile of nothing in the ground, all because he was a rageaholic who was too stupid to stop himself from being a drug glutton. He's dead just like every stupid racist abusive loser on that site deserves to be. Even if nobody gets justice from any of you, time will strip away everything you care about. Pretty soon your mom will be a smear of black grease in a coffin and the only backup in life you'll have is a bunch of indifferent psychopaths you befriended because you're excited by cruelty.
Pretty soon your mom will be a smear of black grease in a coffin
and? so am I going to be someday. so will you except that you'll be more of a Crisco container instead of just a "smear"
Even if nobody gets justice from any of you, time will strip away everything you care about
I've been on a family reunion kick for the last 2 weeks and have met cousins I didn't even know existed, but I'm sorry to hear about your shrinking personal circle