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January 7, 2025: Nollywood actress, Toyin Abraham, has a meltdown over someone recording her new movie in a cinema
January 7, 2025: Social media personality and self-acclaimed therapist, Blessing Okoro, aka Blessing CEO, maintains there is nothing wrong with a therapist dating a client
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Kiwifarms Speculation Lidl Drip

Parody Threads related to Kiwifarms Satire and speculation threads related to Null or Kiwifarms go here.
Lidl seethes about Emily Youcis, a lolcow Null had a crush on at some point and still brings up once in a while.

View attachment 55708

As /pol/ pointed out Slatz is Jewish, Null really needs to get on board with the intelligence narrative if he's going to be the next Christopher Poole. He can't be associated with Peanut vendor.

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>Peanut vendor
I love her 🥺
Too bad about that yellow fever and TRS association though.
I suppose if you were an actual Nazi, Yellow fever would be permitted considering the Axis history.

View attachment 55786
You're an incel from an anime image board.
Opinion discarded. 6 photos from the NSDAP's ching-chong auxillary isn't enough to convince me that hapa "futurism" is anything but race mixing faggotry.
Given, you don't have to worry about broken branches since your seed will never be planted ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
You're an incel from an anime image board.
Opinion discarded. 6 photos from the NSDAP's ching-chong auxillary isn't enough to convince me that hapa "futurism" is anything but race mixing faggotry.
Given, you don't have to worry about broken branches since your seed will never be planted ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Since you fell straight into personal insults I guess you are angry.

Hitler wrote:
“Pride in one’s race — and that does not imply contempt for other races — is also a normal and healthy sentiment.

I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their history is superior to our own.

They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them.”
Since you fell straight into personal insults I guess you are angry.
No, don't make it into something it's not. I feel bad about you lumping yourself into the magically "unfuckable" crowd. Hopefully being admonished rattles your noggin enough to get off the bullshit. You've done nothing to offend me, we just have different opinions.

But no, don't care what Austrian Moustache said about it. Overly admiring zipperheads is obviously a detriment today, especially when your chink cartoons have convinced you that interbreeding with them is a good choice. Unironically, what makes each race special is our separation. Miscegenation is never based.
National socialism is still just another flavor of shit like any other branch of socialism.

They lost the first war they ever started and it resulted in their beloved Germany being completely dismantled and razed to the ground only to be rebuilt into the dominant super power's image. No amount of tantrums, lying, desperation, wishful thinking, tumblrina Shaking and Crytyping, or shekel siphoning by low IQ internet users (themselves miscegenated beyond redemption) will change this. National socialism is not just a failure, it's rise and destruction has resulted in the world we now see before us with all its problems and flaws.
They lost the first war they ever started and it resulted in their beloved Germany being completely dismantled and razed to the ground only to be rebuilt into the dominant super power's image. No amount of tantrums, lying, desperation, wishful thinking, tumblrina Shaking and Crytyping, or shekel siphoning by low IQ internet users (themselves miscegenated beyond redemption) will change this. National socialism is not just a failure, it's rise and destruction has resulted in the world we now see before us with all its problems and flaws.
Basically they are another poo stain next to all the other branches of socialism.
"she" posts because like this because it works. Including our reactions to "her" posts.
I think she's a woman, only because the main girls of the Salon back her up. I think they must have some sort of verification to make sure they are true and honest women so the moids/trannies don't infiltrate them. Otherwise the more sociopathic on the forum would've already leaked their chatlogs/DMs.
I think she's a woman, only because the main girls of the Salon back her up. I think they must have some sort of verification to make sure they are true and honest women so the moids/trannies don't infiltrate them. Otherwise the more sociopathic on the forum would've already leaked their chatlogs/DMs.

very possible. It would depend on how it is done, Photos of IDs can be faked, voice checks can be faked, etc. but otoh sometimes they work. Maybe someday we'll find out for sure.