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Kiwifarms Speculation Lidl Drip

Parody Threads related to Kiwifarms Satire and speculation threads related to Null or Kiwifarms go here.
I have long suspected the Pizzanigger of manually editing the database to change the facts without anyone being able to tell, ie. editing posts without adding the Last Edited message at the bottom. Changing timestamps is the same exact process. There's not really anything stopping him from doing this.

This is the kind of side effects I'd expect to see if the post timestamps were moved into the future.

I wouldn't be a bit surprised if his fucking around eventually triggers a bug in XenForo resulting in an unrecoverable error.
I could see this as a possiblity. It's not unreasonable to think he'd do something like this, however I think this is the first time anybody's noticed it and made note of it. I wonder if there's other discrepancies that people have noticed.
You're new here right? Things like "hardware issues" and "Ninja Tranny Cyber Squads" are basically code for "Nullo fucked something up being a spaz".
I'm well aware of his amazing technological prowess, I used to browse kiwi farms. Images don't load properly as thumbnails and uploading videos are a nightmare. There's dozens of other random issues I've encountered as well.
The posts still say tuesday for me. It's either Kampungboy changing his timezone or using inspect element because he really is THAT DESPERATE to get a win.


What even would be the point of Null "changing the dates"? Really grasping at straws.
Damn it, I knew it was too good to be true. Well at least you can't say I didn't give him the benefit of doubt.
You follow him around, back him up on all his posts, attack people he doesn't like and suck his cock. You are his Lidl, whether you admit it or not.
How wild would it be if they were DMing and having a chuckle at derailing the truth? 🤔
Shannel claims to have never had a Kiwi account, which would make her the only person in this sites history to not have come here from there, but that's obviously not true.
It sure would be whacky if the thing that walks, talks and squawks like a BP fat was actually a BP fat