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Kiwifarms Speculation Lidl Drip

Parody Threads related to Kiwifarms Satire and speculation threads related to Null or Kiwifarms go here.
I think both of them are terminally online, which would allow them to meet up quite frequently.
many user disagreements resulting in bans follow a pattern:
  • Lidl shows up and starts applying stickers(ocassionaly a comment)
  • Something that could be banworthy happens
  • LIdl stickering abruptly stops
  • Less than 1 minute later a user gets banned
  • Null posts comment telling everyone to stfu or something.
  • Lidl or lurker show up to make dumb comments congratulating joshy for banning someone
so unless they arrange to read the forum together this is very bizarre to keep happening like this.
many user disagreements resulting in bans follow a pattern:
  • Lidl shows up and starts applying stickers(ocassionaly a comment)
  • Something that could be banworthy happens
  • LIdl stickering abruptly stops
  • Less than 1 minute later a user gets banned
  • Null posts comment telling everyone to stfu or something.
  • Lidl or lurker show up to make dumb comments congratulating joshy for banning someone
so unless they arrange to read the forum together this is very bizarre to keep happening like this.
Addressing a Few Points

If she stops stickering, any user who does so gets banned.
This could be her immediately contacting Josh or a moderator, as she may have a direct line of communication with them.
Josh hasn't always responded immediately; there have been occasions where there's been a considerable lag in his response.
It's normal for him to tell everybody to shut up - that's just how he treats everybody on his website.
You'll find that kind of behavior, including cheerleading, to be normal on Kiwi Farms, especially among some of the more regular users who orbit her.

There's definitely something going on.
It does seem like there's communication and coordination.
This coordination appears to be deliberate.

Lidl seems to be really obsessed with a woman's age. "She" seems to believe that once a woman turns 30 they hit the wall. Most healthy, sane and confident women I know don't seem to care about turning 30. To them it is just another birthday and no big deal. The people I do see that are obsessed with age and believe that 30 is the wall is gay men and trannies. If Lidl isn't Null then "she" is 100% a gay man or tranny larping as a woman.
View attachment 60183
Lidl seems to be really obsessed with a woman's age. "She" seems to believe that once a woman turns 30 they hit the wall. Most healthy, sane and confident women I know don't seem to care about turning 30. To them it is just another birthday and no big deal. The people I do see that are obsessed with age and believe that 30 is the wall is gay men and trannies. If Lidl isn't Null then "she" is 100% a gay man or tranny larping as a woman.
If you look a little further, you'll see that she's made statements mocking people for thinking a woman can't have a child over 30. In this set of texts, she appears to have an active disdain for Eugene Coney, which is not at all surprising given her distaste for other women. She has stated numerous times that online women are "pickmes" and, in true fashion, oscillates between portraying women as innocent creatures corrupted by men to extremes such as they're part of the problem and "gender traders." Just look at how she treated Paladin Boo." Or Cowchan.
If you look a little further, you'll see that she's made statements mocking people for thinking a woman can't have a child over 30. In this set of texts, she appears to have an active disdain for Eugene Coney, which is not at all surprising given her distaste for other women. She has stated numerous times that online women are "pickmes" and, in true fashion, oscillates between portraying women as innocent creatures corrupted by men to extremes such as they're part of the problem and "gender traders." Just look at how she treated Paladin Boo." Or Cowchan.
Or hell, look how she treated @Home Depot Bucket or Otterly. From what I hear she is trying to find ways to get Otterly banned off the Farms as she feels intimidated by her. Makes sense. Otterly is actually intelligent and has a husband and kids. She is also very well liked by many of the users there. That of course makes her a threat to Lidl's control of the site. Lidl is the only woman who one is allowed to be liked and praised. She is both Kiwi Farms queen and goddess. You will have no god but her.
From what I hear she is trying to find ways to get Otterly banned off the Farms as she feels intimidated by her. Makes sense.
More evidence of Lidl and Null being the same person:

Ive never seen him attack any of the elephantine BPhags for participating in gender wars threads. only ever women or men in that womanhate thread which is the exact target of lidls rage too.
if he hates it so much then why doesn't he just delete the threads instead of complaining about it.
hes ban happy enough to just ban anyone who complains.
if he hates it so much then why doesn't he just delete the threads instead of complaining about it.
Most of the really savage dunking on him and his coterie of ballwashers comes from the woman hate thread and A&N. He whines endlessly about both, but chances are if he wants to get rid of someone, they probably posted in one or the other at some point and he can use it as justification for a ban.

Absolutely fatherless, instead of saying "get off my nuts, your banned because fuck you that's why" he needs to construct a post-hoc explanation to cower behind. A virtual bathroom to hide in when the tranny of self reflection comes knocking, if you will.
I'll be the first to admit the timing on that is awfully suspect. There within minute a apart. They could have both been online at the same time but it does look coordinated.
His girlfriend/current love interest.
Haven't these people ever seen a post coital Ethan Ralph Kiwifarms Double Beatdown? A study conducted by La Universidad de La Habana confirmed that one in four married couples need to think about Ethan Ralph in order to achieve orgasm.
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Haven't these people ever seen a post coital Ethan Ralph Kiwifarms Double Beatdown? A study conducted by La Universidad de La Habana confirmed that one in four married couples need to think about Ethan Ralph in order to achieve orgasm.
Well, that settles it, doesn't it? It's not like the ragepig hasn't treated the woman in his life so reprehensibly that a feminist wouldn't revel in a shared moment of contempt with her partner, bonding over their mutual disdain for this individual.
Well, that settles it, doesn't it? It's not like the ragepig hasn't treated the woman in his life so reprehensibly that a feminist wouldn't revel in a shared moment of contempt with her partner, bonding over their mutual disdain for this individual.
When I'm alone with my loved ones, I like to light some candles, turn up classics FM and think about Ethan Ralph.
Screenshot 2024-07-29 145347.png
More evidence of Lidl and Null being the same person:
View attachment 60187
Ive never seen him attack any of the elephantine BPhags for participating in gender wars threads. only ever women or men in that womanhate thread which is the exact target of lidls rage too.
if he hates it so much then why doesn't he just delete the threads instead of complaining about it.
hes ban happy enough to just ban anyone who complains.

I posted some context concerning this when I first started posting in this thread. That was the particular day that the Goonergate leaks happened, and Josh was having a particularly bad day after being banned on Twitter. The regular users in the ‘Women Hate’ thread scored a win that day, as it was revealed that some big names in the Beauty Parlor, such as Android Raptor, were posting particularly offensive sexual material, including drawn child porn. Other users were expressing violent rape and mutilation fantasies. Lidldrip decided to take it upon herself to run defense, but was getting serious backlash from other users. At some point, Null was tagged into the thread. The former user NyQuilninja and several other users began to not only trash-talk Null, but also tagged Otterly as an example of a better female user than Lidldrip. NyQuilninja even made a comment saying that Otterly isn’t fat like Lidldrip. This final comment, combined with the telling Josh to ‘calm down and eat a Snickers’, finally drove him to finish banning several users.
It seemed to me that Josh was defending LidlDrip while also taking his frustrations out on his user base. It's not uncommon for him to lose his temper. In the same conversation, he threatened a user.
View attachment 60183
Lidl seems to be really obsessed with a woman's age. "She" seems to believe that once a woman turns 30 they hit the wall. Most healthy, sane and confident women I know don't seem to care about turning 30. To them it is just another birthday and no big deal. The people I do see that are obsessed with age and believe that 30 is the wall is gay men and trannies. If Lidl isn't Null then "she" is 100% a gay man or tranny larping as a woman.
Reminder that Josh did an entire stream about ShoeOnHead turning 30. By the way this was long before Lidl's first post.
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Lidl seems to be really obsessed with a woman's age. "She" seems to believe that once a woman turns 30 they hit the wall. Most healthy, sane and confident women I know don't seem to care about turning 30. To them it is just another birthday and no big deal. The people I do see that are obsessed with age and believe that 30 is the wall is gay men and trannies. If Lidl isn't Null then "she" is 100% a gay man or tranny larping as a woman.
Or maybe Eugenia turning 30 is just significant because nobody expected her to live that long because she is severely ill and anorexic. She doesn't say anything about "hitting the wall" in any of these posts.
Reminder that Josh did an entire stream about ShoeOnHead turning 30. By the way this was long before Lidl's first post.
If you actually watch that stream, Null actually criticizes his audience for making "egg carton" jokes about her, saying she can still easily have children. Everyone made fun of Shoe0nhead for turning 30 because she made this tweet making fun of older women:

What I mean is null wouldn't be wanting to wheel his computer from room to room if he had a live-in "girlfriend".
Why not? Maybe she works from home too so he needs to be flexible if she is doing online meetings he can't do streams at the same time so he has to wheel his station to a different room or he doesn't want her to be heard doing things in the background while he streams. He said he streams in the closet right now, why would he do that if he doesn't live with someone else? He could just stream from a real room and not sweat in his cuck closet.
Why not? Maybe she works from home too so he needs to be flexible if she is doing online meetings he can't do streams at the same time so he has to wheel his station to a different room or he doesn't want her to be heard doing things in the background while he streams. He said he streams in the closet right now, why would he do that if he doesn't live with someone else? He could just stream from a real room and not sweat in his cuck closet.
I actually admire your tenacity.