Lidl is correct body fat effects menstruation? How does this prove that Josh is lidl? Yes he did a stream on shoe, he's also done a stream on a few other woman. And if I remember correctly didn't he mention he has a thing for shoe? I've never said that I'm willing to discount the theory that lidldrip could be a male. There's always a possibility of this I just don't think it's Josh himself.Also a good point in favor of Lidl being a dude since we haven't had any Lidl leaks. You are really starting to come around to my side of things.
Lidl follows Josh's obsession with tracking when a woman turns 30. As you may remember Josh did a whole stream when Shoe on head turned 30.
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Lidl offers the most clinical explanation of menstruation I've ever heard. See guise Lidl totally knows how lady junk works
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