• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Kiwifarms Down a Lot

Would people even watch that shit if KF never existed? He got 99% of his internet moneys from KF, directly or indirectly. I've never even watched a MATI stream yet, personally, but I've never been a KF crypto paypig either. Maybe his stream is popular enough now that he could make do without KF funneling people to it, but I'm sure that not having KF up on clearnet hurts his crypto income significantly, at least.
MATI is what it is because of his infamy with KF.
Hey everyone, look! My good ole friend the disappearing text box is back once again:


Tuesday at 9:22 PM #6,752
I can't post replies on desktop. I'm using Tor window in Brave, and the text box for typing replies doesn't show up, it just has the "Attach files" and "Post Reply" buttons as normal, but nothing else. I don't know if it's just me being retarded somehow but I don't want to just be a mobilefag.

Which means the TRAs are still trying to DDoS KF on Tor.

I am surprised Null hasn't showed up to call him a stupid bitch for complaining about this issue, telling him he's too stupid to delete cookies and whatnot. By all means go off on him Null, you know your trusty paypiggies will happily take it to the chin from you and still donate to MATI.

And this:


"I haven't seen anyone mention it [the issue with the missing text box] in the TG thread"... OMG, if only he knew... (I told Null about this issue with the text box disappearing and my account going into read-only mode back in November 2022. Null has known about this issue since then, and likely before that if someone else besides me had told him.)

This Kiwi did everything right but to no avail:


"This was after trying all the common sense fixes (cache clear, new Tor connections, change VPN location, change browsers, toggling Javascript, changing site permissions, etc) but I could be missing something obvious.", no Kiwi, you're not missing something obvious because all of the above do nothing to make the text box reappear for many people. Like I said, the only workaround that works for me personally is to delete and reinstall Tor. At the end of the day, you shouldn't have to do any of this to access a website that's supposed to be in working order. It's not your responsibility to troubleshoot Null's website for him and to implement a dozen workarounds on your end.

BTW, what Null says here is almost certainly deflection bingo:


There must be some weird issue with haproxy's cache that breaks files, I'm convinced it's haproxy at this point.

And I'm convinced it's not HAproxy that's causing the text box to disappear, and this is Null playing deflection bingo once again. HAproxy would be causing text boxes to disappear if Null was using HAproxy ACLs to shadowban Kiwis, which he insists he's not doing (remember, when I asked Null if the disappearing text box was due to some kind of shadowban on his end, he got rabidly mad and insisted that wasn't the case). As I wrote here I had the exact same issue with the disappearing text box here on OF when OF was getting DDoSed - and again more recently when OF was overloaded with KF refugees. AFAIC, OF doesn't use HAproxy, so literally the only thing that OF and KF have in common is XenForo. Therefore, the disappearing text box occurring on both websites independently is almost definitely a XenForo thing.

I suspect XenForo likely shuts down i/o because it perceives an incoming Application Level DDoS attack as some kind of a buffer overflow, causing it to shut down the text box as some kind of in-built mitigation tactic. I bet whomever is doing these Application Level attacks on KF already knew about this bug/feature in XenForo, and designed their Application Level attacks in such a way as to exploit it.

But hey, I'm just a dumb slut who can't figure out how delete cookies according to Null, so what the hell do I know. :rolleyes:
Cross-posting it here from the Poast thread, the part from the DMs where Null asks his ex-friend Graf for help with Nginx+Lua:

<2022-09-01T19:29:08.000Z> josh: hey can you getr on signal for a sec
<2022-09-06T19:08:03.000Z> josh: You around?
<2022-09-06T19:12:24.000Z> graf: yeah for a bit, my gf will be here this evening so i will be less
<2022-09-06T19:39:20.000Z> josh: how the fuck do you get nginx+lua working
<2022-09-06T19:39:22.000Z> josh: I am too retarded
<2022-09-06T19:39:57.000Z> graf: ??? you just compile the module and add it dont you?
<2022-09-06T19:40:17.000Z> josh: the instructions say to just install openresty but getting that daemon working is killing me
<2022-09-06T19:40:22.000Z> josh: they don't recommend compiling
<2022-09-06T19:41:00.000Z> graf: alright im going to spin up a vm and try it hold on
<2022-09-06T19:41:29.000Z> josh: sorry im really just not good at this shit, i don't like compiling from source because it fucking breaks
<2022-09-06T19:41:34.000Z> josh: but the package managers for getting nginx with lua are garbage
<2022-09-06T19:47:26.000Z> josh: nauseatingly frustrating
<2022-09-06T19:47:37.000Z> josh: I can get it working but if i do `systemctl start openresty` (their nginx fork)
<2022-09-06T19:47:46.000Z> josh: it hangs like it does if you just run a ./nginx directly
<2022-09-06T19:47:50.000Z> josh: and then eventually gives up
<2022-09-06T19:47:55.000Z> josh: as if it couldn't start, even though it starts just fine
<2022-09-06T19:48:24.000Z> josh: root@www:/usr/local/openresty/nginx# systemctl start openrestyJob for openresty.service failed because a timeout was exceeded.See "systemctl status openresty.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
<2022-09-06T19:53:06.000Z> graf attached file https://i.poastcdn.org/e6f252c97978b0b318b1adc5013c45b8f2c9efc075b3913db015bfb35184ad55.png
<2022-09-06T19:53:10.000Z> graf: following this guide blog.openresty.com/en/ubuntu20-or-install/
<2022-09-06T19:53:12.000Z> graf: it worked first shot
<2022-09-06T19:53:24.000Z> graf: what does openresty -t say>
<2022-09-06T19:54:24.000Z> josh: i got it
<2022-09-06T19:54:30.000Z> josh: i had to change the fucking pid var in the nginx.conf
<2022-09-06T19:54:34.000Z> josh: otherwise if it doesn't match
<2022-09-06T19:54:36.000Z> josh: it just shits itself
<2022-09-06T19:54:38.000Z> josh: good fucking LORD

Woah, josh is quite the retard.


Life was better with Cloudflare, LMAO.
Someone asks Null to fix his website:



Null either talks in code or URLs:


Notice how half the avatars and the embedded images are missing on this archived page?

That's what happens whenever I'm trying to archive a KF page while site is getting DDoSed.
It's how I can tell just through archiving that KF getting DDoSed on the darkweb right now.
For the love of God, the horse is dead stop beating it. but it is curious I mean it’s on the dark web now .people who used to venture into it is not going to use tor. i’m sure some people who frequent a few of the most popular threads. already archived, and have plan A B and C of where they’re going to put the new information. when you close down the asylum and let the inmates out, what did you think it was going to happen?
when you close down the asylum and let the inmates out, what did you think it was going to happen?
I suspect some of them will finally go outside and touch grass, but if I had to guess, I think most of the Kiwis, especially the younger ones, will move to either rDrama.net or lolcow.farms, then the TRAs will target those sites next. Some Kiwis might even start drama/commentary/reaction channels on Youtube (like Rarigrr did) or other platforms and post reaction videos so they can stay in touch with Kiwis from their preferred lolcow threads that way.
Remember that forum Lowendtalk.com where Null was asking for help from network engineers and ISPs during #DropKiwiFarms?


Here's their latest thread on KF being off the clearnet (which unfortunately devolved into a discussion about Signal instead):

Looks like Kiwi was ended in clearnet.
Since most of providers can't help them. Many issues and they are searching for someone that may help them to host their forum, but looks like is being hard.
Is this the end of Kiwi? What providers can do to protect freedom of speech (not talking about Kiwi) but in general if this happens with many and others websites.
Everything is described in their main domain (looks like they are blocking IP lookup like Check-host, DNSDumpster etc.)
What you think they can do?
Source: kiwifarms.net

For the love of God, the horse is dead stop beating it. but it is curious I mean it’s on the dark web now .people who used to venture into it is not going to use tor. i’m sure some people who frequent a few of the most popular threads. already archived, and have plan A B and C of where they’re going to put the new information. when you close down the asylum and let the inmates out, what did you think it was going to happen?
nothing will ever happen, most of people would just go back to where they originally came from be it alternative forums or other drama sites instead of making anything themselves.
By my count, it's been about 23 days of clearnet downtime for Josh. Whatever/whoever happened this time around has been more successful in keeping KF under fire than any other time in the past couple of years. Tor is a real pain in the ass for most people, especially when your circuit is low speed. Right now, active users are at 303 vs. a usual count of near 1000.

I forget how many weeks ago he said it would be "about two weeks" until a clearnet return. Every downtime, his asshat behavior bears more bitter and poisonous fruit that the last.
By my count, it's been about 23 days of clearnet downtime for Josh. Whatever/whoever happened this time around has been more successful in keeping KF under fire than any other time in the past couple of years. Tor is a real pain in the ass for most people, especially when your circuit is low speed. Right now, active users are at 303 vs. a usual count of near 1000.

I forget how many weeks ago he said it would be "about two weeks" until a clearnet return. Every downtime, his asshat behavior bears more bitter and poisonous fruit that the last.
maybe he was doing a joke? like covid the two weeks lasts 2 years
Null just admitted on MATI that the reason KF is unable to return to the net is due to the financial chaos at EPIK after the outsting of Rob Monster.

#DropKiwiFarms were speculating weeks ago about EPIK being the reason KF was forced offline.

Jon Friman claimed that KF was down because of the chaos at Epik:

Jón Frímann @jonfr500
If the upstream is down (hosted by the far right hosting Terrahost AS, owned by Epik (hosting?) the far right hosting company). Something large is going on. Kiwifarms and OnA where using their hosting space in Australia last I checked.

One possibility is that Epik has folded and gone bankrupt without warning. The company was having major financial issues because the owner and the CEO was doing a lot of illegal money stuff according to best reports I did see (they where not accurate on what that was).
10:10 PM · May 6, 2023

After Kiwifarms had been hacked for a 3rd time, this time by a kid (TrollSEC Reality), the owner Joshua Moon (Null) pays out 5 XMR to the hacker (stating to confirm what he already knows).

Soon after the Kiwifarms DNS servers have been changed. Why? Epik drop, insecure or ...

Could this be related?

Hey Epik, I renewed a domain a month ago and it's still showing as expiring in two days. Your "support" said that WHEN it reverts to Epik's nameservers I should contact support to change them back to mine. What kind of unprofessional nonsense is this??? #epikfail

@EpikDotCom I also "purchased" a new domain through Epik and was able to actually purchase it a day later through
@GoDaddy. ANYONE could have yanked that domain out from under me during that 24 hours, even though I PAID EPIK for it.

@EpikDotCom You have no phone customer support and your bots won't provide me a HUMAN BEING to assist me in my latest support request. So how do I know that in two days there will be anyone who can switch the nameservers on my already renewed domain??

You need to file a complaint with ICANN on both the registration and renewal problems. Epik is broke, stealing money, and ICANN is the accrediting agency who needs to shut them down, but so far does nothing.
@avri https://icann.org/compliance/complaint

That exact scenario has happened to other customers. I would also plan ahead for the possibility that your "renewed" domains may expire and Epik puts up their own "domain not for sale but taking offers" landing page, which also happened to other customers. Wake up @ICANN!

Also, remember that study of #DropKiwiFarms by the CCC?

The CCC didn't mention Epik at all! There are ZERO mentions of Epik in that entire study. In their retelling of events, it's like KF went on a globe-trotting trip hopping from ISP to ISP and then just-so magically appeared back on the net in more robust manner.

Null said he's just going to wait for Epik to store itself, otherwise he will rebrand and relaunch KF under a new name and company name.
Yeah I don't think Epik is coming back from this. Hopefully its new owners will do better.

Josh should abandon ship instead of waiting it out. The likelihood that they won't be welcoming to KF is high and if he has a second option lined up he should go for it...unless he doesn't have a second option and is secretly hoping for Epik to be willing to work with him.
Null just admitted on MATI that the reason KF is unable to return to the net is due to the financial chaos at EPIK after the outsting of Rob Monster.

#DropKiwiFarms were speculating weeks ago about EPIK being the reason KF was forced offline.

Jon Friman claimed that KF was down because of the chaos at Epik:

Could this be related?

Also, remember that study of #DropKiwiFarms by the CCC?

The CCC didn't mention Epik at all! There are ZERO mentions of Epik in that entire study. In their retelling of events, it's like KF went on a globe-trotting trip hopping from ISP to ISP and then just-so magically appeared back on the net in more robust manner.

Null said he's just going to wait for Epik to store itself, otherwise he will rebrand and relaunch KF under a new name and company name.

lmao even
Epik deserves this

Interesting though. How much impact did LFG etc really have then? They got other hosters to drop KF for sure.
Null said he's just going to wait for Epik to store itself, otherwise he will rebrand and relaunch KF under a new name and company name.
How does clown see this happening, exactly? The culture and intentions of the forum are obvious from a mile away, does he think companies that dumped him and the asylum will let him sneak back on if he's wearing Groucho glasses?

Rob Monster was a dog whistle supporter of the White nationalists he platformed and had an alarmingly chill attitude towards the cp on 8chan when he was under fire for it. Null isn't likely to find a corporate psychopath like that to form a symbiotic relationship with for the rest of his life.
the kiwifarms name is so toxic and tainted , we got kicked off our old service provider just for being a splinter.
We were never kicked off of any ISP. I voluntarily migrated from GoDaddy to HostGator because Gator is more tolerant of controversial content. We were kicked off from Xenforo and Themehouse.
the kiwifarms name is so toxic and tainted , we got kicked off our old service provider just for being a splinter.

We were never kicked off of any ISP. I voluntarily migrated from GoDaddy to HostGator because Gator is more tolerant of controversial content. We were kicked off from Xenforo and Themehouse.
Both of you should fight each other. Whoever kills the other is right.