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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Internet celebrity Jean-Francis Gariepy's (JFG) ex-girlfriend has been missing for over a year. According to JFG, whose story was verified by the Canadian police, she became unhappy in the relationship and voluntarily left him and he dropped her off near a gas station per her request.

Kiwifarms users, poisoned by Josh's feminine penchant for true crime podcasts, are still clinging to the idea that he murdered her even though this has been dismissed by the police and the woman's family hasn't spoken out much about this as she's done this before. Kiwifarms users appear to believe that JFG should have kidnapped this woman and held her captive in his basement. Kiwifarms users speculate that perhaps the woman's family is just as evil as her alleged murderer. ...murderer.
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As hard as it may be for Kiwifarms users to believe... Full-grown adults go "missing" for years all the time.
So it's confirmed by the police that JFG didn't murder her and that he dropped her ass off at a gas station, these retards go "HE FUCKIN MURDERED HER".
Fucking retarded as shit, where did these faggots get "JFG murdered her" from?
JFG's ex-girlfriend was autistic, but still maintained her full rights as any other adult Canadian woman. Feminist Josh™ loves to infantilize women and strip them of their agency when he can use it against men he wages internet war with. He's previously done the same to MintSalad and tried to claim Dick Masterson took her away from her happy family to pursue a career as a pornographic artist. MintSalad has later come out to say her adoptive parents were abusive to her and used her as a prop to show others how much better they were. Also see how hard Josh went at lolcow Ethan Ralph's current wife (legally speaking) with his weekly "beat a dead horse" but on his podcast for being a dangerous pedophile. Now that audio has come out of Ethan drunkenly threatening her, Josh and his users simp for her and try to paint her as an innocent victim. The same people who say pedophiles need to be killed and LARP like they'd to it themselves if ever given the chance to now sympathize with someone they've painted as a pedophile.
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Jose Mourinho, one of the oldest users and mods on KF, retired and hasn't posted on the site in almost a year.
Internet celebrity Jean-Francis Gariepy's (JFG) ex-girlfriend has been missing for over a year. According to JFG, whose story was verified by the Canadian police, she became unhappy in the relationship and voluntarily left him and he dropped her off near a gas station per her request.

Kiwifarms users, poisoned by Josh's feminine penchant for true crime podcasts, are still clinging to the idea that he murdered her even though this has been dismissed by the police and the woman's family hasn't spoken out much about this as she's done this before. Kiwifarms users appear to believe that JFG should have kidnapped this woman and held her captive in his basement. Kiwifarms users speculate that perhaps the woman's family is just as evil as her alleged murderer.
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As hard as it may be for Kiwifarms users to believe... Full-grown adults go "missing" for years all the time.
KiwiFarms and their crack pipe
So it's confirmed by the police that JFG didn't murder her and that he dropped her ass off at a gas station,
Ummm. No, from what I picked up from the coverage Roberta Glass did, the police showed him a photo, and Grapey said "Yup, that's her, you know she's like James Bond combined with Rambo (paraphrasing here), and still her family haven't heard from her.
Ummm. No, from what I picked up from the coverage Roberta Glass did, the police showed him a photo, and Grapey said "Yup, that's her, you know she's like James Bond combined with Rambo (paraphrasing here), and still her family haven't heard from her.
Oh, even then, regardless it's still retarded to suggest that he killed her
Oldish but still.
View attachment 71592 OYYYYY NO SEIZURE GIFS!
View attachment 71591

Less psycho and powerlevely KF user: "Oh how I'D LOVE WISHING I could GIVE u HARDCORE SEIZURES so you SUFFER just like ME you BITSH!"
View attachment 71590
Meanwhile, I'm Not Racist Anymore's current avatar over there, inb4 josh goes "View attachment 71592 OYYYYY REEEEE NO SEIZURE AVATARS IM REMOVING UR AVATAR PRIVILEGES":
(Taking notes) :trollface:
Internet celebrity Jean-Francis Gariepy's (JFG) ex-girlfriend has been missing for over a year. According to JFG, whose story was verified by the Canadian police, she became unhappy in the relationship and voluntarily left him and he dropped her off near a gas station per her request.

Kiwifarms users, poisoned by Josh's feminine penchant for true crime podcasts, are still clinging to the idea that he murdered her even though this has been dismissed by the police and the woman's family hasn't spoken out much about this as she's done this before. Kiwifarms users appear to believe that JFG should have kidnapped this woman and held her captive in his basement. Kiwifarms users speculate that perhaps the woman's family is just as evil as her alleged murderer.
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As hard as it may be for Kiwifarms users to believe... Full-grown adults go "missing" for years all the time.
I do think that he killed her, he just happened to replace the drywall and do a deep clean after she went missing. Has he been dismissed by the police? I know they interviewed him a lot.
He also made up a very unlikely story that Elora was going to do survivalism and that she was like Rambo as @Nektar Geist mentioned. This is an intellectually disabled woman with very young children. Many people are skeptical, not just on Kiwi Farms.
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