Whenever lidl posts I like to @ Him with this gem. Its a speed run for banning my accounts:
Before this thread gets locked for everyone dabbing on Joshua's favorite fatasses I want to say a few things. @ Lidl Shut the fuck up you dumb cunt. The only reason you are allowed to shit up this whole website is because Null is a hypocrite. It's conspicuous how multiple users that start "community infighting" get banned yet your stupid Belgian ass gets to stay despite being one of if not the worst offender. Seems strange that everywhere you go anyone who has beef with you gets banned... must be great to be either fucking LardLord or promising Lord Limpy of the Neko Shota clan sex. Maybe get your own personality and maybe men will actually like you? But judging by your intelligence that's far too much to ask.
@Null when you read this and ban me fat boy just know that the fat BP whores you gunt guard to protect your shekels will turn on you the second your principals outweigh your love of their money. I'd also like to give you some advice. Buy a compound and all the hardware you want Neko Shota Lover. The fact remains that you're an obese shitty web mod who needs to weight train to handle the incredible recoil of 7.62

You'll be dead before you smell the stench of a glowies' breath and no mater how many plate carriers you buy you'll never be safe from an "accidental Co2 poisoning" Seriously kill yourself you embarrassing LARPING faggot.
I tried it in the female goon thread. Jannies swept pretty fast I wonder why...