• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
There's only one thing I can really say about this, Kiwi Farms and some pseudointellectual Rightoids don't understand why the Internet has grown to hate predator hunters. It's not because suddenly society has grown to love pedos (they don't) but because the vast majority of predator hunters do it for the clout rather than taking appropriate measures to do the right thing.

The Internet is no stranger to creeps since its creation in the early-1990's. So let's look at some examples of creeps that got away with it because retarded trolls. misguided online communities, and misguided vigilantes on the Internet took matters into the own hands and they fucked it up.


Back when the Brony fandom was at its peak, ToonKriticY2K was a pretty popular Brony content creator that made videos related to the hit animated adventure series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic which was also a big meme on the Internet back in the 2010's. Things were going well until his ex-friends discovered that he was grooming a minor that lived in the Philippines. People like joshscorcher confronted ToonKriticY2K over what he's done and they planned to turn him over to the police. However, some idiot that was in that Skype call decided to leak the conversation that exposed ToonKriticY2K being a pedophile. This would be posted on Kiwi Farms and by third-parties on Youtube and this was an enormous scandal in the Brony fandom at the time. However, ToonKriticY2K would then go on a deleting spree where he wiped out his entire social media presence (including deleting his Youtube account). I think joshscorcher would confirm that the police called off the investigation because details were too muddled and they were bombarded with tips that they simply had no resources to look though them all to see if any of them were real or fake. ToonKriticY2K got away with it because trolls botched the investigation.


This is probably a very infamous example that shows everything wrong with online predator hunting. So EDP445 was a once popular sports Youtuber where he would talk about sports and make rants related to sports like Football. A Youtuber going by the name of ColdRaven would start documenting EDP445's creepy behavior and he would later talk about this with Keemstar. Later on, a self-proclaimed vigilante named Alex Rosen would conduct his own sting operation to catch EDP445 in the act. The sting proved EDP445 to be a predator but there was just one problem, Alex Rosen was doing it for the clout at the time and people dug up Alex Rosen's history where it was shown that he has ties to some various right-wing extremist groups (which created a conflict of interest). Alex Rosen royally botched the investigation because he had a massive ego and was blinded by his own fame to take this seriously. The district attorney that was looking at the case decided to not charge EDP445 for his crimes due to insufficient objective evidence. Afterwards Alex Rosen was heavily criticized and trashed on because of his incompetence. This also resulted in Youtube and the many Big Tech platforms in general (like Reddit and Facebook) to add new rules that crack down on misguided vigilantism (the reason why you don't see many predator hunters on Youtube anymore is because Youtube banned them for being incompetent retards). EDP445 would get exposed again but once again it was the same song and dance, the people that exposed him botched everything and EDP445 gotten away with it (he got away with it twice).


So as far as I know, Chris-Chan is not a pedophile (CWC is a lot of things but there has never been an incident with him so far where he preyed on a minor). What I'm going to talk about it the spectasrular fail by Kiwi Farms in trying to get him convicted for having sex with his mother. So to summarize, a now disgraced Ween by the name of Bella (Isabella Loretta Janke) would have a call with Chris-Chan where CWC confirmed (although CWC has been known to be a pathological liar) that he was having sexual relations with his own mother. The call was leaked to Kiwi Farms and Bella got doxed anyway because the Kiwis saw her as a retarded Ween and Chris-Chan would be reported to the police. There Chris-Chan spent around a year in jail being charged with incest after he was arrested on August 1st, 2021. The Kiwis thought that CWC may actually spend time in prison this time around. However, Chris-Chan's lawyer got him scott free on a technicality where CWC's very own Saul Goodman pulled a magic trick and used the insanity plea that grants mercy to those that have mental disabilities (like autism so autism was his 'Get Out of Jail Free' card after all). The Kiwis botched the whole thing and Chris-Chan walked away a free man. Did Chirs-Chan ever had sex with his own mother? We don't know, it's still an allegation (I still think Chris-Chan did it). But one thing is for sure, Kiwi Farms wasted everyone's time on a weak ass case that wasn't going anywhere because it's clear to me Kiwi Farms users obviouly got their law degree at some diploma mill.

This brings me to BittyCat. So I looked at this shit and all I can say is while I'm fucking disgusted, I'll try to be objective with this as much as I can.

So me looking into BittyCat, she to me seems like a mediocre porn voice actor that voices acts goon lolicon stuff for other random lolicon gooners for money. I've listened to some of her shit and the only thing I can say here is that it's not for the faint of heart (to put is very nicely, it's pretty clear what kind of audience she really wants). BittyCat to me is a degenerate and so are the people close to her (based on what I've seen, one of the people close to her is some short-fused hot head that struggles with alcoholism). There's also how she harbored a community of legit pedos and her logic is that pedos should be open about themselves so that they are less likely to harm children; while I can see where she is coming from but the big issue with everything I've seen from this is that she seems to be an enabler and often chooses the dumbass "Accept them as they are" route rather than finding these people the psychiatric help so to me that is really sketchy about BittyCat. I will play Devil's Advocate though, Bitty's content (while fucking disgusting as it is) does still fall within artistic merit and within the realm of fiction as disgusting as her content is ( it be fair to point out that media in general is no stranger to obscenity controversies, see Stanley Kubrick, J. D. Salinger, and William Luther Pierce if you know the works of those three individuals). There is an accusation that she voiced over actual CSAM but the skeptical part of my mind sees this as hard to prove and may just be her accusers trying to throw anything that can stick to the wall. Even with that said, I get the strong impression that BittyCat probably suffers from some from of mental illness and she comes off to me as a pathological liar. So while some details about the accusations seem doubtful to me, I still see BittyCat as a terrible person.

As for how Kiwi Farms is handling this. Holy fuck are they retarded in how they are handling this. They seem to be far too emotional and acting on impulse in this whole shitshow (I heard death threats were made to BittyCat and her loved ones, the first rule when dealing with lolcow is don't A-Log lolcows no matter how vile they may be; you don't want to become an Anthony LoGotto). Yes, pedos are bad but the way Kiwi Farms is handling this drama has to be the dumbest thing I ever seen from them since the infighting slapfight they had over MrEnter a decade ago. So far it's mostly just retarded Weens and A-Logs on Kiwi Farms that are being the lead voices in this and if you ask me, it's going to backfire on Kiwi Farms because when it comes to situations like these they often take the 'Feels over Reals' approach and then they wonder why things didn't turned out the way as they planned (I know there a rule on Kiwi Farms that say no retarded trolling plans because your idea is likely gay and lame anyway). The way Kiwi Farms is handling this drama will very likely end in the same way Jersh had to put his foot down and told his own userbase to stop A-Logging MrEnter and stop being faggots because MrEnter isn't Hitler and resulted in the Entershpere subfourm to be permanently closed. It doesn't help that Harmful Opinions is acting like a smug asshole when it comes to any constructive criticism being directed towards him in this shitshow (a reminder as to why the Youtube Skeptic community collapsed years ago).

So me seeing Kiwi Farms vs. a degenerate vtuber is basically this old but gold meme:
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It is not speculation. Barbara was taken to the hospital and found to have internal injuries consistent with being sexually molested.
This is true the state of Pennsylvania however declined to prosecute as they didn't know how to proceed with the case apparently.
I think you mean the commonwealth of Virginia. Chris knew exactly what he was doing grooming Barbara. He would start touching her. Initially Barbara resisted it. But Chris kept at it until Barbara no longer resisted it. Barbara already had significant Dementia (she was basically a zombie). Chris knew this (in one of the letters I received from him) while sexually molesting her. In over a dozen letters I received from him did he ever express remorse or accept responsibility that what he did was wrong? Nope. Not one peep admitting what he did was wrong.
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It is not speculation. Barbara was taken to the hospital and found to have internal injuries consistent with being sexually molested.
Regardless, Kiwi Farms still played a role in royally botching the incest case against Chris-Chan (they flew too close to the Sun when they thought they were going to nail Chis-Chan that time around only for that to blow up in their faces).

In the case of BittyCat, it's very clear to me that Kiwi Farms is making the exact same classic mistakes they made with ToonKriticY2K and Chris-Chan.

I am not defending BittyCat, this is just me pointing out the past fuck ups Kiwi Farms has done in regards to shit like this. Clout chasing is a Hell of a drug. Even if it's proven that BittyCat has done things IRL, it's too late now as Kiwi Farms once again botched everything.
I think you mean the commonwealth of Virginia. Chris knew exactly what he was doing grooming Barbara. He would start touching her. Initially Barbara resisted it. But Chris kept at it until Barbara no longer resisted it. Barbara already had significant Dementia (she was basically a zombie). Chris knew this (in one of the letters I received from him) while sexually molesting her. In over a dozen letters I received from him did he ever express remorse or accept responsibility that what he did was wrong? Nope. Not one peep admitting what he did was wrong.
My bad.
The whole situation was disgusting and quite vile. Despite this, he still ended up getting a girlfriend."
There's only one thing I can really say about this, Kiwi Farms and some pseudointellectual Rightoids don't understand why the Internet has grown to hate predator hunters. It's not because suddenly society has grown to love pedos (they don't) but because the vast majority of predator hunters do it for the clout rather than taking appropriate measures to do the right thing.

The Internet is no stranger to creeps since its creation in the early-1990's. So let's look at some examples of creeps that got away with it because retarded trolls. misguided online communities, and misguided vigilantes on the Internet took matters into the own hands and they fucked it up.


Back when the Brony fandom was at its peak, ToonKriticY2K was a pretty popular Brony content creator that made videos related to the hit animated adventure series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic which was also a big meme on the Internet back in the 2010's. Things were going well until his ex-friends discovered that he was grooming a minor that lived in the Philippines. People like joshscorcher confronted ToonKriticY2K over what he's done and they planned to turn him over to the police. However, some idiot that was in that Skype call decided to leak the conversation that exposed ToonKriticY2K being a pedophile. This would be posted on Kiwi Farms and by third-parties on Youtube and this was an enormous scandal in the Brony fandom at the time. However, ToonKriticY2K would then go on a deleting spree where he wiped out his entire social media presence (including deleting his Youtube account). I think joshscorcher would confirm that the police called off the investigation because details were too muddled and they were bombarded with tips that they simply had no resources to look though them all to see if any of them were real or fake. ToonKriticY2K got away with it because trolls botched the investigation.


This is probably a very infamous example that shows everything wrong with online predator hunting. So EDP445 was a once popular sports Youtuber where he would talk about sports and make rants related to sports like Football. A Youtuber going by the name of ColdRaven would start documenting EDP445's creepy behavior and he would later talk about this with Keemstar. Later on, a self-proclaimed vigilante named Alex Rosen would conduct his own sting operation to catch EDP445 in the act. The sting proved EDP445 to be a predator but there was just one problem, Alex Rosen was doing it for the clout at the time and people dug up Alex Rosen's history where it was shown that he has ties to some various right-wing extremist groups (which created a conflict of interest). Alex Rosen royally botched the investigation because he had a massive ego and was blinded by his own fame to take this seriously. The district attorney that was looking at the case decided to not charge EDP445 for his crimes due to insufficient objective evidence. Afterwards Alex Rosen was heavily criticized and trashed on because of his incompetence. This also resulted in Youtube and the many Big Tech platforms in general (like Reddit and Facebook) to add new rules that crack down on misguided vigilantism (the reason why you don't see many predator hunters on Youtube anymore is because Youtube banned them for being incompetent retards). EDP445 would get exposed again but once again it was the same song and dance, the people that exposed him botched everything and EDP445 gotten away with it (he got away with it twice).


So as far as I know, Chris-Chan is not a pedophile (CWC is a lot of things but there has never been an incident with him so far where he preyed on a minor). What I'm going to talk about it the spectasrular fail by Kiwi Farms in trying to get him convicted for having sex with his mother. So to summarize, a now disgraced Ween by the name of Bella (Isabella Loretta Janke) would have a call with Chris-Chan where CWC confirmed (although CWC has been known to be a pathological liar) that he was having sexual relations with his own mother. The call was leaked to Kiwi Farms and Bella got doxed anyway because the Kiwis saw her as a retarded Ween and Chris-Chan would be reported to the police. There Chris-Chan spent around a year in jail being charged with incest after he was arrested on August 1st, 2021. The Kiwis thought that CWC may actually spend time in prison this time around. However, Chris-Chan's lawyer got him scott free on a technicality where CWC's very own Saul Goodman pulled a magic trick and used the insanity plea that grants mercy to those that have mental disabilities (like autism so autism was his 'Get Out of Jail Free' card after all). The Kiwis botched the whole thing and Chris-Chan walked away a free man. Did Chirs-Chan ever had sex with his own mother? We don't know, it's still an allegation (I still think Chris-Chan did it). But one thing is for sure, Kiwi Farms wasted everyone's time on a weak ass case that wasn't going anywhere because it's clear to me Kiwi Farms users obviouly got their law degree at some diploma mill.

This brings me to BittyCat. So I looked at this shit and all I can say is while I'm fucking disgusted, I'll try to be objective with this as much as I can.

So me looking into BittyCat, she to me seems like a mediocre porn voice actor that voices acts goon lolicon stuff for other random lolicon gooners for money. I've listened to some of her shit and the only thing I can say here is that it's not for the faint of heart (to put is very nicely, it's pretty clear what kind of audience she really wants). BittyCat to me is a degenerate and so are the people close to her (based on what I've seen, one of the people close to her is some short-fused hot head that struggles with alcoholism). There's also how she harbored a community of legit pedos and her logic is that pedos should be open about themselves so that they are less likely to harm children; while I can see where she is coming from but the big issue with everything I've seen from this is that she seems to be an enabler and often chooses the dumbass "Accept them as they are" route rather than finding these people the psychiatric help so to me that is really sketchy about BittyCat. I will play Devil's Advocate though, Bitty's content (while fucking disgusting as it is) does still fall within artistic merit and within the realm of fiction as disgusting as her content is ( it be fair to point out that media in general is no stranger to obscenity controversies, see Stanley Kubrick, J. D. Salinger, and William Luther Pierce if you know the works of those three individuals). There is an accusation that she voiced over actual CSAM but the skeptical part of my mind sees this as hard to prove and may just be her accusers trying to throw anything that can stick to the wall. Even with that said, I get the strong impression that BittyCat probably suffers from some from of mental illness and she comes off to me as a pathological liar. So while some details about the accusations seem doubtful to me, I still see BittyCat as a terrible person.

As for how Kiwi Farms is handling this. Holy fuck are they retarded in how they are handling this. They seem to be far too emotional and acting on impulse in this whole shitshow (I heard death threats were made to BittyCat and her loved ones, the first rule when dealing with lolcow is don't A-Log lolcows no matter how vile they may be; you don't want to become an Anthony LoGotto). Yes, pedos are bad but the way Kiwi Farms is handling this drama has to be the dumbest thing I ever seen from them since the infighting slapfight they had over MrEnter a decade ago. So far it's mostly just retarded Weens and A-Logs on Kiwi Farms that are being the lead voices in this and if you ask me, it's going to backfire on Kiwi Farms because when it comes to situations like these they often take the 'Feels over Reals' approach and then they wonder why things didn't turned out the way as they planned (I know there is a rule on Kiwi Farms that say no retarded trolling plans because your trolling idea is likely gay and lame anyway). The way Kiwi Farms is handling this drama will very likely end in the same way Jersh had to put his foot down and told his own userbase to stop A-Logging MrEnter and stop being faggots because MrEnter isn't Hitler and resulted in the Entershpere subfourm to be permanently closed. It doesn't help that Harmful Opinions is acting like a smug asshole when it comes to any constructive criticism being directed towards him in this shitshow (a reminder as to why the Youtube Skeptic community collapsed years ago).

So me seeing Kiwi Farms vs. a degenerate vtuber is basically this old but gold meme:
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Apparently, they are now claiming that Harmful Opinions forwarded this information to the police. That might have worked if he hadn’t made a video about it.

This is similar to what happened with Kuro the Wolf a furry bestiality freak who got off scot-free because KiwiFarms botched that case too by making everything public.

I’m starting to suspect there’s some truth to the idea that they’re the autistic Illuminati. They post everything publicly, which just gives people time to delete everything, and then the police throw out the case. How about that?

Harmful Opinions and KiwiFarms fucked up with a pedo investigation again. So HO made a video on some VTuber who is a Lolicon claiming she is a pedo and found her roommate is a pedo as well. Now of course, with serious stuff like this. Did he do the right now by sending this stuff to the police to fact-check the correct information? Nah! He made a video about it and told KiwiFarms to find this shit for him ruining any chances for a true investigation that the police will ignore as fake news. That is how someone like Kerfuffles got away from being in prison for a while. KiwiFarms or whoever fucked that shit over because they made it public even before leaving PG. Like how am I going to believe that someone is a pedo if all you show is them gooning for lolicon shit and not stuff like some chick DMing underage boys of her tit pics? Unless it's shit like private DMs of Bitty showing her pussy and ass to little Timmy. Then you are not helping protect real kids from these monsters. Also, shit like this can get deleted fast so not only are these guys idiots but they fuck up future investigations of ever going after Bitty. Because of HO and The Broomstick's Batman-style crimefighting. They just make themselves look like fucking idiots in a nutshell. So the rules of Pedo Hunting. If you make a video of said creep before you report them to the police after you made a video on them. You ruined future cases with this VTuber and are making future pedos smart enough to delete any stuff about them online. It's just sad that I have to repeat this crap.

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Look at this mess.
I'm not gonna watch the video but Welper's response makes me raise an eyebrow, he's old enough to know the truth about that question. The "PDF hunters" on the internet are either nonces, violent criminals, or sociopath clout chasers who hide their true nature under the banner of "protectin da kidzz!!!" aka trollshielding like the rapepublican party does. The louder someone brays about unpleasant shit like that unprompted the higher the chance of them being what they claim to abhor.
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Apparently, they are now claiming that Harmful Opinions forwarded this information to the police. That might have worked if he hadn’t made a video about it.

This is similar to what happened with Kuro the Wolf a furry bestiality freak who got off scot-free because KiwiFarms botched that case too by making everything public.

I’m starting to suspect there’s some truth to the idea that they’re the autistic Illuminati. They post everything publicly, which just gives people time to delete everything, and then the police throw out the case. How about that?
Then it's fair to point out that BittyCat is seeking a lawyer to protect herself legally as she recently stated (she's seeking criminal charges against the people that doxed her and charges towards the A-Logs and Weens that made threats to her life as well and maybe seek defamation charges; it sounds like a potential lolsuit that won't go anywhere but she's at least playing it smart so that she can defend herself from stuff like this).

Furthermore, if Harmful Opinions did filed a police report then it was likely after the fact when the videos were made because people kept clowning on him for not doing this first and I guess he may be saying this now so people can get off his ass (he may also be lying for the optics).

Even with that said, I don't think anything will happen. Chances are if BittyCat has contacted her local police department (I assume with her lawyer present) then she can easily show them the death threats being made towards her by the A-Logs and the doxing and then the police will likely conclude it's just another Internet slapfight that is not worth their time and Bitty may just walk away free (it's why Christorians say do not A-Log Chris-Chan and this applies to other lolcows). Even if there are charges brought towards Bitty, she's still playing it smart by archiving everything she can find and speak only when an lawyer is present and she may walk away free anyway with the Kiwis looking like jackasses in the end.

I don't think anything is going to happen to BittyCat and Jersh may probably once again put his foot down like he did with the topic of MrEnter on Kiwi Farms a decade ago by telling his own faggot userbase to calm the fuck down.
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I personally don't have much of a horse in this race (I'll agree with them that the indie vtuber space needs some desperate cleaning up and gatekeeping, and I really don't use X much anymore and actively mute this kind of discourse because it's fucking retarded), but it's probably not a coincidence that it's mostly Welper and Toji in these kinds of threads and responding rather quickly, without a fail. Like between that thread and the Rev Says Desu thread primarily, even seen quick responses in the Sewerslvt and Zesty Jesus threads. Bonus points for some of the genuinely cringe memes they've been posting in the lolicon community thread, and I'd honestly consider this a case of "Staring too long into the abyss and it stares back" in terms of developing borderline lolcow behavior. Either that shit lives rent free in their head 24/7, or they have absolutely nothing better to do but to post on KF all day without any sort of break. Sometimes, I've seen some cases of lying by omission or actively lying about other things (not that it makes what they say "wrong", but rather it makes taking what's being said at face value to be very unreliable). Bittycat isn't a good person to say the least.

Some of the stuff in this long-ass thread is frankly hilarious to see, especially if KF'ers defends people they "agree" with (Nevermind the fact that they'll be quick to cancel anyone who's over that kind of stuff for a while, while actively being buds with Null, who has on record admitted to gooning to Shotacon, up until his moderation of 8chan, which makes the circlejerking around people who like loli characters but not liking MAPs/groomers to be a bit ironic). Seems a bit like a grift in of itself. Best to just treat that site as a website for keeping track of drama rather than any sort of justice serving (outside of Nick Bates and Mr Cynical at least).

But yes, this specific thing is devolving into a Mr Enter scenario, where nobody wins. How long until we see a Earth Updates tier crashout from KF members? There's no winners or losers, only massive autistic faggots embarrassing themselves. And before anyone says anything for me posting here, self proclaimed MAPs and trolls remorse faggots should ack themselves.

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Based on what I've seen and what people told me about Welper, they're a mentally ill Mormon that goons it to the Fate girls and has to take anti-depressants so they don't kill themselves and they're too mentally inept to hold a job. So take away Welper's happy pills and that's the end of them.

As for Toji, based on what people have told me they're some Slovenian guy that doesn't even live in the Western world to begin with as far to my knowledge and they worship fascist ideals (never mind that the classic Fascists of the 20th century saw Slavs in general as an inferior race so he would be seen as a mutt by fascist standards and would not be accepted into the Ayran race). So it's like those retarded LARPing accounts you see on Twitter where they worship the white race and it turns out the people behind those Twitter accounts is some Mexican LARPing as being white.

As for Jersh, I've heard about how he used to goon it Boku no Pico back in the day long before he decided to invest more of his life to Kiwi Farms.

The old saying goes, don't throw stones in glass houses.

Going back to the main topic at hand, it just seems like this shit will devolve in the same way we saw with MrEnter and Kiwi Farms a long time ago.
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It's frustrating to see how the recent pedophilia investigation involving Harmful Opinions and KiwiFarms has been handled. It seems like they might have jumped the gun by making a video about a VTuber accused of being a Lolicon and her roommate, rather than prioritizing a proper police investigation. While I understand the desire to expose potential harm, going public before involving law enforcement can really complicate things. Remember the Kerfuffles case? That situation highlights how premature public exposure can hinder a legitimate investigation.

It's also important to focus on concrete evidence. Simply showing someone's interest in Lolicon content doesn't necessarily prove they're engaging in actual child exploitation. We need clear, irrefutable proof, like direct messages showing inappropriate contact with minors, to really make a difference. Things like screenshots of private conversations where someone is sharing explicit content with a minor are the type of evidence that is needed. Without that, it’s hard to take the claims seriously, and it can even weaken future investigations.

By going public prematurely, like with the VTuber case, there's a risk of evidence being deleted, making it harder for law enforcement to act. This kind of "vigilante" approach, while well-intentioned, can unfortunately sabotage efforts to protect children. It's really crucial to remember that the best way to address these serious issues is by prioritizing official police reports and letting them conduct thorough investigations. I know it's hard to see these mistakes repeated, but hopefully, we can learn from them and do better in the future.

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Look at this mess.
it's funny because the reason why pedo hunters are highly frowned upon is because pedophiles can learn from the stuff they broadcast to evade investigation more effectively. there's a good reason why the police doesn't broadcast when they go after pedophiles and keep their investigation secret
I’m starting to suspect there’s some truth to the idea that they’re the autistic Illuminati. They post everything publicly, which just gives people time to delete everything, and then the police throw out the case. How about that?
I think the idea is that they want to point the Police to KF so they can use it as some sort of official source for researching things about wierdos online. Null himself has stated multiple times that he wants KF to be the ex-facto source of information or some shit like that.

Which is dumb, because with the amount of skeletons the site has in the closet (especially Null himself), it will HEAVILY bite them in the ass.
Even with that said, I don't think anything will happen. Chances are if BittyCat has contacted her local police department (I assume with her lawyer present) then she can easily show them the death threats being made towards her by the A-Logs and the doxing and then the police will likely conclude it's just another Internet slapfight that is not worth their time and Bitty may just walk away free (it's why Christorians say do not A-Log Chris-Chan and this applies to other lolcows). Even if there are charges brought towards Bitty, she's still playing it smart by archiving everything she can find and speak only when an lawyer is present and she may walk away free anyway with the Kiwis looking like jackasses in the end.
Sooooooo goonclown 2.0? Or she not as bad?
I don't think anything is going to happen to BittyCat and Jersh may probably once again put his foot down like he did with the topic of MrEnter on Kiwi Farms a decade ago by telling his own faggot userbase to calm the fuck down.
There are 3 things that you can count on in life: Death, taxes, and Moon making the worse possible choices with his userbase. The only times he bothers to take a stand is with absolutely retarded sticker shit.
it's funny because the reason why pedo hunters are highly frowned upon is because pedophiles can learn from the stuff they broadcast to evade investigation more effectively. there's a good reason why the police doesn't broadcast when they go after pedophiles and keep their investigation secret
TBF there isn't much to be learned. The pedos who get caught are the lowest hanging fruit who are either too stupid or desperate to bother with hiding anything.
I think the idea is that they want to point the Police to KF so they can use it as some sort of official source for researching things about wierdos online. Null himself has stated multiple times that he wants KF to be the ex-facto source of information or some shit like that.

Which is dumb, because with the amount of skeletons the site has in the closet (especially Null himself), it will HEAVILY bite them in the ass.
Could you imagine if he ever was compelled to testify in front of congress or a public trial? My ribs are tickled.

"Mister moon, could you please explain to us what 'neko shota' is? This archived statement here says you masturbate to pictures of 13 year old boys wearing cat ears, is this true?"
Yeah A.I shitposting is just a higher quality version of the memes that were profound back in the early 2010's. Of course the generation that'll only grow up as A.I as their source finder will only attest to A.I, plus there's the fact A.I can do all the heavy lifting for you.

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What is with these slop posts, "If someone showed me this in a vaccum".
This guy was crying about how his beloved SCP fandom has become le heckin woke BTW. his name is a nod to his splinter project with blackjack and christian hookers.
it's funny because the reason why pedo hunters are highly frowned upon is because pedophiles can learn from the stuff they broadcast to evade investigation more effectively
This comes down to how you want to define "Pedo hunter". From my knowledge, the "rules" are: Don't make first contact, as that can be seen as "entrapment". Traditionally it was a case of, set up an account, of fictional minor, on whatever social media site, wait for the Chester to contact them. Let the nonce suggest meeting up, and then contact the police when they turn up.

I've seen a video, where the nonce hunters set up an account with details saying they were over 18, but when the guy turned up, they just started calling him a nonce and started assaulting him. That was purely for clicks.

Null himself has stated multiple times that he wants KF to be the ex-facto source of information or some shit like that.
Yeeeah. And Stephen Yaxley Lennon said he hates nonces, yet ran defense for an EDL member who got caught with CSAM on his laptop. Yaxley did the "It was already on the laptop, and anyway, it wasn't that bad.

Reminder: Procrastihater boasted that they would bait people into posting CSAM, then "archive" it. If. You. Know. What. I. Mean.