Five Years Of Ashley Hutsell Renee Aka Register on Lounge96 still being a FAT and Lazy!
An Onion Among Onions
You were just typing before he was complaining about unfinished indie games, now you're stating "No he's right, he's talking about most indie games and I agree with him."And? Have you seen most indie games? they pretty much are like how he described.
In my post I was pointing that the dude is just ignoring the vast majority of indie games that do succeed.
I agree with this, but the again his statement was:As from what I've encountered, they generally only care about milking paypigs for as long as possible until they get removed for fraud. Then they cry about how "unfair" it was. Fuck anyone who wanted a full version because they never intended to actually finish the game. Often there is not even an end goal ever planned when asked. They are also prone to ban any volunteers and censor any constructive criticism. labeling it "hate" on their project.
>I have zero respect for indie-developers as a whole since they are only capable of making pixel shit or RTX tech demos.
There were no ifs, and's, or buts in this quote.