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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
That's what most people get doxed over. I don't know how you can look at what they posted and think the BP posters are worse than whatever gremlin-like lifeform Forsaken Wanderer turned out to be.
Does it even count as a dox if all they have to do is Google your username? I feel like he doxed himself... If it even is him.

Remember the Daniel "doxed" that one user based on a random comment from a troll account in a YouTube comment section?
>runs trains

America's train transportation system sucks ass. Amtrak is a nightmare to ride on compared to countries that have since privatized their railways (like Japan where many of their subways, railways, and train stations are privately owned which is why they are famous for being on time 99% of the time). I do think the government is needed to provide emergency services when it comes to mass transit but countries like Japan prove you can have a much more efficient transportation system by privatizing it.

>medical care

Like that Canadian healthcare (where they now tell their own citizens to off themselves as a cure for an illness)? Don't make me laugh. America is the only developed country that doesn't have a taxpayer-based healthcare system but it still has the best quality doctors in the world (because capitalism creatives incentive to innovate and get better). The Nordic countries do not count either because those countries can only make their government run healthcare systems work because of their cohesive cultures that compliments their socialist programs but their socialist models can very easily be destroyed as they import more and more sub-80 IQ migrants that don't want to assimilate to Nordic culture which can in turn cripple these government run institutions (like their taxpayer=based healthcare system). Even the British royal family will travel to America for healthcare treatment because the healthcare system in the UK doesn't have much incentive to come up with better and inventive ways to treat their patients.


It takes fucking forever for any city or state government to fix their roads. Why are toll roads are often more reliable and less chaotic than government run freeways? Because toll roads have an incentive to keep drivers happy with less chaotic traffic and better maintain their roads. This isn't saying that we should turn every neighborhood road and freeway in America into a toll road (that's dumb) but it be much better for Americans to have their city and state governments start privatizing the maintenance of roads; public roads would be still be free to use but privatization of road repair rather than just leaving this solely to the government would make America's roads less shitty.


Then why are there are now calls to abolish the Department of Education if America's government centralized education system is so great? It's not much of a coincidence that America's place in education compared to other countries have dropped down significantly in the ranks since then. Going back to the Nordic countries, they are ranked high up because they do allow things like school choice for students and encourage parents to consider private school as an option. There's also Japan where countries like that invest more into both public and private education rather than using their taxpayer money to start another dumb endless war in the Middle East (so you should be questioning war propaganda more often in why education in America sucks).


Many of America's public parks are shitholes. Try going to Central Park in New York City or at MacArthur Park in Los Angeles at night, you're not going to last long with the seedy characters everywhere. Even during the day often those parks aren't safe. I've been to my fair share of private city parks and they are amazing compared to going to a public park where the government does the bare minimum (a restroom in a private park makes you feel like you're in a five star hotel compared to a restroom in a public park where you feel like you've entered a dangerous third-world country).

This is pretty much the Far-Right's version worshiping weakness "Don't worry about it, just let the government do the thinking and choices for you". This way of thinking that the government is always better than the free market is pure midwittery at its best (not much different in how people like Hassan or Vaush preaches when they say you should depend on the government for a better standard of living).

Kiwi Farms doesn't understand economics.
I agree that private, for-profit entities will almost always outperform government agencies, as the latter has no incentive to make or save money, leading to a loss of efficiency.

Null vibes
Does it even count as a dox if all they have to do is Google your username? I feel like he doxed himself... If it even is him.

Remember the Daniel "doxed" that one user based on a random comment from a troll account in a YouTube comment section?
It's seems pretty likely it's him. They use the same type of username and profile picture and complain about the exact same things in the exact same way. Not to mention the foot pic.
Does it even count as a dox if all they have to do is Google your username? I feel like he doxed himself... If it even is him.

Remember the Daniel "doxed" that one user based on a random comment from a troll account in a YouTube comment section?
Looking at the quotes, and the user, it probably is him. Reminds me of Geth47 who used the same username when he was a mod on a feet wiki.
I had to actually google the acronym for that because there's multiple things that is associated with GNC... such as the vitamine shop

Turns out it means "Gender Non-Conforming". Why the fuck are KiwiFarmers using tumblr speak?

Tumblr is very very popular even now. Has lots of influence and tons of people used it back in its heyday. There were active /pol/ colonies back on tumblr for example. And truthfully the website started out as more center left and open to RW ideas before Obama's second term. Occupy Wallstreet is when a lot of common tumblrisms were codified.

I have also observed that kids will just naturally contrast what they were brought up with or liked, we all do it. Kwiffar starting out as tumblrinas who then transitioned to a RW website because it's pro-Palestine and has gossip chambers to tear down other women? It's more likely than you think. Lots of trannies started out as good Christian kids before they got molested by Pastor Dad before choir practice.
lovely post.PNG

So this is one of those rare times that people on KF are self-aware. I like this one a lot because through all of the lacking with self-awareness the site contains, there's tiny glimpses like this post by Spunt more charitable. Also Cancerman should've died ages ago, the retards content was just never good and was a updooted commentary retard.
View attachment 79807
Very tiny, undermined by this. This is just the same sucking up to joshy. The hivemind exists because people know they will get banned for disagreeing with joshy, or get a pink triangle.
Yeah you're right actually, maybe the post was lacking awareness too.
I think that is just trying to appease a bit to not be censored. What Spunt said is more than most people there can get away with and I hope he doesn't get jannied for this.
Didn't that dumb bitch Anita get bodied because she had a "wedding dress themed birthday party" lmao. Watching her slink into irrelevancy and abject loneliness is actually a pretty satisfying outcome.
She’s really become the butt of the joke after that fake wedding debacle. It’s like she’s transformed into a female incel—or femcel, for short.