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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Just... make her wear a minimizer bra if you don't want to show big tits in something?
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"oh it looks like troon surgery!" NO SHIT? It went from great tits to flat, scarred and deformed "pecs", it was even posted at some point in the SRS thread and you still wonder?
Insert this sound effect as you cut (see what I did there?) to the second row of pictures for the pooner surgery.
Clash of the Null simps.
I don't know if I consider reproducing an inherent win. You may argue it is biologically but most of your genes will be gone in about 7 generations.
I've known borderline retarded parents that are under guardianship legally of their own parents. It's unfair to the child because even if they don't have any bad intentions at all, they neglect their children by accident through their lack of intelligence and foresight.

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There is something to be said for maintaining a strong bloodline. Can't do that without reproducing. Royalty in different parts of the world sometimes thinks that means incest, but that leads to a retarded bloodline.
Assassin's Slop consoomer keeps consooming and excusing (badly) his consooming of slop media.
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People like cordion are the reason Ubisoft and other big companies keep releasing minimum effort slop. Why bothering when you have whales that will buy anything?
>modern AC feels so good for completely 0 IQ after-work relaxation
>0 IQ after-work relaxation

So a couple of things...
  1. How much brainpower is this person devoting to other games?
    1. Follow-Up: What kind of games is this person playing where they need a lot of IQ to play it?
  2. Achievements are gay and is part of the cancer ruining vidya. A lot of them are wierd shit too, either they're piss easy "congradulations, you beat level 1" participation trophies, or wtf "beat X level in Y amount of time with Z character" bullshit.
  3. >unironically using Epic