• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Axiom the Sucker PLs a bit here. "Rewatching SEVERAL times" the video of some nutter blowing his brains out over some Icelandic Little My tribute act.
Anyone else getting 502 errors?
Something to do with the surge in people looking at destiny suck dick, or so we are led to believe. While Steven is the Katy Price whore to see this as a marketing opportunity, maybe someone else in those vids might just be annoyed... after all their job is professional cam whoring.

Although, isn't it getting to be a bit of a seasonal tradition for the site to go down around Xmas?
2012 /pol/ never bitched about jews and nigs nearly as much as modern KF bitches about incels and trannies
>modern AC feels so good for completely 0 IQ after-work relaxation
>0 IQ after-work relaxation

So a couple of things...
  1. How much brainpower is this person devoting to other games?
    1. Follow-Up: What kind of games is this person playing where they need a lot of IQ to play it?
  2. Achievements are gay and is part of the cancer ruining vidya. A lot of them are wierd shit too, either they're piss easy "congradulations, you beat level 1" participation trophies, or wtf "beat X level in Y amount of time with Z character" bullshit.
  3. >unironically using Epic
Just so everyone knows, this same cordion guy was in the pyrocynical thread talking about how based it was that pyro was open about his fetishes. Cordion also mentioned in that thread he was involved in a discord server with femboys and what not.
Oopsie Doodle

02:11 PM, 01 Dec 2024
I have completely run out of time. We're waiting on 200 MILLION+ rows of xf_user_alerts importing over 8 fucking hours. All of this shit is just "Dipshit faggot retard rated your post autistic" over and over and over again for 10 years.

There will be 2 continuous days of downtime. I will not have a chance to finish the repair today.

Hope hosting revenge porn was worth it fat fuck.
And he's been complaining about XenForo for years so he only has himself to blame.
Oopsie Doodle

02:11 PM, 01 Dec 2024
I have completely run out of time. We're waiting on 200 MILLION+ rows of xf_user_alerts importing over 8 fucking hours. All of this shit is just "Dipshit faggot retard rated your post autistic" over and over and over again for 10 years.

There will be 2 continuous days of downtime. I will not have a chance to finish the repair today.

Hope hosting revenge porn was worth it fat fuck
I love that Jocelyn torched her own site to get back at a man who wronged her two years ago, this unique scorched earth bitterness is another one of Joshuas many feminine traits.