you're going to be sleepyRight on. I'm punchy from lack of sleep and I just took like 5 mg of Klonopin so I'm like... Only halfway here right now lol.
you're going to be sleepyRight on. I'm punchy from lack of sleep and I just took like 5 mg of Klonopin so I'm like... Only halfway here right now lol.
Course it sounds like Josh only he would be selfish enough to commit suicide in a way that inflicts suffering on his loved ones.
you're going to be sleepy
Well I mean at one point he did have loved ones he already burned through all them.What loved ones? Nobody could live someone like him.
I didn't know there's was such a thing of too high.Nah I'm used to it dude. I can't smoke pot because I'm allergic so this is how I get high.
I didn't know there's was such a thing of too high.
@Time 4 Guillotines you're not fooling anyone.I don't have a main but if I did Kengle is making it redirect to a different forum again
If the sock doesn't fit you must acquit
View attachment 68377
Gee I wonder why no matter how pretty in the face she is, normal guys won't date a fatass (250 pounds = around 113 kg, and probably a tiny woman)...
That's right buddy nobody's ever going to make a fool of you. EVER.@Time 4 Guillotines you're not fooling anyone.
This but unironically. Unlike how I'm currently making a fool out of you.That's right buddy nobody's ever going to make a fool of you. EVER.
guns are phallic so this is a gay way to die imoblowing your fucking brains out and traumatizing whoever finds you for life.
999999999999999999999999999 dollars this didn't happen
And that woman was Albert Einstein.999999999999999999999999999 dollars this didn't happen
Her idea of peak men's fashion is a weaboo runway homosexualOh god not this bitch again.
"Yas men dress sooooo badly and boring, they should dress more like THIS! Sooooo much better!"
View attachment 68541
...I think I prefer the "usual moid uniform of graphic tee and cargo shorts" outfit.
just like any whuite supremacist claiming they're the champions of whuite race™ while ironically be a bunch of cocksuckers for nips and east asiansHer idea of peak men's fashion is a weaboo runway homosexual
Oh boy it's the Yohji Yamamoto Fall/Winter 2011 look book but on a black guy. Where did you get these stunning and brave fashion takes Jaws of Hell?Oh god not this bitch again.
"Yas men dress sooooo badly and boring, they should dress more like THIS! Sooooo much better!"
View attachment 68541
...I think I prefer the "usual moid uniform of graphic tee and cargo shorts" outfits.
This dude was guilty, and all the other criminals the "Set Nigger Criminals Free" Project are also deserving of the rope. They'll try to bandy about a bunch of numbers, or justification about it, but its all extremely exaggerated and primarily bullshit after-the-fact nitpicking by a Jew-funded group that wants to free as many murderous niggers as possible. These people aren't actually innocent, they just get sprung from jail and their convictions vacated by underhanded social engineering, well funded legal maneuvering, and the willing cooperation of government cucks that share their goals.
I cannot emphasize enough that that the current government wants as many violent nigger criminals on the street as possible, and these 'Innocence Project exonerations' are only possible because they provide a plausible justification for setting known violent killers loose. They are a tool of White Genocide, nothing more, and I'll walk you through the process.
First the innocence project looks for likely targets by bringing up the lists of violent criminals that might be good candidates, i.e very violent. Once they have a pool of likely scumbags, they hunt for low hanging fruit they can use to discount the trial/conviction, usually by:
1) DNA testing anything within 5 miles of the crime scene, and no matter the outcome say it justifies overturning the trial. They will twist any result, ignoring preservation issues or relevance.
2) Pore over the files and perform a cadaver synod of the original trial to find something, anything, they can plausibly try to twist into a Brady violation or civil rights issue. Cop uses the word 'spook' to describe being startled, or the DA office failed to turn over a post it note, whatever.
3) Fabricate 'new' evidence by deception or outright forgery, like paying actors to impersonate police or witnesses, to throw doubt on the original convictions.
Once they feel they have found or fabricated enough bullshit for a given shitbag, they activate the programmed drones in media and online to start a huge campaign about how Jarvonrious "Hoe-Stabber" Quavarious is an innocent dindu nuffin that is only in jail because of racism, corrupt cops, etc. It has nothing to do with the eye-witnesses, forensic evidence, and his confession. Nope, its all racism! Anyway, after putting forth a massive amount of social pressure, usually to a Soros DA, faggot judge or other government losers that wanted to free the criminal anyway, they file a number of spurious motions. Since the DA/Judgefag is usually on their side anyway, they agree, using all the social pressure and fabricated 'evidence' as their plausible deniability to do the thing they wanted to do anyway (set a killer loose because he's a nigger.)
Now, if the original trial is vacated, it is possible that charges could be brought again and the killer could, theoretically, go back to jail. However, there are two problems with that. First is that usually the local DA is a Soros-puppet and wouldn't prosecute a nigger even if a killing was caught in 4K, because anarcho-tyranny is a favored tool of communist fucks that should be first against the wall. The second issue is that, even if you assumed they wanted to, most of these cases are decades old - which mean witnesses are dead or can't remember, the cops long retired, evidence not preserved, and there has been months of lying press contaminating the jury pool. Which all adds up to not a high likelihood of conviction, so why waste money chasing it? (Obviously for justice, and to keep them from killing again.)
Then the Innocence Project and their fag media friends go full court presser claiming that Jarvonrious has been fully exonerated and is totally innocent, give them money and praise! Also, give lots of tax money to him so he can get high and kill again! Just further victimizing not only the families of the murdered person, but the entire public by stealing their tax dollars and poisoning the well of the court's credibility. This is the real goal, to undermine the justice system and usher in 'reforms' that will prevent violent criminals from ever being held responsible for their crimes, demoralizing and terrorizing the population to help usher in their racial revolution. This is the entire point of anarcho-tyranny, they want the forces of criminality and chaos to roam unfettered as both a genocidal and destabilizing force, and these 'Innocence Project' freaks are doing it one jogger at a time.
Personally, I feel that if a nog is found guilty of any violent crime they should be taken out behind the Courthouse and shot within the hour like the rabid animals they are.
My possibly most schizo belief is that trans kids could never have happened without society first landing on "spay and neuter your pets" as a no-ifs-ands-or-buts idea.
If you love your pet, sterilize them. No, Fido and Fluffy do not need a litter in any way to help them mature, dumbass, just sterilize your pets! Do it because you love them. Do it even when they're little puppies and kittens, it's better that way, takes out the risk. People who don't spay and neuter are animal abusers.
Well, we all know pets are kid-surrogates. The next step was when people started having their first adult pets before marriage and kids, to ensure that people having their first kid had already made the choice to sterilize their favorite creature in the universe out of love.
A depressing number of kids getting these procedures talk about them in pet terms, "getting fixed." And this cultural fixation (pun unintended) means that parents have a way to justify permanent sterilization. It's already something we do to the creatures we love, who depend on us to know what is right.