Five Years Of Ashley Hutsell Renee Aka Register on Lounge96 still being a FAT and Lazy!
An Onion Among Onions
Very democrat of Null, pretend users are alive when in actuality they're 'dead' and not coming back.I've mentioned this before, and I'm 100% sure it's intentional and working as designed.
It makes the bans a lot less visible, and so goes a long way to hide the fact that literally half of what would be the daily active userbase is fucking banned. It makes the site seem more prosperous than it actually is. There are millions of posts by banned users on Kiwi Farms.
You may be well known on one board but a complete nobody on a bunch of others. If you're banned, a small number of people might connect the dots. A still smaller number of people actually know what happened. A lot of people have no idea you're banned, because Nigger @Null goes out of his way to hide it. It is only the high profile ones that can't be swept under the rug, the ones he's forced to talk about. Like Android Raptor.
I'm 90% sure if I didn't crash his stupid podcast that nobody would have even known that his dumb nigger ass had banned me.
It reminds me very strongly of the Soviet government and how they disappeared people whom they didn't like.