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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Since shameless self promotion is apparently kosher here as long as it's funny, someone quoted me

The only way to prevent Josh from spam banning you is to inb4 it because then he's compelled by ODD (opossum) law to not do it
Since shameless self promotion is apparently kosher here as long as it's funny, someone quoted me
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The only way to prevent Josh from spam banning you is to inb4 it because then he's compelled by ODD (opossum) law to not do it
It's not a complete failsafe plan but it works for a long time. Don't bring up Mumsy Dearest or his eyebrow raising porn habits though.
No regerts, m8. You put in plenty of bad vibes. I'm just disappointed you've allegedly not returned to run it back. Be the sock nigger you don't wish to see on the forums
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Honestly it's more of a branding thing at this point. I've been "polonium" on shitposting forums for coming up on two decades without needing a sock.
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*Coping over a Josh's mention on EDF and that's why the thread was made to bitch and moan
i don't think a site that suffered data breach after data breach has any right to shit talk others. especially when its owner gives a retarded solution like this.

yes goy, just copy kiwifarms and suffer damages that are more severe than ED's.
Some choice quotes Worm would rather you forget.
"I'm not actually racist or transphobic guys haha I was just being edgy!"
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There's lots more than what I've posted. TurkeyTom and Mutahar will likely not discuss this cancel attempt beside a few mentions on Twitter because they know they can't defend this to their audience. It'll be quickly memoryholed. "Hiring and paying a racist and transphobic Kiwifarmer" rings better than Keffals, who is still around, scamming people out of money.
Tom and Mutahar have made videos that references JustAWorm. Mutahar doesn't mention him by name but says he was referred to him by Tom. Tom does something very brave and that is come out against Keffals after its popular to do and after Mutahar's video he refers to on many occasions. Tom mentions Worm and his cancelation in his new video, failing to mention Worm's history on Kiwifarms and his blatant, unabashed racism and transphobia.

Tom the coward telling half-truths. Tom the safe-edgy zoomer who won't come out against people until it's popular to.
They say they hate trannies but most of them i found out are Trans doxing other trans people. its Gay vs Gay

Theres a lot of crossover as well since you have the gossip faghags and the radfems who hate men, but their focus is especially on the men in dresses atm.
Haven't seen sprate reply to the splinter thread on kf in a while since he last tried to catch W on us after we caught on him on his bullshit
forsaken wanderer.png
"When you say that your life is "pretty good" I assume you are blotting out the rapidly changing demographics, the destruction of food and energy, the ever rising cost of living, the loss of worker's rights and dignity, the children being cut up in the name of the rainbow cult, the brainwashed Marxist thugs killing people in the streets, jungle niggers and sand niggers bloodying their machetes, the various NGO plots to poison us all and to blot out the sun, being betrayed by our own governments, and so on."
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"When you say that your life is "pretty good" I assume you are blotting out the rapidly changing demographics, the destruction of food and energy, the ever rising cost of living, the loss of worker's rights and dignity, the children being cut up in the name of the rainbow cult, the brainwashed Marxist thugs killing people in the streets, jungle niggers and sand niggers bloodying their machetes, the various NGO plots to poison us all and to blot out the sun, being betrayed by our own governments, and so on."
Uhhh, Yeah I'd rather not do dumbass shit that niggers outside are doing and absolutely stay in the non-hot zone. I'd also rather much prefer to preserve my damn money like some SMART people.
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"When you say that your life is "pretty good" I assume you are blotting out the rapidly changing demographics, the destruction of food and energy, the ever rising cost of living, the loss of worker's rights and dignity, the children being cut up in the name of the rainbow cult, the brainwashed Marxist thugs killing people in the streets, jungle niggers and sand niggers bloodying their machetes, the various NGO plots to poison us all and to blot out the sun, being betrayed by our own governments, and so on."

These posts are incredibly similar to the doomposting on Something Awful. They make the exact same posts except they name Jews, Christians, white people, and Republicans as the cause of their problems.

On Something Awful some users have suicide pacts with each other. I wonder if Kiwi niggers will do the same thing.
I wonder if Kiwi niggers will do the same thing.
they will certainly do. remember, this is kiwifarms. a site that's a synthesis between somethingAwful and reddit.

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"When you say that your life is "pretty good" I assume you are blotting out the rapidly changing demographics, the destruction of food and energy, the ever rising cost of living, the loss of worker's rights and dignity, the children being cut up in the name of the rainbow cult, the brainwashed Marxist thugs killing people in the streets, jungle niggers and sand niggers bloodying their machetes, the various NGO plots to poison us all and to blot out the sun, being betrayed by our own governments, and so on."
lmao, this is the most generic right-wing fappery I've seen in a while. so many shit in that post that's just regurgitation of many repeated schizo retardations