• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
The incels at Sanctioned Suicide promote (and sell) potassium nitrite because it's an excruciating and slow death there's no really pulling you back from with medical intervention. Supposedly because they want you to think long and hard before committing but it's to maximize the suffering of their victims
Yeah they're fucked up. At least Canada offers an alternative that is more painless.
If someone wanted to go out in a blaze of glory they should rig an explosive to themselves and jump out of a plane or helicopter over a crowd and detonate it at the perfect height so it explodes raining their blood organs and body parts all over the crowd with never gonna give you up playing instead of setting themselves on fire or doing suicide by cop after a mass shooting.
Reason: Bonus points if you do it in a church because then mass shooting would work as a pun.
I see you guys arguing about trannies and their history. I think you're all forgetting how we got here.

In the land before time, all people of every kind existed, but we didn't have neat categories to stuff them into. We didn't know about things like schitzophrenia, drug addiction, Down syndrome, etc. We only knew of yes-yeses like Jews, no-nos like heretical behavior (thing Jesus was nailed to a cross for), and obvious things like homosexuality and bestiality. Nobody knew what a tranny was back then, not even trannies.

In modern times, but before the current tranny cult craze, trannies were simply people with a mental condition called gender dysphoria, the treatments to which were carefully gatekept. If a person with gender dysporhia didn't stand a realistic chance at passing, they were strongly discouraged from trooning out, because such a treatment wouldn't be very effective. It would create more problems than it solved. Numbers of affected individuals were fairly small. You could go your whole life and potentially not meet a tranny, and if you did, you might not realize they were biologically the other gender. And most of them weren't going to tell you, because that kinda defeats the purpose of passing. I think most reasonable people could live with this version of tranny.

Meanwhile the ever growing membership of the alphabet people (all of the random letters after LGB) started making their own rules, completely outside of academic or medical oversight. First it was the queers, then the non-binary people, the third gender people, the agenders, shit like that. Then came the self-diagnosed gender dysphoria people, most of whom don't actually suffer from the condition. People not otherwise involved started taking notice. The pedophile saw trannydom as a vehicle to access kids in a somewhat more plausable, or at least more secretive, way. The narcissist saw how much attention, and more specifically affirmation, trannies were getting. The trenders that infect literally every club, fandom, following, and movement saw the next big thing they could claim to be a part of. The investors saw a chance to make big money selling medically unnessacary estrogen and vaginoplasties, among other things. Soon an unstoppable hype train was roaring out of the station, with the shekelgrubbing Israeli ratkike engineer (I think his name is Casey? Strange name for a Jew) doing lines of coke off the control stand as he slammed the throttle into notch 8. In an unfortunate turn of events, the train miraculously did not derail on the first corner. It's sorta like how that guy from The Apprentice became President. Actually, maybe they took inspiration from his historic win.

So many people joined the circus-on-rails. Much bullshit polluted reality. Trannies think they're better than women. "Men" give birth. Real women are referred to as "birthing people". Middle-class retards forcibly troon out their kids because it's trendy. Gross, mentally ill freaks get free money from the Internet through ebegging and grifting. Doctors, school personnel, and especially troons all try to railroad vulnerable people into victimhood. The doctors themselves are actually being railroaded into pushing this bullshit. They invented the concept of misgendering because it's impossible to tell what gender most of theese freaks are presenting as just by looking at them or their name, because obviously you're just supposed to know what their (often totally made up) pronouns are. So many people are afraid to say anything even slightly critical of the tranny menace. After all, you will 100% affirm, or else you are Hitler. What a drastic departure from the old days, when trannies begged for the chance to fit in with normal people and were happy to simply exist in peace.

The hype circus train has turned into a full on cult. A circus cult chock full of depraved freakshows like Luke Roberts and (in my personal Jewish opinion) closeted individuals like Joshua Conner Moon. Public opinion is now highly polarized and misinformation dominates, again much like the situation with our last President. Most people don't give a fuck about trannies other than to use the cause as a reason to virtue signal (for or against, doesn't matter) or to have something to argue about. Journoscum use them to write bullshit articles. Everybody with a platform is lying and grifting and calling the other side evil. Even the supposed last bastion of True and Honest truth and freeze peach, Kiwi Farms, has skeletons in it's closet (byuu DID kill himself, the troon broom knew this for a year and still pushed the false narrative). Troons themselves lie about their past, insisting that they never existed as their pre-troon self, and often lie about many of their past accomplishments or lack thereof, even when evidence to the contrary is freely available (social media, YouTube, etc).

99% of current-day trannies don't have gender dysphoria. In fact, they invented a word, truscum, to describe members of the old guard who insist, correctly, that one must suffer from bonafide gender dysphoria to be a tranny. They'll happily call you truscum or Hitler, but they do get really butthurt when you call them names. See what happens when you call Null a faggot, for example.

This all happened primarily because the OG trannies and the other LGBTs failed to gatekeep. Thankfully, the tranny train is running out of steam (diesel? rainbow farts?) though. Unfortunatey, I strongly suspect it will be replaced by something much worse: the pedophile rights movement.

Don't know about you, but I'd personally rather be Hitler than affirm the delusions of a mentally ill freak.
My girlfriend immigrated here when she was still a euthanasia.

If someone wanted to go out in a blaze of glory they should rig an explosive to themselves and jump out of a plane or helicopter over a crowd and detonate it at the perfect height so it explodes raining his blood organs and body parts all over the crowd with never gonna give you up playing instead of setting themselves on fire or doing suicide by cop after a mass shooting.
I've always liked that 4chan post about how you should tie a noose with razor wire, super glue your hands to your head and jump from a high building so you look like ripped your head off.
I see you guys arguing about trannies and their history. I think you're all forgetting how we got here.

In the land before time, all people of every kind existed, but we didn't have neat categories to stuff them into. We didn't know about things like schitzophrenia, drug addiction, Down syndrome, etc. We only knew of yes-yeses like Jews, no-nos like heretical behavior (thing Jesus was nailed to a cross for), and obvious things like homosexuality and bestiality. Nobody knew what a tranny was back then, not even trannies.

In modern times, but before the current tranny cult craze, trannies were simply people with a mental condition called gender dysphoria, the treatments to which were carefully gatekept. If a person with gender dysporhia didn't stand a realistic chance at passing, they were strongly discouraged from trooning out, because such a treatment wouldn't be very effective. It would create more problems than it solved. Numbers of affected individuals were fairly small. You could go your whole life and potentially not meet a tranny, and if you did, you might not realize they were biologically the other gender. And most of them weren't going to tell you, because that kinda defeats the purpose of passing. I think most reasonable people could live with this version of tranny.

Meanwhile the ever growing membership of the alphabet people (all of the random letters after LGB) started making their own rules, completely outside of academic or medical oversight. First it was the queers, then the non-binary people, the third gender people, the agenders, shit like that. Then came the self-diagnosed gender dysphoria people, most of whom don't actually suffer from the condition. People not otherwise involved started taking notice. The pedophile saw trannydom as a vehicle to access kids in a somewhat more plausable, or at least more secretive, way. The narcissist saw how much attention, and more specifically affirmation, trannies were getting. The trenders that infect literally every club, fandom, following, and movement saw the next big thing they could claim to be a part of. The investors saw a chance to make big money selling medically unnessacary estrogen and vaginoplasties, among other things. Soon an unstoppable hype train was roaring out of the station, with the shekelgrubbing Israeli ratkike engineer (I think his name is Casey? Strange name for a Jew) doing lines of coke off the control stand as he slammed the throttle into notch 8. In an unfortunate turn of events, the train miraculously did not derail on the first corner. It's sorta like how that guy from The Apprentice became President. Actually, maybe they took inspiration from his historic win.

So many people joined the circus-on-rails. Much bullshit polluted reality. Trannies think they're better than women. "Men" give birth. Real women are referred to as "birthing people". Middle-class retards forcibly troon out their kids because it's trendy. Gross, mentally ill freaks get free money from the Internet through ebegging and grifting. Doctors, school personnel, and especially troons all try to railroad vulnerable people into victimhood. The doctors themselves are actually being railroaded into pushing this bullshit. They invented the concept of misgendering because it's impossible to tell what gender most of theese freaks are presenting as just by looking at them or their name, because obviously you're just supposed to know what their (often totally made up) pronouns are. So many people are afraid to say anything even slightly critical of the tranny menace. After all, you will 100% affirm, or else you are Hitler. What a drastic departure from the old days, when trannies begged for the chance to fit in with normal people and were happy to simply exist in peace.

The hype circus train has turned into a full on cult. A circus cult chock full of depraved freakshows like Luke Roberts and (in my personal Jewish opinion) closeted individuals like Joshua Conner Moon. Public opinion is now highly polarized and misinformation dominates, again much like the situation with our last President. Most people don't give a fuck about trannies other than to use the cause as a reason to virtue signal (for or against, doesn't matter) or to have something to argue about. Journoscum use them to write bullshit articles. Everybody with a platform is lying and grifting and calling the other side evil. Even the supposed last bastion of True and Honest truth and freeze peach, Kiwi Farms, has skeletons in it's closet (byuu DID kill himself, the troon broom knew this for a year and still pushed the false narrative). Troons themselves lie about their past, insisting that they never existed as their pre-troon self, and often lie about many of their past accomplishments or lack thereof, even when evidence to the contrary is freely available (social media, YouTube, etc).

99% of current-day trannies don't have gender dysphoria. In fact, they invented a word, truscum, to describe members of the old guard who insist, correctly, that one must suffer from bonafide gender dysphoria to be a tranny. They'll happily call you truscum or Hitler, but they do get really butthurt when you call them names. See what happens when you call Null a faggot, for example.

This all happened primarily because the OG trannies and the other LGBTs failed to gatekeep. Thankfully, the tranny train is running out of steam (diesel? rainbow farts?) though. Unfortunatey, I strongly suspect it will be replaced by something much worse: the pedophile rights movement.
No one is reading all that.
I see you guys arguing about trannies and their history. I think you're all forgetting how we got here.

In the land before time, all people of every kind existed, but we didn't have neat categories to stuff them into. We didn't know about things like schitzophrenia, drug addiction, Down syndrome, etc. We only knew of yes-yeses like Jews, no-nos like heretical behavior (thing Jesus was nailed to a cross for), and obvious things like homosexuality and bestiality. Nobody knew what a tranny was back then, not even trannies.

In modern times, but before the current tranny cult craze, trannies were simply people with a mental condition called gender dysphoria, the treatments to which were carefully gatekept. If a person with gender dysporhia didn't stand a realistic chance at passing, they were strongly discouraged from trooning out, because such a treatment wouldn't be very effective. It would create more problems than it solved. Numbers of affected individuals were fairly small. You could go your whole life and potentially not meet a tranny, and if you did, you might not realize they were biologically the other gender. And most of them weren't going to tell you, because that kinda defeats the purpose of passing. I think most reasonable people could live with this version of tranny.

Meanwhile the ever growing membership of the alphabet people (all of the random letters after LGB) started making their own rules, completely outside of academic or medical oversight. First it was the queers, then the non-binary people, the third gender people, the agenders, shit like that. Then came the self-diagnosed gender dysphoria people, most of whom don't actually suffer from the condition. People not otherwise involved started taking notice. The pedophile saw trannydom as a vehicle to access kids in a somewhat more plausable, or at least more secretive, way. The narcissist saw how much attention, and more specifically affirmation, trannies were getting. The trenders that infect literally every club, fandom, following, and movement saw the next big thing they could claim to be a part of. The investors saw a chance to make big money selling medically unnessacary estrogen and vaginoplasties, among other things. Soon an unstoppable hype train was roaring out of the station, with the shekelgrubbing Israeli ratkike engineer (I think his name is Casey? Strange name for a Jew) doing lines of coke off the control stand as he slammed the throttle into notch 8. In an unfortunate turn of events, the train miraculously did not derail on the first corner. It's sorta like how that guy from The Apprentice became President. Actually, maybe they took inspiration from his historic win.

So many people joined the circus-on-rails. Much bullshit polluted reality. Trannies think they're better than women. "Men" give birth. Real women are referred to as "birthing people". Middle-class retards forcibly troon out their kids because it's trendy. Gross, mentally ill freaks get free money from the Internet through ebegging and grifting. Doctors, school personnel, and especially troons all try to railroad vulnerable people into victimhood. The doctors themselves are actually being railroaded into pushing this bullshit. They invented the concept of misgendering because it's impossible to tell what gender most of theese freaks are presenting as just by looking at them or their name, because obviously you're just supposed to know what their (often totally made up) pronouns are. So many people are afraid to say anything even slightly critical of the tranny menace. After all, you will 100% affirm, or else you are Hitler. What a drastic departure from the old days, when trannies begged for the chance to fit in with normal people and were happy to simply exist in peace.

The hype circus train has turned into a full on cult. A circus cult chock full of depraved freakshows like Luke Roberts and (in my personal Jewish opinion) closeted individuals like Joshua Conner Moon. Public opinion is now highly polarized and misinformation dominates, again much like the situation with our last President. Most people don't give a fuck about trannies other than to use the cause as a reason to virtue signal (for or against, doesn't matter) or to have something to argue about. Journoscum use them to write bullshit articles. Everybody with a platform is lying and grifting and calling the other side evil. Even the supposed last bastion of True and Honest truth and freeze peach, Kiwi Farms, has skeletons in it's closet (byuu DID kill himself, the troon broom knew this for a year and still pushed the false narrative). Troons themselves lie about their past, insisting that they never existed as their pre-troon self, and often lie about many of their past accomplishments or lack thereof, even when evidence to the contrary is freely available (social media, YouTube, etc).

99% of current-day trannies don't have gender dysphoria. In fact, they invented a word, truscum, to describe members of the old guard who insist, correctly, that one must suffer from bonafide gender dysphoria to be a tranny. They'll happily call you truscum or Hitler, but they do get really butthurt when you call them names. See what happens when you call Null a faggot, for example.

This all happened primarily because the OG trannies and the other LGBTs failed to gatekeep. Thankfully, the tranny train is running out of steam (diesel? rainbow farts?) though. Unfortunatey, I strongly suspect it will be replaced by something much worse: the pedophile rights movement.

Don't know about you, but I'd personally rather be Hitler than affirm the delusions of a mentally ill freak.
Could have done without the anti-Semitism but I agree with everything else.
I've always liked that 4chan post about how you should tie a noose with razor wire, super glue your hands to your head and jump from a high building so you look like ripped your head off.
That wasn't from 4chan. Those "ways to kill yourself to make it look funny" stories are as old as the hills. Like, Angelfire home pages old school.

No one is reading all that.
I read all of it, but I guess that just confirms the fact that Im not a zoomer afflicted with tiktok brain who gets a migraine when I read anything more than 3 sentences.
The incels at Sanctioned Suicide promote (and sell) potassium nitrite because it's an excruciating and slow death there's no really pulling you back from with medical intervention. Supposedly because they want you to think long and hard before committing but it's to maximize the suffering of their victims

Thoeretically anything that generates carbon monoxide should do it. Portable charcoal stove in the bathroom for example.
Also I have better things to do than read some essay written by someone whose opinion I don't care about. Because I'm not a zoomer with too much free time on their hands. 😏
Reason: You'll understand when you're older and get a job and mature enough to not worry what others think and to use your time more efficiently.