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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Doesn't matter if new people join the site, if they don't follow the increasingly reddit/SA culture they'll be removed. This is the type of community they want cultivated.
I hope this is the case because it's the story of how their community dies.
I know they're out there but I've never met one of Josh's clones. Likely because they don't go outside and if they do they're too cowardly to espouse their MATI programming outside a chat box
I can't imagine jannying for free if I wasn't part of the site's and or subforums inception. Double that for sock hunting and back seat moderation as a nonjanny. Hella cringe and it makes you look like that guy on the block that can't even run his own household.

It seems like it cuts into touch/smoke grass time way too much too.
Just clown on a nigga and go, Fedbait.:opeed:
fun fact: he's been backseat moderating for over a year+. can't believe there's someone more pathetic than I am smh. and the best part is like you've said, not only he's doing it for free but the retard has no janny status too.

if you're going to do it for free, at least be a janny
if you're going to do it for free, at least be a janny
I mean, that's the entire point of what he's doing. He thinks if he sucks enough dicks, if he stays in the right DM chains, if he dogpiles the same people that 30 other better posters are going after, he'll somehow become a janny.
That's what's actually pathetic. It's a goal of his and he'll double do it for free until he gets there, even though he's only tolerated by his superiors because he echoes the right lines.
I plan to keep him running in circles, staying in janny DMs/report queues crying about absolutely pointless shit so that he's only seen as a slightly useful nuisance.
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Users Toolbox and Mikoyan lament the fact that Odd Opossum wasn't banned for "defamation".
Damn, I'm sorry you were banned. It was such a good account. So many scathing indictments that were undeniable without them coping to the moon and back.
RIP Possum Homie.
You were better than most
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Odd Opossum isn't banned, they're complaining he wasn't banned for saying The Jumping Dwarf posted an underaged girl's nudes and that his posts on that were instead moved to Spergatory.
I think he has a point about the moral crusaders who post on KF, even if he's overly harsh about it.
I for one despise cats. Shitty animal for retards that want to be owned by something that should just be smashed into a wall the second it pisses on your clothing.
Your faggot Egyptian teddy bears belong as fodder for my pitbull
Cupcake and Deimos won't make a move that I don't tell them to. They hang out with the toddlers, chihuahua homies and puppies at the dog park perfectly fine but they only let your stupid fucking cats make it because I tell them to simmer.
Because they know evil when they see it
I miss my Bombay something fierce sometimes. I found her because I spotted her way across the parking lot of my apartment complex, literally thinking it was a dog. She was so smart, peaceful, immediately took to her litter box, never caused damage and let me take her out for harnessed walks.
My Maine Coon was a straight up coon but she was the most affectionate animal I've ever seen once she felt everything was at peace.