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June 1, 2024: Donald Trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames Biden:
June 1, 2024: Elon Musk plans to hold a livestream event with Donald Trump on
June 1, 2024: Kiwifarms: Uploads are broken:

Movie Night

In the process of being set up

Kiwifarms Gossip KF General 2.0

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Anne Hathaway Fan

I put the "F U" in "forums"
Hellovan Onion
you are a pedophile if you think its ok to cut a babies dick especially because if its because you think it looks better its that simple


Hellovan Onion
Or we could just snip the tip and not have to worry about cleaning underneath it with a fucking q tip. People get elective surgeries all the time, I don't know why people with anteater dicks get so angry that some of us have pretty penises.
We could remove the clitoral hood to prevent smegma, but I imagine Women will have something to say about that.

youthful_ shannel

Hellovan Onion
What the hell am I even looking at?

Hopefully you'll start noticing your own projection and delusions.

Is it my sombrero? It's my sombrero, isn't it gringo?

Abortion is evil regardless of which race the killed babies are. Quote me supporting child marriage, you can't because I never have. I support pornography bans, even hentai, which obviously includes loli/shota.
Please don't pull this bullshit here, go back to the other farms faggot.

VAIDS Victim

So warm and tender was never the night 🌙
Hellovan Onion
I'm more ambivalent/undecided on circumcision, though I probably wouldn't opt for it if I had a son.
But you would for a daughter? Same guy that said he wouldn't let his girlchild get an abortion if she got pregnant at 10 or 12.
I don't know why people with anteater dicks get so angry that some of us have pretty penises.
I never thought of it like that but they do kind of look like an anteater, no offense to those cute lil dudes.

youthful_ shannel

Hellovan Onion
What you're thinking of is a mohel. That's not something that a circumcision doctor does. The mohel does it at home all old school and shit. In the hospital, it's a minor procedure done in a hospital setting.

Or we could just snip the tip and not have to worry about cleaning underneath it with a fucking q tip. People get elective surgeries all the time, I don't know why people with anteater dicks get so angry that some of us have pretty penises.
It's actually the opposite in countries where being uncut is the norm, guys with circumcisions will literally blame their snipped dick for every issue they face in life.
I'm glad we don't chop parts off of babies in my country.