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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
So he's into animated child pornography, he gets butt hurt when you make fun of him, and he doesn't like it when people bandy around the word nigger?
He gets mad if you say abortion is okay because it's mostly nigger babies and supports child marriage, IDK about loli or shotacon. He has his own thread here for screencaps of his retard shit:
poking through all your private messages
I can't believe ED predicted all of this years ago...

Thats really all these people have these days "nigger faggot" and "kill yourself". Like theres nothing happening between their ears at all.
wow, it's like the right-wing version of leftist NPCs... oh wait

Can we add a "Kill Yourself" reaction icon?
sorry mate but EDF already has that :paytas:
POV: you see @SSj_Ness posting yet another L:
View attachment 51998
What the hell am I even looking at?

"Why do you guys notice things and point them out"

Curious indeed
Hopefully you'll start noticing your own projection and delusions.

I'm guessing he's at least part Hispanic himself.
Is it my sombrero? It's my sombrero, isn't it gringo?

He gets mad if you say abortion is okay because it's mostly nigger babies and supports child marriage, IDK about loli or shotacon. He has his own thread here for screencaps of his retard shit:
Abortion is evil regardless of which race the killed babies are. Quote me supporting child marriage, you can't because I never have. I support pornography bans, even hentai, which obviously includes loli/shota.
What the hell am I even looking at?
A zombie girl who is saying "I hate you so much".
Is it my sombrero? It's my sombrero, isn't gringo?
It's because you brought up Mexican girls not counting unprompted when miscegenation was brought up.
Quote me supporting child marriage, you can't because I never have
He would "disallow" his raped 12 yr old daughter to get an abortion and the words "fetus" and "embryo" simply exist to "dehumanize".
View attachment 38848
Only people with the same beliefs as him believe in a soul:
View attachment 38849
He wishes the South was like Christian Saudi Arabia:
View attachment 38850
Android raptor being true and based:
View attachment 38851
@SSj_Ness is a repulsive, riboflavin deficient garden gnome who smells like hot dog water.
View attachment 38852
@SSj_Ness should castrate himself and stay away from children:
View attachment 38853

This thread is 20 pages atm, this is only caps from 10 pages.
Rapists don't deserve to be brutally murdered
What he has to say about a 6th grader being impregnated by being raped while playing in her yard and having a baby from it before 7th grade:
View attachment 38843
He's getting pissy at people who support abortion for raped children and editing their comments.
View attachment 38844
Big mad:
View attachment 38845
He's going to keep his soul pure by supporting the rape of minors:
View attachment 38846
SSj literally worshiping a rapebaby nigglet named Peanut:
View attachment 38847
Oh, ok.

Because being circumcised is fuckin awesome. There's two things ladies prefer cut over uncut: dicks and diamonds.

EDIT: "Dicks and Diamonds" sounds like the name of one of those shitty punk rock bands I would have saw on a weeknight when I was in high school.

meh we could have mothers teach their 5 year old boys to wash their foreskins but, y'know, who wants to raise kids? Hopefully the iPad I handed him will have a foreskin washing video.
Bro you're supposed to oppose it all the time not just to trollshield
Exactly, now you're getting it!

A zombie girl who is saying "I hate you so much".
images (1).png

It's because you brought up Mexican girls not counting unprompted when miscegenation was brought up.
I don't remember that, but Mexican girls can be pretty hot, doesn't mean I'm Mexican, estúpida.

Now how about you quote my exact words here-- in text--where I said I support child marriage (which I don't)?

Excuse me but it's a simple procedure called a circumcision and it keeps you from getting smegma.

Don't project on me because I'm in the covenant of Abraham and you're the one with the creepy pee pee.
I was referring to transgenderism, I'm more ambivalent/undecided on circumcision, though I probably wouldn't opt for it if I had a son.