One more thing to add here.
It's clear Grobmann is a newfag to the Internet because on the Internet rarely is anything sacred. If some piece of fictional media exists, there will be porn of it. If there is no porn of it then it will be made. There are no sacred cows on the Internet. It's been like this even long before 4chan was created.
The 4channers are just doing what they do best; Rule 43 states that the more pure or innocent something is, the more sanctifying it is to corrupt it; so with this in mind the 4channers never really changed and they're just doing what they do best.
The Rules of the Internet were an original set of rules first thought up by 4channers to give an idea of how the Internet generally works so that you can fit in more easily in any online community and you don't make a fool out of yourself.
While the rules of the Internet have now been mostly forgotten by time (especially since Zoomers don't know or don't care about ancient Internet lore), a lot of these rules still apply to this day (Rule 19 does apply to lolicon because the more you hate something the stronger it gets; people hated Justin Bieber back in the day which only fueled his fame more because all publicity is good publicity). People don't talk about Poe's Law, Murphy's Law or Godwin's Law that much anymore either but they're still relevant to the Internet as far as behavior on the Internet goes.
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