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Kiwifarms Gossip & Yarring KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
The new declines of Kiwifarms

Time 4 Guillotines

An Onion Among Onions



Hellovan Onion
Oh this gonna be good... Here we go, the thirstposting off the chain bruh bruh!




What an odd thing to say.


Shots fired!


Do these girls send vag pics to each other in DM's or something? "Congrats you have been confirmed as an official Salon member, I will gift T&H"


These guys are so sad they'll simp for a girl who put a hamster in a blender.

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I mean don't get me wrong there was always tribalism in politics, but when we elected big daddy child drone strike was when everything took a tumble for the worse. I was born in the 80s (holy FUCK I'm old) so I can actually speak from experience especially having grown up in a major metropolitan city. In the late 90s well into the 2000s racial stuff was getting way better. Everything got way worse under his administration, the way that the niggers acted, this whole "tranny renaissance", the entire cancel/woke culture was incubated under his rule.

But no matter how much of our current society is their fault or not the Obama administration was one of the most horrific ones ever and we are currently in our 12th year of it. We got a four-year break under Trump but the same cocksuckers have been ruining our society and culture since 2009.


I think it was Dostoevsky who said... Later fucker!
Hellovan Onion
Less than a week of rioting in one city after a nigger got the symphony of the batons does not even COMPARE to how bad racial tension has been nationwide for the past decade or so. I'm talking long term, not a pocket of chimping out in one city for 6 days because of an unjust verdict.

I mean, ever since we freed them there has always been and always will be isolated pockets of niggers acting uppity. What I'm referring to has been a long term, palpable racial tension that has been nationwide the past ten years or so.

Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions
A lil revisionism from Axiom in the E-lame thread...
No. It wasn't because Pros is "proud of working a blue collar job" (this never happened). It's because they admitted to asking people to post CSAM so they could "archive" it (because they are a nonce). Not the only error.

cosmic veteran

veteran of the cosmos, navigating the cosmos
An Onion Among Onions
josh had a meltdown over people priding themselves on their reaction scores so he made the numbers randomized.
i already know that weeks ago. it was all documented in the old, now deleted kf general thread. it got the deleted because the fat lolcow retard @Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt """accidentally""" deleted the thread (spoiler alert: he purposely deleted the thread just to fuck with his own userbase)