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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

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Only pretending to be retarded "troll" strikes again...
"I'm a Christian like you..." Then proceeds with some un-Christian verbage. Classic kwiffar.
Personally just sick of retards like jewsh handing out digital summary executions over nothing. That needs to be regulated. Yes people should reserve the right to remove trolls from their premises and protect their digital sites, but not actual users who aren't breaking any rules and aren't harming anyone.

They really do the same equivalent of putting a gun to a random user's head they dont like and metaphorically shooting them dead/silencing their voice online without just cause. Would we put up with police officers or government officials doing this? hell no. So why is this acceptable just because its the internet?
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Can you guess who All Becomes Socks is talking about here?
View attachment 73057
Self hating leftist cuck? Sounds like Commie Farms... paranoia... again Commie Farms... Took AI and fed it plebbit content... still Commie Farms.
The commentary community of course, not like he's talking about himself probably or majority of the faggots on KF unironically
Only pretending to be retarded "troll" strikes again...
View attachment 73033
"I'm a Christian like you..." Then proceeds with some un-Christian verbage. Classic kwiffar.
View attachment 73048
Lidl Drip claims to have blocked so many people, it's "like 300".

You know...this sounds allot like liberals on twitter? Muh rape threats and hello fellow christians.

Personally just sick of retards like jewsh handing out digital summary executions over nothing. That needs to be regulated. Yes people should reserve the right to remove trolls from their premises and protect their digital sites, but not actual users who aren't breaking any rules and aren't harming anyone.

Eh, I'm more offended by hypocrisy of it. It's less offensive if you break a neutral and impartial TOS. Josh and his tranny Jannies slap down people impulsively behaving within the rules.