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    How was your vacation on Kiwifarms Ashley?

Kiwifarms Gossip & Yarring KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
The new declines of Kiwifarms
Kengle doubts the veracity of my claim that almost all recent organic growth has been these dog fuckers but there is no way that dipshit doesn't have some interesting DMs. Jannies got no problem digging through my DMs, they should take a peak and see how much yiffing these fags are up to
I'm not going to dig through private messages @Time 4 Guillotines: If you have issues with the forum you need to bring it up with Talk to Staff or message us privately.
Kengle doubts the veracity of my claim that almost all recent organic growth has been these dog fuckers but there is no way that dipshit doesn't have some interesting DMs. Jannies got no problem digging through my DMs, they should take a peak and see how much yiffing these fags are up to

Don't give him any ideas. I don't need anybody stealing the patent for my terrorist doomsday device before @kiwifails signs off on the blueprints.
I'm talking about here. They have Gargamel's forum to go act like a bunch of horny cats that have been sniffing gasoline but I'm sure they've brought their faggy baggage along with them
Don't give him any ideas. I don't need anybody stealing the patent for my terrorist doomsday device before @kiwifails signs off on the blueprints.
Honestly the two of you should just make up I don't know what started your guys's fight but now is the time for peace.
Hi Jethro, you still being an insufferable piece of shit.
How'd you get your pink triangle?
You seem angry, take a chill pill bro, we’re all friends here.
Trombonerista said I wasn’t contributing to threads, only disrupting them, which isn’t true at all, plus I didn’t realize there was a quality level posts had to meet.
You seem angry,
Really? You're going to be that lazy. Defaulting to the typical bro why you mad? Cliches
take a chill pill bro, we’re all friends here.
Look, I don't think we need a quality status quota on kiwifarms . It's not necessary to have some Janny, deciding what's good enough. You don't normally contribute much to anything, but I agree with you on this one point. And let's
not pretend we're all friends
Save it with the 'take a chill pill' nonsense. That's just a cop-out.
Does this nigga actually pay money to artists to create racist memes? Honest question because I never saw a KiwiFarms user admit they paid money to create throwaway racist memes once. Unless it's a throwaway account or one time. This nigga is baby mad that real racists are using ai, to create shitty propaganda full of lies.


Okay, can ai create this game?

I rest my case
Ken will dox me but when his grouphome gangsters start talking about how they relish the mutilation of children born into the palestinian concentration camp he's silent.

You remind me of that plagued moth freak that got his life ruined a few months back. This isn't a compliment. Same white trashy edginess dumb anti-social opinions and stink lines too. Same too old to be doing this. Is it really any mystery why I guessed you were Mike? You're his greasy spitting image if you aren't him.
Your PFP looks like you never showered a day in your life. I can actually see the grease in your hair. Is everything you say a projection? Do you look in the mirror to find insults for us? Are you really that self unaware? Your face looks exactly like null too. Maybe you're related since your family tree is just a pretzel. Try not to eat it fatty.
You're the one sperging about furries, because your internet daddy Josh told you so.
If he can't handle furries he doesn't belong on the Internet. Just pointing and laughing is all you have to do. His a logging makes it look like he's mad they poor shame him because his homeless ass can't afford a fur suit. Since he is a hitchhiking hobo on welfare who pan handles for table scraps. They won't invite him to the orgies so he has a chip on his shoulder. He can't afford to go to the furry cons that normal people are not aware is going on in the first place. He doesn't have the balls to actually gas one in revenge for rejecting him. He's just a keyboard warrior.