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Kiwifarms Gossip & Yarring KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
The new declines of Kiwifarms


KF's Favourite Cat
Baby Onion
I was looking through Higgs Bonbon's post history and stumbled upon this lol.


Oh my how the turntables.

cosmic veteran

veteran of the cosmos, navigating the cosmos
An Onion Among Onions
(click here if the image doesn't load)

Glowie said:
Anons of old called ourselves, everything fag, memes confuse the zoom zoom (eg Ben Gay on your balls), an hero etc.

Sharty users are fags in same manner we were two fucking decades ago. They condem 4chins and rightfully so.
Yet more proof most of kiwifarms userbase are zoomers lmao.
Glowie said:
That place was co opted by trooned out anons with internet veteran syndrome coupled with unwarranted sense of importance.
this shit literally what kiwifarms is. replace troons with BPfats and you have commiefarms.
Glowie said:
TL;DR: Sharty users picked up remains of old anon, proxy condoms and more while furfags that shit up their forums for attention and validation see @Catler for example.
@Meowsolini kiwis still have you live rent-free in their heads.

such in life of the average kiwifarms zoomer. their oldfag larping is especially hilarious. I bet they don't have any clue what youtube was like before ads were introduced.
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Trans Hathaway Fan's personal a-log
Hellovan Onion
(click here if the image doesn't load)
View attachment 64921

Yet more proof most of kiwifarms userbase are zoomers lmao.

this shit literally is what kiwifarms is. replace troons with BPfats and you have commiefarms.

@Meowsolini kiwis still have you live rent-free in their heads.

such in life of the average kiwifarms zoomer. their oldfag larping is especially hilarious. I bet they don't have any clue what youtube was like before ads were introduced.
Why is that post so damn hard to follow?

He's sorta right about fursonas though. Furries wear them like troons wear trans.

@Meowsolini is not the 95th percentile furry though, he's more exceptional than anything else.


Remarkable Onion
not sure which type of kwiffar is more cringe, those who brag about being 'an oldfag' from 4chan on a gay ass website that started in 2012 or those that dont understand old internet memes.
actually it's the ones that brag they've been there the longest. you spent years namefagging on a 'lolcow' website...so youre retarded. gj

KF isn't the old internet, its the embodiment of what is wrong with the current internet because its a Reddit clone run solely by a manatee.
why do these people think posting there makes them some wizened internet historiographer?
nothing wrong with shitposting but maybe get a job or a hobby or keep a banana pepper plant alive instead of reliving the epic glory days when you punched a username into Google and got a 'hit'.
ive heard rumors of people seeking revenge on others from YouTube/reddit and looking into signing up to KF with usernames of those people. you just post some weird pro pedo stuff or fat dragon fart porn and someone's reputation is ruined because the kwiffar are too dumb to recognise gayops and trolling


Null is a Faggot 4 Lyfe
Hellovan Onion
Why is that post so damn hard to follow?

He's sorta right about fursonas though. Furries wear them like troons wear trans.

@Meowsolini is not the 95th percentile furry though, he's more exceptional than anything else.
Glad I'm not the only one who had trouble understanding what he was talking about. I thought maybe I had onset dyslexia at one point
those who brag about being 'an oldfag' from 4chan on a gay ass website that started in 2012
I remember someone who kept saying he was a 2004 oldfag but the only people even on the site at that point were anime refugees from SA and it was someone constantly screeching about anime being for pedophiles. It was just strange and they weren't even American (or at least pretended to not be) so it made even less sense.

Ferengi of Romania

Buy my updated Rules of Acquisition
Remarkable Onion
Why is that post so damn hard to follow?

I thought maybe I had onset dyslexia at one point

The "oldfag" has a series of strokes while posting.
I remember someone who kept saying he was a 2004 oldfag but the only people even on the site at that point were anime refugees from SA and it was someone constantly screeching about anime being for pedophiles. It was just strange and they weren't even American (or at least pretended to not be) so it made even less sense.
4chan didn't really take off until 2005-2006; by 2008 everyone knew what it was, even Oprah.

cosmic veteran

veteran of the cosmos, navigating the cosmos
An Onion Among Onions
KF isn't the old internet, its the embodiment of what is wrong with the current internet because its a Reddit clone run solely by a manatee.
what's even more hilarious is kiwifarms was founded right at the end of the golden age of the internet (late 90s-early2010s). to call kiwifarms the last place of the old internet is to call turkey the successor of byzantium


KF's Favourite Cat
Baby Onion
@Meowsolini kiwis still have you live rent-free in their heads.
It's kind of sad at this point, but I get it. For some of them like Osama Bin that was their 15 minutes of Kiwifame.
The only thing that annoys me is people registering and claiming to be me which has happened half a dozen times at least and the retards on KF fall for it every time.
I remember someone who kept saying he was a 2004 oldfag
When someone claims to be an oldfag and they quote a year they're really just telling you when they got internet access for the first time.
to call kiwifarms the last place of the old internet is to call turkey the successor of byzantium
Agreed. There is virtually nothing left of the old internet and sites like KF and the culture war it's a part of were critical in completely destroying it.
Anyone who calls KF "the last old internet site" is fooling themselves or they weren't around to experience it.


Trans Hathaway Fan's personal a-log
Hellovan Onion
Anyone who calls KF "the last old internet site" is fooling themselves or they weren't around to experience it.
Lots of people like to claim they were part of something that happened before their time. They think it makes them part of the group or it makes them sound cool and "in". These people are delusional.

The old Internet is long dead. KF's redeeming quality used to be that it's a chill place for people from the old Internet era (aged roughly early 30s to late 40s today) to post freely without fear of the janny or the algorithm. Now it only serves as a venue for @Null to find a boyfriend-free girl.

Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions
THe Paganism & Occult thread has been necro'd, by someone having a psychotic episode...
See? Last post is best part of 8 years old. Then Ug starts to channel Kerouac. I've edited out the majority of the W&P length novel posts, but you'll get the idea.
Month break then this, more rambling about... um, you decide...
Someone points out that Ug is in the wrong thread... Ug carries on regardless, then this...
Male Idiot (2015fag) decides to reply to posts nearly 8 years old. Firstly, asking for recc's on Esoteric Nazism (real thing sekturites), maybe they just watched Hellboy. Then some TempleOS shit.

Lastly, I checked Ug's other postings, for context.
Yeah, fucking nuts. Oh btw...
https://archive.org/details/theocculthistoryofthethirdreich You're welcome MI.
Decent watch, even if it's just for Patrick Allen's VO.

VAIDS Victim

Cumsock Dodger
An Onion Among Onions
Larry David's Opera Cape is trying to start shit with cuddle striker, a medfag pathologist and the person who started the SRS thread on KF. Calls him a dyke for some reason. cuddle striker has different opinions than most of the SRS thread: he thinks mastectomy. castration, zero depth vaginoplasty and pedicle flap phalloplasty are the only safe forms of SRS because they have been studied but modern forms of SRS like vaginoplasty with depth, the arm skin rot dogs etc. have not and should not be done until they are standardized.
I think the beef comes back to the time when cuddle striker BTFOed Larry when he pretended to be a medfag and cuddle striker called him a 1st yr lol. Anyways, I think it's faggy that the thread started attacking and dogpiling a user that created the thread and has made some great posts, all because he does not hold the exact same opinion on trans surgeries as is common on Groupthink Farms. Here's the post that triggered them:
The rest of the page is coping and sneeding that someone has a different opinion:

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