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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
I wondered about this as well...
View attachment 65204
Very recent sign up, and retardedly misreads someone talking about SOMEONE ELSE who made a sticker with a bad taste joke. Daniel "Single Digit IQ" Lopez retardedly.
You sure seethe about me a lot, bog ogre.
No, not me. While my support of Ashley and Ashley accessories is unironic, the degree to which I give a fuck is greatly exaggerated since it makes major faggots angy. My only true and honest Queen has her name on my thighs, UwU
Is Ash back on them thar Commie Farms? Necro'ing her own thread?
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Scrolling through, I noticed that the Ash thread...
Seems she was shitting it up a little while ago, too...
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Can't access the link, as I don't have an account, so who knows if it's really her. Funooll does post like Ash, but as she's such a wetbrained bint, it's not hard to copy her "style". Wag finger at shit posters, who are having fun, unlike Ash, then let slip the repressed sexualized bigotry with an "get raped kike". Chatgit would have no problem.
It sounds like you share a whole lot in common with an elderly alcoholic who wants to fuck child corpses.
It could easily be Gaylord, but on the other hand I came back into that thread and Ashley immediately came into it to defend herself.
Remember when this little rat told the whole forum that he thinks revenge pornography is justified and nobody reacted negatively to it? Awesome forum.
How much traffic could KF possibly get from India anyway?

This is the TERF inner circle's latest gambit btw. Request something that is probably innocuous be banned and then go "well you banned x why not Y?"
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View attachment 65046
"Fuck everyone who isn't me"
What a surprise an avid man-hate poster who seems to have been angling for this for a while.
I absolutely refuse to believe any of the manhate/womenhate posters have ever had sex. Just a bunch of *cels bickering while the cool people get laid.
Elaine, duh 🫠
kiwi-farms-joshua-conner-moon (4).gif

Remember when this little rat told the whole forum that he thinks revenge pornography is justified and nobody reacted negatively to it? Awesome forum
When did I say this?
Remember when this little rat told the whole forum that he thinks revenge pornography is justified and nobody reacted negatively to it? Awesome forum.
Yeah it is pretty awesome, you must love it because you keep coming back to it.
That post was not a stock photo from Google Earth. That was someone who drove by and took a photo. That is why I freaked out. This was someone who had legitimate safety concerns about the family members in his house. It was posted by a woman with some pretty serious psychological issues who was in here last night telling us this isn't over despite the fact that I was sympathetic but firm and tried my best to accommodate her without forgetting the needs of the other people here.
Hey Ashley why did you drive to a man's house (this is Ken's boss btw) and take a photo of his home?
Yeah it is pretty awesome, you must love it because you keep coming back to it.

Hey Ashley why did you drive to a man's house (this is Ken's boss btw) and take a photo of his home?
Hey if your mom is looking over your shoulder she needs to hide your medicine in a piece of cheese and give it to you.
I trust him better than I do you regarding Ashley.
Ashley had been posting his employers info for a day prior. I went and found the photo of the home on the realtor site after running the dude's name through a data broker search. Then I sent the pic to Ashley because lol, which she posted the next day, which caused Kengle to shit himself (big lol)
This makes a lot more sense than Ashley actually having the self agency to drive that far away from her house for a weak prank. It makes sense because it's what happened
Ashley had been posting his employers info for a day prior. I went and found the photo of the home on the realtor site after running the dude's name through a data broker search. Then I sent the pic to Ashley because lol, which she posted the next day, which caused Kengle to shit himself (big lol)
This makes a lot more sense than Ashley actually having the self agency to drive that far away from her house for a weak prank. It makes sense because it's what happened
I actually have no clue what Kengle's bosss's house looks like but the reason the old KF thread was deleted is funnier than that. I posed as his boss on here propositioning him for sex and he freaked out about it.

I'm glad you and this clearly disturbed individual are hitting it off, I feel like you guys have a lot in common and he seems like he needs an older mentor.