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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Typical kwiffar Q&A thread
Someone links a (Metocuck) video about Tel. Ahem...
Uuuuuuhhhhhhhh... let's see what the kwiffar have to say...
"I want to point out to all of you that he was very obviously distressed by these intrusive thoughts / hallucinations, and unlike Vito, he (in his own unique brand of insanity) recognized that they were wrong and blamed his "obvious" tormentors - The CIA."

Woah... dude...

"Intrusive thoughts happen to all of us,"

Why did you feel you had to tell the class that?
THe kwiffar stylin' it out...
View attachment 51743

The revisionism only the Left can muster. Commie Farms, indeed.
AnOminous is fat and evil and old and it brings me joy to remember when he strokes out in <5 years nobody will be around to help as he lays there paralyzed in his own piss and shit for several days.
The broom is in full Squealer mode. "It was the other programmers, disregard his numerous statements blaming the hugbox... this has nothing to do with me... 4chan Miss, 4chan did it also..."

This is one of the FOIA requests he made? No refunds.
It was received last year, so this is pre-crowdfunding. The conspiracy here is that Jewish sat on it until now. This pokes a shit ton of holes in his original defense which was "ermm citation needed".
View attachment 51801
It's fine as a treat or an accoutrement to good wine but it's not something I consistently keep in my fridge.
I just keep stocked with everything I need even if I don't need it at the time so I don't have to get it later. This includes cheese fruits vegetables and a variety of meat plus dry rice and beans with an assortment of seasonings etc. I like to always keep bread around too.
>It's like mass shootings, another social contagion that journoids only spread
Except when some gun grabbing accelerationist slaughters dozens of women, children and old men because muh Islam, I guess?
i feel like you don't know what accelerationist means. gun nuts are typically motivated by either white supremacy (far-right) or le heckin' wholesome commie revolution (far-left).