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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).

Apparently, people from the skibidi splinter site are Elaine's people, and she discovered it because of the torwtas twitter account, and to make sure and check to see if all of what Coon header was saying was on the account, I did actually go through and can verify that he is correct on that, the torwats account does hosts nasty ass shit.

Should also be noted that Coon header mentions that skibidi farms also owns Clay party and apparently the owners of of clay party had a hand in the solicitation of a minor, this is some fucking vile ass shit. Now I don't know if these ARE elaine's people as nigger header claims...but still this shit is vile
Well, ten years ago I would have never guessed a dumb whore like Boebert or Greene would even be elected into the Congress. The expectation of normalcy is all gone.
He was lucky enough to blunder into it the first time. It won't happen again. It's not really about normalcy it's about everyone hating him after January 6th.
View attachment 56296View attachment 56297View attachment 56298View attachment 56299View attachment 56300View attachment 56301
Apparently, people from the skibidi splinter site are Elaine's people, and she discovered it because of the torwtas twitter account, and to make sure and check to see if all of what Coon header was saying was on the account, I did actually go through and can verify that he is correct on that, the torwats account does hosts nasty ass shit.View attachment 56302
Should also be noted that Coon header mentions that skibidi farms also owns Clay party and apparently the owners of of clay party had a hand in the solicitation of a minor, this is some fucking vile ass shit. Now I don't know if these ARE elaine's people as nigger header claims...but still this shit is vile

I was wondering where /baphomet/ went off to.
I just learned Trump was on Tim Pools podcast. I figured that would be a pretty big event for two lolcows for Kiwifarms. And yet its not even featured? I guess platforming chuds is against the rules now?
I just learned Trump was on Tim Pools podcast. I figured that would be a pretty big event for two lolcows for Kiwifarms. And yet its not even featured? I guess platforming chuds is against the rules now?
I don't watch his podcast because he comes off like turkey Tom with less talking about lolcows and ore politisperging.