• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
(fuck, there is a network error on my end that result in me double posting the same thing)
fucking goddammit. I accidentally deleted my reply. oh well, here's the pic in reference:
fucking goddammit. I accidentally deleted my reply. oh well, here's the pic in reference:
View attachment 42193
This is how cowboys must've felt when the railroads finally made it out west. The old internet is gone, replaced by whinging dorks like these. Funny how Kiwi Farms calls itself "the last of the old internet" too when the old internet was nothing like this at all. You could have fun on the internet without someone whining about trannies or whatever. The "culture war" is raged by folks who weren't good enough for when the going was good.
More copyright sperging from Null. Mango Cobra is banned like @fagot said, and user Blacklight seems next for the banhammer.
Notice null has a hateboner for IH. I wonder what the behind-the-scenes on that one is. He usually really seethes and tantrums the most when someone wronged him in his eyes: he slavishly sucked dick masterson's balls, trying to stamp out and hide dick's thread until null was told to stop calling in to the show, then all of a sudden he hates dick and has always hated him, etc. etc.

I wonder if he's salty because IH isn't paying him any attention? 🤔
Notice null has a hateboner for IH. I wonder what the behind-the-scenes on that one is. He usually really seethes and tantrums the most when someone wronged him in his eyes: he slavishly sucked dick masterson's balls, trying to stamp out and hide dick's thread until null was told to stop calling in to the show, then all of a sudden he hates dick and has always hated him, etc. etc.

I wonder if he's salty because IH isn't paying him any attention? 🤔

Jealousy that IH is more popular than he is
plagiarism is still bad tho, pity about that
Jealousy that IH is more popular than he is
plagiarism is still bad tho, pity about that
It's hard for me to imagine someone who cares about youtube plagiarism. Like what level would your life need to be at for this to be a concern?

Read the screencaps from Jersh sperging and he seems to have discounted that Internet Historian paid the guy off, perhaps a chunk of the revenue, then redid the video as part of the agreement.

Edit: I forgot to mention that Jersh calling Dick Masterson Juju the Cow is pathetic. It's completely unverified and the only source is a jilted lover. If he hates Dick as much as he claims just use his legal name instead.
Reason: Forgot to mention Juju
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It's hard for me to imagine someone who cares about youtube plagiarism. Like what level would your life need to be at for this to be a concern?

Tbh I think it should be an on going concern at all levels. Broken windows begets bigger crimes after all.

IH being unable to produce his own content and needing to steal from others (apparently a good chunk of the Concordia video was plagiarized as well?) means that he's earning money off the backs of other people's work. The Man In Cave case is particularly funny because he had to steal from a left leaning publication in order to do it.

It's not world ending or anything but it is very funny that he was so desperate to put out a normie oriented video that he did what the streetshitters do and misappropriates material without credit so he doesn't have to share revenue. Third world behavior!

Someone in the KF thread said IH should have stayed focused on niche internet happenings instead of trying to muscle in on the normie market and tbh they were right.
Jealousy that IH is more popular than he is
plagiarism is still bad tho, pity about that

Josh is jealous of most everyone. IIRC, doesn't he hate Metokur too? Probably because Metokur is/was everything he isn't - charismatic, funny, not a tryhard faggot, doesn't sperg out at everyone.

It's hard for me to imagine someone who cares about youtube plagiarism. Like what level would your life need to be at for this to be a concern?

You're in luck, for Josh has no life. That would require dealing with "normies" and Josh's "not like the other people" routine would kick in.
Tbh I think it should be an on going concern at all levels. Broken windows begets bigger crimes after all.

IH being unable to produce his own content and needing to steal from others (apparently a good chunk of the Concordia video was plagiarized as well?) means that he's earning money off the backs of other people's work. The Man In Cave case is particularly funny because he had to steal from a left leaning publication in order to do it.

It's not world ending or anything but it is very funny that he was so desperate to put out a normie oriented video that he did what the streetshitters do and misappropriates material without credit so he doesn't have to share revenue. Third world behavior!

Someone in the KF thread said IH should have stayed focused on niche internet happenings instead of trying to muscle in on the normie market and tbh they were right.
Nigga, you're posting on a site that could non-maliciously be called a stalking/harassment site. I just don't understand internet autists. They get these principled stands about the weirdest things that have absolutely nothing to do with them. In conclusion, broken window ya dick.
Josh is jealous of most everyone. IIRC, doesn't he hate Metokur too? Probably because Metokur is/was everything he isn't - charismatic, funny, not a tryhard faggot, doesn't sperg out at everyone.

You're in luck, for Josh has no life. That would require dealing with "normies" and Josh's "not like the other people" routine would kick in.
He always came off as sour-grapes about Metokur because he was making so much money "ready kiwifarms threads". MATI is just Jersh aping Metokur with <%10 of the charisma and humor in an attempt to make a buck.
Nigga, you're posting on a site that could non-maliciously be called a stalking/harassment site. I just don't understand internet autists. They get these principled stands about the weirdest things that have absolutely nothing to do with them. In conclusion, broken window ya dick.

i forgor.... the sanctity of the heckin based stalker forums....

Josh is jealous of most everyone. IIRC, doesn't he hate Metokur too? Probably because Metokur is/was everything he isn't - charismatic, funny, not a tryhard faggot, doesn't sperg out at everyone.

You're in luck, for Josh has no life. That would require dealing with "normies" and Josh's "not like the other people" routine would kick in.

Jim has also been a lot more successful with his monetization which Josh has failed at
Notice null has a hateboner for IH
I'm 90% sure Null just hates jim so much that he's reflectively supporting Hbomerguy because jim probably hates that guy. Null's lucky his show won't get copyright struck with how much of a faggot he's being.
being unable to produce his own content
Nigga he's a historian. imagine saying someone is stealing your work for reporting on historical facts. "Those motherfuckers at ESPN better watch out for stealing my content where i report every play in the NFL as they happen live"

This guy barely puts out content and its no coincidence that the one time he seems to be on the ball and releasing a series of shit suddenly some faggot goes after him. the last video before the current series was 5 months ago. he releases shit so seldomly he clearly doesn't need to get those adbucks, which is why he's doing more out there shit compared to just covering more internet viral moments.

Mango Cobra should have shouted out onionfarms on that last post because Null was clearly going to ban him for that one. He's so thin skinned.
I first got into Metokur via his videos shittalking juggalos back in the day. Watched his DSP stuff because he seemed to be the only one who could talk about DSP without his head being up his arse the whole time, but gradually moved on.

I had never heard of Mad on the Internet, but having looked up some streams on YouTube, the difference is night and fucking day.

Metokur is everything Josh wishes he was, but isn't.

If Metokur wasn't on his way out of this life, he'd probably knock up Jade and then hit bingo.

The community of fun-loving people who don't take this shit so seriously.
The merch people would actually wear and not just buy thinking they're "owning" people.
The home that under his name, not his mom's.
The loving, dutiful wife who's by his side on the regular.

And remember when Metokur talked about pretender syndrome? I listened to that video one day and I thought that it nailed Kiwi Farms to a tee. That whole site is pretender syndrome en masse, and Josh is the greatest pretender of 'em all.