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He's been pretending to have terminal cancer for 3 years now. Just a good excuse not to stream.If Metokur wasn't on his way out of this life, he'd probably knock up Jade and then hit bingo.
He's been pretending to have terminal cancer for 3 years now. Just a good excuse not to stream.If Metokur wasn't on his way out of this life, he'd probably knock up Jade and then hit bingo.
He's been pretending to have terminal cancer for 3 years now. Just a good excuse not to stream.
Neither has he bothered making his own stuff in ages. Last time he was regularly making streams was 2019.I wouldn't know. I haven't bothered with his stuff in ages.
I'm 90% sure Null just hates jim so much that he's reflectively supporting Hbomerguy because jim probably hates that guy. Null's lucky his show won't get copyright struck with how much of a faggot he's being.
Nigga he's a historian. imagine saying someone is stealing your work for reporting on historical facts. "Those motherfuckers at ESPN better watch out for stealing my content where i report every play in the NFL as they happen live"
This guy barely puts out content and its no coincidence that the one time he seems to be on the ball and releasing a series of shit suddenly some faggot goes after him. the last video before the current series was 5 months ago. he releases shit so seldomly he clearly doesn't need to get those adbucks, which is why he's doing more out there shit compared to just covering more internet viral moments.
Mango Cobra should have shouted out onionfarms on that last post because Null was clearly going to ban him for that one. He's so thin skinned.
I first got into Metokur via his videos shittalking juggalos back in the day. Watched his DSP stuff because he seemed to be the only one who could talk about DSP without his head being up his arse the whole time, but gradually moved on.
I had never heard of Mad on the Internet, but having looked up some streams on YouTube, the difference is night and fucking day.
Metokur is everything Josh wishes he was, but isn't.
If Metokur wasn't on his way out of this life, he'd probably knock up Jade and then hit bingo.
The community of fun-loving people who don't take this shit so seriously.
The merch people would actually wear and not just buy thinking they're "owning" people.
The home that under his name, not his mom's.
The loving, dutiful wife who's by his side on the regular.
And remember when Metokur talked about pretender syndrome? I listened to that video one day and I thought that it nailed Kiwi Farms to a tee. That whole site is pretender syndrome en masse, and Josh is the greatest pretender of 'em all.
Neither has he bothered making his own stuff in ages. Last time he was regularly making streams was 2019.
He's been claiming to be dying for 3 or 4 years from pancreatic cancer or something, yet somehow he manages to remain relevant with people like Josh. Or maybe Josh just has him in his head rent free.
Well there's very little else in there taking up space so.....I don't know how Josh could have him there, considering everyone else taking up residence. At what point does the room run out?
Well there's very little else in there taking up space so.....
Really? Because black people chewing seems to be such a toll on his mind. And don't forget all the trannies. I'm starting to think that Josh is fixated on trannies because he feels like they're ungrateful. He's rocking a micropeen, and trannies like Farrah Flawless cut off these big 'ol dicks. Hey, if Douglas Perry can kill prostitutes because he was jealous that they had uteruses while he didn't, it's not a big stretch to conclude Josh's hatred for trannies is rooted in his own crippling insecurity about his manhood.
All the trannies, blacks, and successful people can find room in his head because there's no brain in there.Really? Because black people chewing seems to be such a toll on his mind. And don't forget all the trannies. I'm starting to think that Josh is fixated on trannies because he feels like they're ungrateful. He's rocking a micropeen, and trannies like Farrah Flawless cut off these big 'ol dicks. Hey, if Douglas Perry can kill prostitutes because he was jealous that they had uteruses while he didn't, it's not a big stretch to conclude Josh's hatred for trannies is rooted in his own crippling insecurity about his manhood.
I also remember Jim's rants about trollshielding and feel like they were specifically about Josh.And remember when Metokur talked about pretender syndrome? I listened to that video one day and I thought that it nailed Kiwi Farms to a tee. That whole site is pretender syndrome en masse, and Josh is the greatest pretender of 'em all.
Joshua Moon's penis is like God: he believes it's there and sometimes he can feel it's presence but he can't seen it and can't prove it exists.Hey, if Douglas Perry can kill prostitutes because he was jealous that they had uteruses while he didn't, it's not a big stretch to conclude Josh's hatred for trannies is rooted in his own crippling insecurity about his manhood.
sounds like a pretty average kiwi farmer, TBH.An elderly British former MP who is obsessed with Josh and KF. He got his mom fired as a realtor by making stuff up. He posts CP then blames it on Josh and anyone he doesn't like.
I never close a video so fast as when Null starts reading superchats, hahaha. I’ve always hated superchats but his are the worst. Metokur’s were pretty bad, too. Way too much ass-kissing.Null has a part towards the end of MATI called "The Shill Mode" where he turns his screen green and then proceeds to read the superchats one after another, as fast as possible.
And threaten to rape and dismember is bullshit bros we should be able to sexually harrass women with impunity
Respectfully disagree with me? Kill yourself.
Nah, just you dude.It's all sexually motivated because all men are gay