Colorblindness is linked to autism and Kengle is a mammoth autist. He boils hamburgers. Colorblindness doesn't explain why he reverted and/or deleted all the themes that Void made last year that made the site look vaguely decent.
"Act like they're above it."
As expected, it boils down to "no u is the poopyhead" level logic. And really, who wouldn't gossip about Josh and the hypocrites who defend him at every opportunity despite most cows being better than him at life?
Josh really is Lucas Werner with a shinier soapbox.
Quick wiki states panama is pretty damn strict on DMCAs. If i understand it right not someone who deals with DMCAs often or at all really.
Lidl's insistence that Josh is just misunderstood flies in the face of her (or his, if you trust Gays from LA) contempt for males, especially because didn't he lash out at Stocking?
Hold on. Wait a minute.
I still think it's inexcusable. In the traditional sense and ideals, we're supposed to be the protectors of women, we're supposed to be able to think critically, not be easily influenced, and be able to shut down ideologies and parasites that are harmful to our society and our childrens' future...
"4:51 AM - Joshua: God DAMNIT
4:51 AM - Joshua: I don't understand why NOBODY
4:51 AM - Joshua: can loving love me for who I am
4:51 AM - Joshua: Nobody
4:51 AM - Joshua: My parents
4:51 AM - Joshua: Grandparents
4:51 AM - Joshua: Everyone I've ever loving met
4:52 AM - Joshua: I swear to god I want to kill and rape as many people as I can
4:52 AM - Joshua: before getting gunned down by SWAT
4:52 AM - Joshua: That needs to be my life aspiration
4:52 AM - Joshua: You stupid loving cunts need to suffer
4:52 AM - Joshua: All living things with a vagina"
"I remember after he found out my last name, he said that he'd show up to my house while I was at school, shoot my dad, and wait for me to get home. Then he'd subdue me, cut off each individual digit with a knife heated in hot grease so that it'd cauterize as it cut and I wouldn't bleed out. Then he'd cut off my clitoris and my labia, and then rape my ass until I shat myself. Then he'd just leave me to starve to death or something once all my appendages and my genitals were sliced off and he'd beaten me sufficiently." (Josh's response? He was really mad that day.)
Yet here Lidl is trying to act like Josh isn't like those other guys! By their own logic, Josh is just another degenerate moid waste of egg and sperm, but apparently the based man disrespecters on the man hate thread, like every other KF user, make countless excuses for Josh.
"I was really mad that day."
Any other guy who sent that shit to Stocking and said this as a reason why would be skewered by the Man Hate Thread posters.
Any other guy. But Josh? He dindu nuffin, he's a good boy, he was a teenager when he made those remarks about underage neko boys, nevermind that the Man Hate thread is full of posters giving teenage boys shit - she literally replied to someone telling a story about when they and their friends were 14 as follows:
>Long ago when we were... I'm going to guess 14 years old, some friends and I (all of us boys) were passing the time with dumb teen male conversations. Somehow the question came up, "What would you do if you knew the world was going to end at midnight?" My answer came easily: "Do as many drugs and drink as much alcohol as I can get my hands on." My friend, who was fairly popular in school and is now a successful and respected Ivy League grad with his own family, answered just as easily: "Start raping." My other friend, who I like to think was just trying to be "macho" somehow, agreed with the rape.
Lidl replies with:
"This is why I don't understand men who don't get why women might hate them. You know firsthand how awful other men are!"
Josh says:
(8:11 AM) Joshua: Alright, time to jerk off to some neko shota.
(8:11 AM) Joshua: Yeah, I'm forgeted up. I know :(
(8:11 AM) Joshua: brb.
(8:13 AM) Colten v3.5: 0-0
(8:13 AM) Colten v3.5: Wait
(8:13 AM) Colten v3.5: I thought you hated furries
(8:13 AM) Joshua: Neko =/= Furry.
(8:13 AM) Colten v3.5: I just googled it
(8:13 AM) Colten v3.5: It was a half cat half boy
(8:14 AM) Joshua: A single cat abindage is not equivilant to a dog with some human features.
(8:14 AM) Joshua: And that's not why I hate furries.
(8:14 AM) Colten v3.5:
(8:14 AM) Colten v3.5: Also
(8:14 AM) Colten v3.5: They are all little boys 0-0
(8:14 AM) Joshua: Hence the word Shota.
Lidl says: "Phew. For a site that calls Null a pedophile over some comments he made about fictional catboys as a teenager."
So, Josh is a teenager jacking it to drawn CP, and it's fine, he's just a teenager, no big deal, but when fourteen year old boys talk about raping if SHTF, suddenly it's "this is why women hate men" material?
And why is someone whose whole schtick is how fucked up and degenerate men are using the common excuse said men give of "they're fictional, bro!," especially when on the Man Hate thread, they've posted with disgust about men with loli avatars?
Loli bad, shota based, is that right, Lidl? If Josh was a teenage boy jacking it to (fictional) little girls, would she give him a pass? Hell, that whole thread is full of this sorta excuse making. Yet again, my theory is proven right: radical politics of any stripe are used as a bludgeon to dissuade normal people from making contact so they don't feel bad over being rejected.