Even worse, he's not buying them because he would enjoy them, he's buying them because someone he doesn't like thinks they're bad. It's extreme cuck energy. Imagine letting someone else define your personality for you because you have literally nothing else going on in your life other than "that guy hates it so I like it".
Dick & Rekeita should say they hate remaining alive and not throwing themselves in front of the next commuter train and see what happens.
That's exactly it, but when hasn't Josh let someone do that? His whole schtick from day one is to pander, pander, pander. He has so little going for him that a fucking gossip rag is his crowning achivement. Let that sink in for a moment. A site about literal nobodies. A site about "lolcows" that stopped being funny a decade ago, full of threads which are basically dull as dirt because A-Logs ran every decent poster off the site - just look at the Jack Scalfani thread. It's basically the culinary version of NLOG at this point. Josh brings in all these /pol/tards so he can be heckin' based and valid, but then they sperg out one too many times and he tries to pander to radfems, but soon enough, they'll piss him off too. Josh is the kinda guy that will shit on the floor and eat it just to piss off someone in California. He tries way too hard to seem above it all and his userbase tries so hard to make it seem like it's everyone else's problem. It's everyone else who needs things like jobs and personalities, not the head bitch in charge. They let trannies live rent free in their heads, yet Josh whines about "muh prison rape jokes" routinely. You can tell he's so bored and desperate when he spergs out about cheese, of all things. Must be hard living in Floriduh all this time, eh, Josh?
Kind of like you do with your MATI podcast for people too dumb to read a thread?
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No, Josh, everything sucks because it panders to your generation. Remember when Volition literally
died over turning Saints Row into a "millennial power fantasy" (literally their words)? Trannies/furries became prominent as millennials came into their own - literally nobody knew of them or gave a fuck before then. You could even make a case that mass shootings are a millennial problem - Lanza, Card, Rodger, Tarrant, Cho, et al were all millennials. Just like boomers try to act like their hippie shit didn't lead to the "degeneracy" we see today, millennials like Josh desperately try to pretend they're not just jealous of zoomers being kids, but it comes off as skitzo because at one point, they're an existential threat to the West, and another, they're utterly retarded and can't do anything right, and we have to clutch our pearls and feel for them as they're being bombarded by those dang dirty tranny trolls or whatever. Reminds me of how Ebba Akerlund was a big deal on /pol/ before they started simping for the Taliban and Hamas.
Also, Fredrik's kind of a tard, anyway. I watched his video on Empress Theresa and he made a big production over a typo in the word "editing." Like,

, there was an extra T in the word, who gives a shit? No wonder so many Kwiffar are impressed by that guy. Spergs group together like DC politicos around a lobbyist's cock.