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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms


An Onion Among Onions
null hate.png

Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt

Global Administrator
The sheer number of users on Kiwi Farms compared to Onion Farms never fails to surprise me. Posts on OF will get around 3-8 reactions at max while this random Null post from 11/28 (here's the link @Kiwiballs) got 95 reactions.
We have 3,981 registered, Kiwifarms has 101,941 registered. We are about 3.9% as large as Kiwifarms so yes this is pretty much spot on.


The weird thing isn't how many people are on either site the weird thing is that at any given time there are about 50-100 people doing seemingly nothing other than following Null around the site to rate his posts or defend his opinion.
It's not hard to follow him, you add him on our follow list. A lot of people follow admins of sites.
That doesn't explain the sycophants but still.


Josh Moon is Lucas Werner with a shinier soapbox.
Hellovan Onion
Call me crazy but I do find this weird. It would be one thing if Null was dropping lots of hot info but he's just this boring mopey loser who mostly fights with users and offers bizarre opinions that are completely detached from reality.

No wonder he doesn't want a thread on him - most every "lolcow" on the site is better than him at life. Even Salmonella Jack has kids for fuck's sake. Two of them, and he'll likely get a grandkid or two too.

cosmic veteran

veteran of the cosmos, navigating the cosmos
An Onion Among Onions


High performance shitposting
An Onion Among Onions
he cant even take a joke many people he banned is because they did that and he got butthurt over it same guy who regularly tells people to kill themselves
He's a medical marvel, his skin is so thin and he's so spineless it's a wonder he manages not to collapse under his considerable weight.

In all seriousness, this complete lack of any kind of resilience, discipline, and emotional self-regulation is common in children without a strong father figure in their lives. Unfortunately at this point he'd have to want to change and put in the hours to better himself, so we can expect another family sized pizza fueled weepy meltdown in the near future.


Josh Moon is Lucas Werner with a shinier soapbox.
Hellovan Onion
He's a medical marvel, his skin is so thin and he's so spineless it's a wonder he manages not to collapse under his considerable weight.

In all seriousness, this complete lack of any kind of resilience, discipline, and emotional self-regulation is common in children without a strong father figure in their lives. Unfortunately at this point he'd have to want to change and put in the hours to better himself, so we can expect another family sized pizza fueled weepy meltdown in the near future.

Now hold on, I thought he was this valiant defender of freeze peach and the bane of trannies everywhere. You mean he's basically just like every boomerlennial schmuck out there? This is the first I've heard of it. I am shocked, I mean I am shocked, that's what I mean, I am appalled.


I am vary smart
Former mod
So has null always been a power tripping fag or did something happen in these last few years to push him over the edge? Some people have posted ITT about how he's "ruined" the farms over the last years but from my perspective as a guy who came in around 2018 he's always been a fag and kiwifarms is only any good when he isn't around.


Local Moderator
So has null always been a power tripping fag or did something happen in these last few years to push him over the edge? Some people have posted ITT about how he's "ruined" the farms over the last years but from my perspective as a guy who came in around 2018 he's always been a fag and kiwifarms is only any good when he isn't around.
From my perspective it's not that Null got any faggier just that he started to really insert himself into drama pretty hard around the time of the Simpspiracy and his big beef with Ralph. It seems to me that the site has become more and more about Null's beef with whatever E-celeb or tranny of the week and that has really taken a toll on discussion.

Especially during the pandemic there was a lot of creativity and fun going on around the Farms. Now every thread just devolves into a Null dicksucking fest where no actual info is shared. Look at the Rekieta thread especially, hundreds and hundreds of pages about how Rekieta called Null a retard and it's the worst crime in the world. People used to do real research in that thread and now it's just Null's parasocial faggot squad trying to climb over each other to impress daddy Josh.