We don't actually know if Null is employed. He's made weird statements about driving to Syria through Turkey, and having to throw branches as mines on the road to get them to explode so he could drive through. Unless Null is LARPing as Bald and Bankrupt in his private life, I don't see why someone would want to undertake such a trip.
Although Josh is an (alleged) champion of free speech, he loves and promotes China, despite China's government being very hostile of free speech. It really makes you think.
Null's interest in China seems to be purely mercenary. On a MATI entirely dedicated to China,
he said:
"China seems like a great place to make a lot of money off of a lot of people who have a lot of money. And that's the bottom line. If you wanna make a lot of money, put a party-friendly app in their app store, cos they don't use the Google play store."
Since you're apparently new to the forum, this bears repeating:
About the time I discovered OnionFarms, there was a guy here who purported to have researched Joshua Moon, his companies and his associates. This guy started posting all these
wild and entirely unsubstantiated claims about supposed drug dealing that Null and VIncent were supposedly involved with, claiming that Null is a Chinese intel asset, even more crazy theories about how Fancy Bear (the Russian hacker group) is "Chinese actually" and how Null was allowing Fancy Bear to use KF as a platform... he stated all of these wild claims as if they were an established indisputable fact (kinda like Malice is right now doing in the Lidl thread). I pointed out that, during that apparent deep-dive into the depths of his obsessed insanity just to get to the bottom of it all, Ody apparently overlooked the fact that Null did a 3+ hour MATI Livestream interview with Vincent back in 2019, during which Vincent was introduced to Null's audience and was extensively Q&Aed about China and Chinese culture by MATI listeners:
Vincent, who you will see is referred to as "Vee" in the chat, identifies himself as a Chinese man living in Australia who last visited China in 2015 (4 years prior at the time of the podcast). During this Livestream Null and "Vee"
discuss Dota2, confirming that "Vee" is the "Vinnie" that Null's associates with on his Steam account.
Null states during this interview that he himself has never been to China, but would like to visit
Shenzhen together with Vincent at some point in the future to sample local food.
The point about wanting to visit Shenzhen with Vincent was repeated in yet another MATI podcast two years later in 2021, namely the "Hangry" episode (12/10/2021). But this time with a huge catch: Null claimed that he blew off a Chinese trip he and Vincent were planning, because Null feared that Vincent wanted film him doing something embarrassing that Vincent could later use as leverage to blackmail Null:
This stream has nothing to do with Finland. After a week of absolutely nothing happening and deciding not to eat on the same day I stream, I spend two hours yelling at chat.
On this MATI episode Null starts off saying that he and Vincent wanted to take the trans-Siberian train line all the way to Vladivostok (51:10)
"and then down to Beijing, to meet my buddy there". The buddy in Beijing presumably isn't Vincent Zhen but someone else, yet another Chinese person that Null is (remote) friends with. (I briefly considered whether Null was referring to Coach Red Pill, but I don't see why Null wouldn't just mention him by name if that was who he planned to travel to China with.)
Null then says that he and Vincent also wanted to travel to Western China to experience
"untouched ethnic Chinese areas that are still pretty traditional" outside of the big urban centers and known tourist spots.. This vague reference to
"Western China" I personally took to mean that Null wanted to visit Tibet, which Westerners are now actually banned from visiting, which really begs the question why Null thinks that he, unlike everyone else, can just travel there.
"But I did want to visit Shenzhen, the big warehouse district next to Hong Kong."
Here's the truly crazy part of the podcast:
"But now I am glad we didn't [go on this trans-Siberian train trip to Western China]. I really have a feeling that the reason why he [= Vincent] wanted to do that was because he wanted to film me doing something embarrassing that he could use as blackmail leverage. I really believe that."
I don't know if Null was just being sarcastic or joking when he said this, but the idea of going on a trip to China with someone that you know wants to blackmail you is rather peculiar and places a huge question mark on Null's continued association to Vincent as well as his continued Sinophilia and studies of Chinese.