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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Here's a short video of KFlay talking about the song Perfectly Alone that Null played yesterday, which is a song about sobriety and being alone with your own thoughts instead of using drugs/drinks to get away from yourself:

She is such a genuine person, how can Null be into someone so awesome yet be such an cranky asshole himself?

BTW, KFlay broke up with her previous long-term girlfriend of 5 years, but she is now again in a lesbian relationship. Her current girlfriend is Sara Keden, the bass player of the band Kid Sistr:

So there you go, Null is still enjoying the music of a gay from LA. KFlay won.
TFW the whole TERF heel turn was just so he could enjoy lesbian music again.

He is such a slimy piece of shit he goes out of his way to fracture the community and make people fight with the agnostic thing but you know in two weeks he's going to go "STOP FIGHTING REEEEEE IM BANNING ALL OF YOU".
Here's a short video of KFlay talking about the song Perfectly Alone that Null played yesterday, which is a song about sobriety and being alone with your own thoughts instead of using drugs/drinks to get away from yourself:

She is such a genuine person, how can Null be into someone so awesome yet be such an cranky asshole himself?

BTW, KFlay broke up with her previous long-term girlfriend of 5 years, but she is now again in a lesbian relationship. Her current girlfriend is Sara Keden, the bass player of the band Kid Sistr:

So there you go, Null is still enjoying the music of a gay from LA. KFlay won.

A little bit off-topic for a sec.. I'm i alone in always being surprised at just how many people are utterly terrified of being alone with their own thoughts and life, even for a short time? I always knew it was a thing... but covid alerted me to just how many people and how strong the fear is. And it doesn't just tend to be workaholics and people who can't sit still or relax. From being unable to spend an evening at home to drinkers/druggies. Do people hate themselves that much?
TFW the whole TERF heel turn was just so he could enjoy lesbian music again.

The bane of Null's existence is that he likes "andro-girls", in other words, slightly androgynous bisexual women. The reason for this attraction is to be found in his Italian genes: a lot of stunningly beautiful Italian women don't look conventionally beautiful by Western beauty standards, because they tend to have the strong and pronounced facial features that are associated with masculinity in the West, and hence those Italian women - who look perfectly beautiful and feminine by Italian standards - nevertheless appear somewhat androgynous by Western standards. It doesn't even have to be a conscious attraction towards androgyny in women, the fact is that that's what actually gets him off. Null can try to date more feminine or conventionally beautiful women, but the sexual spark just isn't there, and hence he can't climax when he's with those other women who don't meet his Italian beauty standards. Clara was bisexual, KFlay is too, some of the pictures Null posted of the women he was into when he was on 4chan, a lot of them looked slightly or more overtly androgynous. I really think that if Null was just a normal Italian boy who had grown up in Italy his whole life with Italian women around him, he never would've concluded that the type of women he likes are "andro". These women are only "andro" by Western beauty standards. They are perfectly beautiful and feminine in their own ethnic context.

I really do think Null's intense hatred of gay people goes back to that simple fact of his attraction to androgynous women who are bisexual. Null fears that any woman he falls in love with and assumes to be "superstraight" like himself, will in the end turn out to be not straight but also gay - which means she will always have the option of choosing to be either with Null, or with some chick. Now which way is any self-respecting bisexual woman gonna go... :unsure: Null basically doesn't want his bisexual girlfriends to have that "escape clause" where they have the choice to be with other women.

It's such a fucking dumb reason to hate gay people - if you fear your bisexual woman getting with other women so damn much, like, just don't date bisexual women dude! - but there you go.
The bane of Null's existence is that he likes "andro-girls", in other words, slightly androgynous bisexual women. The reason for this attraction is to be found in his Italian genes: a lot of stunningly beautiful Italian women don't look conventionally beautiful by Western beauty standards, because they tend to have the strong and pronounced facial features that are associated with masculinity in the West, and hence those Italian women - who look perfectly beautiful and feminine by Italian standards - nevertheless appear somewhat androgynous by Western standards. It doesn't even have to be a conscious attraction towards androgyny in women, the fact is that that's what actually gets him off. Null can try to date more feminine or conventionally beautiful women, but the sexual spark just isn't there, and hence he can't climax when he's with those other women who don't meet his Italian beauty standards. Clara was bisexual, KFlay is too, some of the pictures Null posted of the women he was into when he was on 4chan, a lot of them looked slightly or more overtly androgynous. I really think that if Null was just a normal Italian boy who had grown up in Italy his whole life with Italian women around him, he never would've concluded that the type of women he likes are "andro". These women are only "andro" by Western beauty standards. They are perfectly beautiful and feminine in their own ethnic context.

I really do think Null's intense hatred of gay people goes back to that simple fact of his attraction to androgynous women who are bisexual. Null fears that any woman he falls in love with and assumes to be "superstraight" like himself, will in the end turn out to be not straight but also gay - which means she will always have the option of choosing to be either with Null, or with some chick. Now which way is any self-respecting bisexual woman gonna go... :unsure: Null basically doesn't want his bisexual girlfriends to have that "escape clause" where they have the choice to be with other women.

It's such a fucking dumb reason to hate gay people - if you fear your bisexual woman getting with other women so damn much, like, just don't date bisexual women dude! - but there you go.
Are you gay?
null on flamenco.png
Null discusses his relationship with Flamenco.
Null bans SIGSEGV for unknown reasons.
A little bit off-topic for a sec.. I'm i alone in always being surprised at just how many people are utterly terrified of being alone with their own thoughts and life, even for a short time? I always knew it was a thing... but covid alerted me to just how many people and how strong the fear is. And it doesn't just tend to be workaholics and people who can't sit still or relax. From being unable to spend an evening at home to drinkers/druggies. Do people hate themselves that much?

Once people leave home (college, trade school, getting married, whatever) they find out that being alone can be very hard and very frightening. There's no one to hold your hand when your living rooms creaks in the middle of the night, there's no one to commiserate with you when your job sucks, there's no one to talk to or interact with when you come home every day. That means that without a person to keep you company, your psychological problems can really blow up, it's like a social contract thing. You don't act human if there aren't other people around to remind you that you are human. Being comfortable alone is a real skill that needs cultivation IMO. And if you're extroverted then I imagine it can be very hellish to be alone.

For a lot of people, being alone is the worst hell they will ever experience. It isn't being by themselves that is so bad so much as the loneliness and lack of love and companionship. Because if there's no one around to love you or be with you, then your thoughts will turn inwards and you'll have to examine the inner self. And in the 21st century, which is the most narcissistic period in history, self examination is worse than death.

The bane of Null's existence is that he likes "andro-girls", in other words, slightly androgynous bisexual women. The reason for this attraction is to be found in his Italian genes: a lot of stunningly beautiful Italian women don't look conventionally beautiful by Western beauty standards, because they tend to have the strong and pronounced facial features that are associated with masculinity in the West, and hence those Italian women - who look perfectly beautiful and feminine by Italian standards - nevertheless appear somewhat androgynous by Western standards. It doesn't even have to be a conscious attraction towards androgyny in women, the fact is that that's what actually gets him off. Null can try to date more feminine or conventionally beautiful women, but the sexual spark just isn't there, and hence he can't climax when he's with those other women who don't meet his Italian beauty standards. Clara was bisexual, KFlay is too, some of the pictures Null posted of the women he was into when he was on 4chan, a lot of them looked slightly or more overtly androgynous. I really think that if Null was just a normal Italian boy who had grown up in Italy his whole life with Italian women around him, he never would've concluded that the type of women he likes are "andro". These women are only "andro" by Western beauty standards. They are perfectly beautiful and feminine in their own ethnic context.

I really do think Null's intense hatred of gay people goes back to that simple fact of his attraction to androgynous women who are bisexual. Null fears that any woman he falls in love with and assumes to be "superstraight" like himself, will in the end turn out to be not straight but also gay - which means she will always have the option of choosing to be either with Null, or with some chick. Now which way is any self-respecting bisexual woman gonna go... :unsure: Null basically doesn't want his bisexual girlfriends to have that "escape clause" where they have the choice to be with other women.

It's such a fucking dumb reason to hate gay people - if you fear your bisexual woman getting with other women so damn much, like, just don't date bisexual women dude! - but there you go.

He associates those andro-girls with dykes and lesbianism which he has been groomed to hate by the red pill men around him. For them, lesbianism and dykery are a direct slap to the face to their egos because lesbians can offer something men never can: companionship from a woman. Null isn't just scared of a bisexual gf leaving him, he's bitter and angry that women are off having sex with each other and not him.
A little bit off-topic for a sec.. I'm i alone in always being surprised at just how many people are utterly terrified of being alone with their own thoughts and life, even for a short time? I always knew it was a thing... but covid alerted me to just how many people and how strong the fear is. And it doesn't just tend to be workaholics and people who can't sit still or relax. From being unable to spend an evening at home to drinkers/druggies. Do people hate themselves that much?
Then they start doomposting and try to shame you and for being content with being alone when most people absolutely suck to be around.
View attachment 40005
Null discusses his relationship with Flamenco.
View attachment 40006
Null bans SIGSEGV for unknown reasons.
Lmao good. Sig deserves it. I'd tag him here to laugh at him but i can't tag him for some reason, maybe he deleted his account because null made him and still banned him anyway. What a pussy. Whenever someone has a gigachad pfp they're always the opposite.
Imagine trad-LARPing so hard that the anti-abortionists finally show up on your website to post fetal gore, and yet you still feel the need to ban them for it, despite this being your new chosen crowd.

"I'm 99% sure based on their replies they'll become one of those people who hate watch me and shitpost about me for the next ten years", you mean like Null who's hate lurking here right now as we speak, and feels the need to bring up whatever we bring up on MATI in order to respond to it?

So Null was quoting HP Lovecraft on the front page of KF.net? "That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die.", does Null realize that this was in reference to a primordial alien monster trapped asleep in the deep?

"And how he just lies in just the weirdest way possible"... LMAO, look who's talking: the guy who tried to gaslight yours truly into thinking that whatever was wrong with his website was somehow my fault, and then proceeded to threaten me with a ban when I didn't fall for his gaslighty bullshit.

You know, Null bitching about Rekieta saying "but I still love you brother" despite disagreeing with Null and KF, it's actually very reminiscent of this podcast I saw where Nyk/ContraPoints was complaining about Dave Rubin and Ben Shapiro being friends despite Ben saying during an interview that he thinks that Dave Rubin as a gay man is living a sinful life.

Here the thing: Null, by his own logic, agrees with Nyk that these two men, Shapiro and Rubin, shouldn't even claim to be friends. According to Null, Ben Shapiro either needs to be on-board with literally every aspect of Dave's life, or that friendship couldn't possibly be real. Likewise, if Rekieta supports Null's right to free speech in principle, but refuses to get onboard with Null radicalization and extremism, then Rekieta must not be genuine in his support of Null.

In both cases, we are seeing the thinking of an uncompromising extremist: "Either you support me completely, even the ugliest most hateful parts of me, or you're lying about being my friend.". You know what? Rekieta was only doing Null a favour "lying" about being his friend and saying he still loves him as a brother in spite of everything, because Null really only deserves to be around fellow haters like himself. Haters who will turn on him and cannibalize him the moment they find an opportunity to do so.
In both cases, we are seeing the thinking of an uncompromising extremist: "Either you support me completely, even the ugliest most hateful parts of me, or you're lying about being my friend.". You know what? Rekieta was only doing Null a favour "lying" about being his friend and saying he still loves him as a brother in spite of everything, because Null really only deserves to be around fellow haters like himself. Haters who will turn on him and cannibalize him the moment they find an opportunity to do so.

This is classic BPD thinking too.
Here's something else about that MATI clip where Null is complaining about Rekieta, yet again. Why the hell is Null calling Rekieta a "Sekturite", like that's some kind of an epithet? Rekieta's "Sektur" is Law Youtube, not KF or that whole milieu of drama sites. Rekieta has been on Livestreams with all the big Youtube lawyers lawsplaining big public lolsuits like Heard/Depp. That's where Rekieta really broke bank and got a huge audience, not with discussing Null's lolsuits. Rekieta's "Sektur" is thus a very different one from Null's. Rekieta is definitely "Sektur-adjacent", in that he'd occasionally dip into whatever lolsuit drama was being highlighted on KF, but "the Sektur" is definitely not his main stomping ground. This is probably the reason why Rekieta, no doubt much to Null's chagrin, still has an audience even and despite being loudly denounced by Null and the trad-LARPing fundamentalist moral police. Lucky for Rekieta, a portion of his audience has nothing to do with KiwiFarms and doesn't give a fuck about the fundamentalist moralizing that happens there. These other audience members are likely mainstream normies who just want some eductainment, they just wanna hear some juicy celebrity gossip through discovery documents, and (hopefully) learn something about the law at the same time.

Then Null complains that Rekieta, like Dick Masterson, has been "in the Sektur" for so long that he's become unflappable? Who made sure of that? Who brought him into "the Sektur", exposing him to the whole fucking banquet? Null has surrounded himself with people who are as saturated as he imagines himself to be, and when he turns the tables on them and decides he's gonna make them the lolcows on his podcast, they just don't care and it fails. Null insists that Rekieta is superbothered by his KF thread and supposedly turned on Null because he wouldn't interfere in his thread, but it's pretty clear to me that it was Null who turned on Rekieta because he could no longer use him as a front for his trad-LARP, so Null had do distance himself from him as loudly as possible... only to discover that Rekieta's own audience doesn't care about Rekieta's loose morals as much as Null and his moral police clearly do.

Also, Null claims that Jeremy/The Quartering covers comic books, and claims that Rekieta wants to tap into the comic book geek audience because he wants to be big like The Quartering? I've been watching The Quartering for years, he might occasionally talk about a movie that's based on a comic but I can tell you his content is definitely more Culture War type content. I don't see a focus on comic books at all, but rather a coverage of a plethora of different (entertainment) media: films, games, all types of social media content creators, with a little bit of good ole anti-SJW/anti-woke politics thrown in. Jeremy might have started out talking about comic books (I honestly don't know, I wasn't watching him when he started out) but that's definitely no longer the focus of that channel. Everyone else has moved on to other topics and other audiences but Null himself, who is stuck catering to the moral police who will cannibalize him the moment they realize he doesn't walk the talk either.
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Imagine trad-LARPing so hard that the anti-abortionists finally show up on your website to post fetal gore, and yet you still feel the need to ban them for it, despite this being your new chosen crowd.
>posting tranny gore to spread awareness and convince would-be-troons against transgenderism

>posting fetal gore to spread awareness and convince would-be-mothers against abortion
:dislike: :whyyy: "That's not very feminist, bucko!"