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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
>posting tranny gore to spread awareness and convince would-be-troons against transgenderism

>posting fetal gore to spread awareness and convince would-be-mothers against abortion
 "That's not very feminist, bucko!"
The TERFs on KF essentially recreated /r/NeovaginaDisasters after that subreddit was banned on Reddit - for a completely ridiculous excuse BTW, a lot of troons who had bad SRS results actually wanted that subreddit around, eventhough it was run by and populated by TERFs, and even launched the more neutral /r/NeovaginaResults to revive it after the ban, but that was banned too. Why doesn't Null just create a Fetal Gore thread and send all the anti-abortionist there?
>posting tranny gore to spread awareness and convince would-be-troons against transgenderism

>posting fetal gore to spread awareness and convince would-be-mothers against abortion
:dislike: :whyyy: "That's not very feminist, bucko!"
Jewsh doesn’t even support abortion for the feminist aspect. He’s pro abortion because of the Poltard talking point about abortion mostly killing niggers, therefore it’s a good thing.
Here's why I think it's wrong for Null to describe Rekieta as a "Sekturite", claiming that Rekieta is dependent on the Sektur for views and content, and that Rekieta somehow "betrayed" that community by his lifestyle switch with his wife, who appears to be a pervert herself who supports and is into this lifestyle change. Null insisted that Rekieta was the one roping along his unwilling wife into his descent towards drunken debauchery, but now we know that she herself is a 100% consenting exhibitionist. Anyway, below you will see how Null is inflating the relevance of "the Sektur" in what constitutes the totality of Rekieta's audience.

Here is Rekieta's video on the day Johnny Depp took the stand, with 1 million views:

Another video reacting to Depp with almost a million views:

Another Depp Livestream with two other Youtube lawyers waiting for the decision, 1.1 million views:

This 3 minute clip from the Heard/Depp case has 2,2 million views:

This 2 minute clip of Rekieta reacting to the Depp/Heard case has 1.8 million views:

There are more of these short clips of Rekieta reacting to Depp/Heard that have between 1 and 2 million views each.

Lastly, Rekieta didn't discover the Heard/Depp case through Null or "the Sektur" but simply through another Youtuber who was already covering the case, ThatUmbrella guy:

These videos all plainly show that Rekieta's main and most lucrative audience is definitely not "the Sektur" or KiwiFarmers, but rather mainstream normies who enjoy the edutainment of Youtube lawyers reacting to and lawsplaining Big Cases, a celebrity lolsuit, in an accessible and fun way. Rekieta still has an audience, even and despite Null going of his way to turn "the Sektur" against him, because of these mainstream normies who don't give a shit that the fundamentalist moral police from "the Sektur" has rejected him and feels betrayed by his tradcath LARP all these years.
OMG you guys, I just discovered @b1tchs1tch aka Kay Ann! Thank you @GuntChatRegular for alerting me to Null's biggest fangirl!

Look at this, why has no one shared this shit here before? Instead of cherubs flying around, she drew... hot dogs with wings?! LMAOOO!


She even has a Youtube account where she posts edits of Null laughing and other clips of him:

OMG you guys, I just discovered @b1tchs1tch aka Kay Ann! Thank you @GuntChatRegular for alerting me to Null's biggest fangirl!

Look at this, why has no one shared this shit here before? Instead of cherubs flying around, she drew... hot dogs with wings?! LMAOOO!

View attachment 40080View attachment 40081

She even has a Youtube account where she posts edits of Null laughing and other clips of him:

There is no excuses left. Even Null can get a fangirl!
OMG you guys, I just discovered @b1tchs1tch aka Kay Ann! Thank you @GuntChatRegular for alerting me to Null's biggest fangirl!

Look at this, why has no one shared this shit here before? Instead of cherubs flying around, she drew... hot dogs with wings?! LMAOOO!

View attachment 40080View attachment 40081

She even has a Youtube account where she posts edits of Null laughing and other clips of him:

Talk about a hardon over a lolcow
Null pulled out of Ukraine just before the war... so is he gonna pull out of Serbia just before their next war too?

Null is surprisingly mum about this for someone who is presumably directly affected by this escalation.
Just like he can just sit back and watch Odesa - where he claims to have lived for years - get bombed before the eyes of the world and not say a thing about it.
Null is surprisingly mum about this for someone who is presumably directly affected by this escalation.
Just like he can just sit back and watch Odesa - where he claims to have lived for years - get bombed before the eyes of the world and not say a thing about it.
Odessa isn't being bombed, maybe some random missiles are hitting depots on the outskirts of town, but people still holiday there and the hotels are all open.
OMG you guys, I just discovered @b1tchs1tch aka Kay Ann! Thank you @GuntChatRegular for alerting me to Null's biggest fangirl!

Look at this, why has no one shared this shit here before? Instead of cherubs flying around, she drew... hot dogs with wings?! LMAOOO!

View attachment 40080View attachment 40081

She even has a Youtube account where she posts edits of Null laughing and other clips of him:

This is crazy, should she get a thread? How deep does her crush on Josh go?
Null does some light verbal domination BDSM with Liz Fong Jones, indulging his Freudian Oedipus complex, telling him "I'm ur daddy", then copy-pastes something he probably didn't even type on his own keyboard but asked Vincent to type and translate for him:

Liz Fong-Jones / Elliot William Fong / @lizthegrey
He's definitely a power and control sadist and he's upset someone is telling him no. Maybe I remind him of his father. 不,你不会得到你想要的。[No, you won't get what you want]
Null · Post #12,642 · Yesterday at 10:01 PM · Forum: Stinkditch

Null only recognizes LFJ as a fellow sadist because Null himself is one. It takes one to know one. Null is more of a mindfuck sadist though, because he has no actual power or control over anyone, or so we can hope. At least Lidl is getting his rocks off, vicariously, at Null's superstraight masculine trannie-dominating sadism.

I suspect the reason Null felt the need to show off lingo-LARP his Chinese on the forum is because he is copying his favourite neighbourhood Russian NFKRZ, who unlike Null has actually studied Chinese academically, who recently posted a video making fun of a Chinese lolcow where he demonstrated his verbal Chinese:

You will never see or hear Null speak Chinese live on MATI the way NFKRZ does in this video, because Null really doesn't know any Chinese and is using VIncent to lingo-LARP and indulge his Sinophilia without any actual effort on his part. There is no way Null will spend years actually studying Chinese the way NFKRZ did.


Null also claims he is "concerned for the future":

"Mad at the Internet"
I am concerned for the future
Null · Post #21,456 · Yesterday at 11:33 PM · Forum: Internet Famous

Well, there's always r/CollapseSupport for that, LMAO!
Effectively, there is zero place on the Internet for the specific demographic of women who want,

- to complain about men of different cultures and races (lolcow farm will ban for "racism")

So as far as Null is concerned, the main purpose of the Man Hate thread isn't to accommodate women's misandry or to prevent closeted far-right homosexual Lidl from actually fucking a man, rather, it's to convince the TERFs on KiwiFarms that they don't actually hate all men, they just hate all the men who aren't white.

BTW, this was an actual superchat during the previous MATI stream:

Null just showed that he has been reading his thread here on OF once again. Hours ago I posted NFKRZ's video where he speaks Chinese, saying that Null, for all his Sinophilia and Dalian location-LARP, would never actually speak Chinese on MATI the way NFKRZ did in his video... only to have Null attempt to speak Chinese on MATI? [placeholder for posting the link to that segment once the VOD has been posted.]

Just to prove me wrong and to prove that he will actually do it? Good job Vincent Zhen, you did a great job teaching Null how to pronounce one single sentence in Chinese! That's more Serbian or Ukrainian Null has ever spoken on MATI in all those years of living in those countries, allegedly! Null is well on his way towards learning the minimum 100 logograms he needs to know for his basic Chinese degree.

LOL fag

Null : "I want to create a safe space for women"
Also Null : "If you're a woman and you defend men in this thread then bye bitch"
Surely he must know women intensely despise male feminists, they find them incredibly creepy and set off their innate fear instincts about strange men, that's before we get to women's natural revulsion for low T beta simp behavior anyway.
Or is he really that inexperienced with women he doesn't know this already.

He's not going to get that 'crumb of TERF pussy' no matter how hard he debases and humiliates himself for them.
(not that you'd want it anyway)
Here's the part where Null pronounces the Chinese sentence from his post where he indulged Liz Fong Jones' Oedipus complex as Liz's estranged lawyer dad:

Actually, I made a mistake, he doesn't pronounce the sentence he used in the post but a slightly different version:

In the post he says:
Bù, nǐ bù huì dédào nǐ xiǎng yào de.

- No, you won't get what you want.

Here on MATI he says:

Bù, nǐ bùnéng yǒngyǒu nǐ xiǎng yào de dōngxī.

- No, you cannot have what you want.

I hope Kiwi ♂CANAM productions♂ and Kiwi Blackstar respond to Null as they both seem to know Chinese, they can help Null improve so Vincent doesn't have to translate everything and teach Null how to say it right without Google Translate. I think it's very ambitious of Null to refuse to learn the languages of the European countries he has actually lived in, allegedly, and to struggle with Chinese instead.
despite being unemployed
We don't actually know if Null is employed. He's made weird statements about driving to Syria through Turkey, and having to throw branches as mines on the road to get them to explode so he could drive through. Unless Null is LARPing as Bald and Bankrupt in his private life, I don't see why someone would want to undertake such a trip.
Although Josh is an (alleged) champion of free speech, he loves and promotes China, despite China's government being very hostile of free speech. It really makes you think.
Null's interest in China seems to be purely mercenary. On a MATI entirely dedicated to China, he said:

"China seems like a great place to make a lot of money off of a lot of people who have a lot of money. And that's the bottom line. If you wanna make a lot of money, put a party-friendly app in their app store, cos they don't use the Google play store."

Since you're apparently new to the forum, this bears repeating:

About the time I discovered OnionFarms, there was a guy here who purported to have researched Joshua Moon, his companies and his associates. This guy started posting all these wild and entirely unsubstantiated claims about supposed drug dealing that Null and VIncent were supposedly involved with, claiming that Null is a Chinese intel asset, even more crazy theories about how Fancy Bear (the Russian hacker group) is "Chinese actually" and how Null was allowing Fancy Bear to use KF as a platform... he stated all of these wild claims as if they were an established indisputable fact (kinda like Malice is right now doing in the Lidl thread). I pointed out that, during that apparent deep-dive into the depths of his obsessed insanity just to get to the bottom of it all, Ody apparently overlooked the fact that Null did a 3+ hour MATI Livestream interview with Vincent back in 2019, during which Vincent was introduced to Null's audience and was extensively Q&Aed about China and Chinese culture by MATI listeners:

Vincent, who you will see is referred to as "Vee" in the chat, identifies himself as a Chinese man living in Australia who last visited China in 2015 (4 years prior at the time of the podcast). During this Livestream Null and "Vee" discuss Dota2, confirming that "Vee" is the "Vinnie" that Null's associates with on his Steam account.
Null states during this interview that he himself has never been to China, but would like to visit Shenzhen together with Vincent at some point in the future to sample local food.

The point about wanting to visit Shenzhen with Vincent was repeated in yet another MATI podcast two years later in 2021, namely the "Hangry" episode (12/10/2021). But this time with a huge catch: Null claimed that he blew off a Chinese trip he and Vincent were planning, because Null feared that Vincent wanted film him doing something embarrassing that Vincent could later use as leverage to blackmail Null:

On this MATI episode Null starts off saying that he and Vincent wanted to take the trans-Siberian train line all the way to Vladivostok (51:10) "and then down to Beijing, to meet my buddy there". The buddy in Beijing presumably isn't Vincent Zhen but someone else, yet another Chinese person that Null is (remote) friends with. (I briefly considered whether Null was referring to Coach Red Pill, but I don't see why Null wouldn't just mention him by name if that was who he planned to travel to China with.)

Null then says that he and Vincent also wanted to travel to Western China to experience "untouched ethnic Chinese areas that are still pretty traditional" outside of the big urban centers and known tourist spots.. This vague reference to "Western China" I personally took to mean that Null wanted to visit Tibet, which Westerners are now actually banned from visiting, which really begs the question why Null thinks that he, unlike everyone else, can just travel there. "But I did want to visit Shenzhen, the big warehouse district next to Hong Kong."

Here's the truly crazy part of the podcast:

"But now I am glad we didn't [go on this trans-Siberian train trip to Western China]. I really have a feeling that the reason why he [= Vincent] wanted to do that was because he wanted to film me doing something embarrassing that he could use as blackmail leverage. I really believe that."

I don't know if Null was just being sarcastic or joking when he said this, but the idea of going on a trip to China with someone that you know wants to blackmail you is rather peculiar and places a huge question mark on Null's continued association to Vincent as well as his continued Sinophilia and studies of Chinese.
Someone in the Rumble comments confronts Null about his takes on Rekieta ("It's clear to me he takes his vows seriously and that he seriously loves his wife and kids"), Null doubles down, claims to have special secret knowledge of Rekieta's relationship with his wife being "not as rosy as you hope" (and how does Null know this?) and then proceeds to micromanage the responses of his former not-friend:


Someone else comes in and claims Rekieta disparaged his wife's body after, hello, 5 births and 3 miscarriages, but the person defending Rekieta claims that was all in jest and that he's very much still into his wife:


Behold the nuclear submarine sinking hypocrisy of Null complaining that someone lied to him, which made him look bad:

"He[Rekieta] lied to me, to my face"... so? Remember when Null lied to me about what was causing the issue with the disappearing text box on the forum, then tried to gaslight me into thinking it was something on my end to make me look bad like it was somehow my fault? Yeah, "that was like a neck-snapping moment, when I realized he just fucking fed me fucking bullshit, and you can't tell me that he didn't know", exactly how I felt when Null tried to gaslight me, then got mad and threatened to ban me because I wasn't as dumb as he expected me to be. "About something to easily disproven too, something so easily corrected.".