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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
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>taxes you 40% to sustain those programs

Now ask him how much tax money FedGov is spending to put Clara Stockings at the head of a nuclear submarine to keep even ungrateful shitting-on-veterans expats like Null safe from Russian, Chinese & North Korean nukes.

BTW, did y'all hear, Dr Manhattan is going to be a female in the SJW remake of the The Watchmen, look:

What I find cringe is he views some users as friends. I swear he has trashed the idea of making "friends" on the internet many times before. Maybe his friend/non friend mentality is why he takes everything so dang personal.

God, imagine having someone like Null as a "friend", JFC...

I remember when Null posted the "app hierarchy" that he expects people to go through as they win his trust: he said that he will only allow his most trusted inner circle to send him Signal messages, that intermediate people are allowed to send him private Telegram messages, and everyone else using every other medium of communication is considered "untrusted". I guess this means only Crunklord, Vincent and the Russians from his Dota 2 crew enjoy privilege of sending Null Signal messages (and let's not forget all the NSA officers who have obviously already backdoored Signal and are reading along with everything in IRT, LMAO).
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Here's a short video of KFlay talking about the song Perfectly Alone that Null played yesterday, which is a song about sobriety and being alone with your own thoughts instead of using drugs/drinks to get away from yourself:

@kflay shares why she chose to stop drinking, how that and her sudden hearing loss affected her mental health and how her song, “Perfectly Alone,” is a culmination of her journey.

She is such a genuine person, how can Null be into someone so awesome yet be such an cranky asshole himself?

BTW, KFlay broke up with her previous long-term girlfriend of 5 years, but she is now again in a lesbian relationship. Her current girlfriend is Sara Keden, the bass player of the band Kid Sistr:

So there you go, Null is still enjoying the music of a gay from LA. KFlay won.