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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
They certainly aren't wrong. He buys or leans into the "degenerate anime" trope far too easily and extremely. To the point that he goes around deleting "NSFW" anime avatars when in, what i can only guess is, a mood. Because nazi joke/edgelord imagery is totally safe for work in the modern world.
That's my favorite catch phase of Josh

"This site is SFW"

Nigger no it is not? Tell me with a straight face that you'd keep your job from 95% of any workplaces that catch a glimpse of your screen with the words nigger and faggot on it. I don't think Josh knows what the definition of "safe for work" means, that phrase goes beyond pornography.

Just say you don't want open displays of lewd imagery on your website, it really isn't that hard. Stop insisting it is a SFW website.
That's my favorite catch phase of Josh

"This site is SFW"

Nigger no it is not? Tell me with a straight face that you'd keep your job from 95% of any workplaces that catch a glimpse of your screen with the words nigger and faggot on it. I don't think Josh knows what the definition of "safe for work" means, that phrase goes beyond pornography.

Just say you don't want open displays of lewd imagery on your website, it really isn't that hard. Stop insisting it is a SFW website.
Nikocado's nudes are not safe for life let alone not safe for work.
This is why this will never happen because Josh is so arrogant and narcissistic he wont even explain explain his moderation decisions to his users never mind a judge.
If Null seriously wants to sue Hurricane Electric, that's what he's gonna have to do: explain how the internet works to a judge who doesn't even know how to make a .pdf and has to ask the intern to do it. Don't assume that judges have gotten more tech literate in the 30 some years since the civilian internet just because they have to use it more themselves, they really haven't, they just get their intern to figure out all the tech shit for them. And to explain the internet to the judge, Null is gonna have to explain it to his lawyer first. He can't just call his lawyer a retard like he does in the Technical Grievances thread whenever someone asks a simple question. This is based on my personal experience with Null. Instead of just admitting that whatever was happening with the forum was outside of his control, he tried to gaslight me that it was a problem on my end. This arrogant deception on the part of Null, this expectation that everyone else is as stupid and unaware as Null expects them to be, he'd better not go into the legal system with such an attitude.

BTW, Null just confirmed on MATI that FIRE (Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression) are indeed ignoring his e-mail asking them for legal help with his epic lolsuit against Hurricane Electric.

I've never seen him post this much either. Especially in a few threads he is trying really hard to steer conversation. Something is definitely "up".
What's "up" is that he's going to fund raise for his lolsuit, so he's posting more so that users know who he is when he announces the crowdfunding campaign. He said on the previous MATI that he will be sending out a mass-mailing to all the users shortly, the first one in the history of the forum. He didn't say that the mass-mailing was going to be about, but presumably it's to announce the fund raiser.

I don't get why TERFs would dislike this?
Because TERFs are against affirming troons in any way, especially sexually. Telling a delusional woman that she is a man just to fuck her is affirmation of a delusional person for the sake of getting sex out of them, which is also sexually exploitative because you're lying to a crazy person just to get laid.
Nikocado's nudes are not safe for life let alone not safe for work.
They're a weapon of mass destruction, untold power beyond human understanding
See you two in Hell.
The MATI moral police fundamentalists are now telling Null that he can't like pumpkin spice, even though it's nearly October:


This is what happens when you surround yourself with people who don't want to have fun on the internet and only want to be a fundamentalist moral police. They will go into a purity spiral and start declaring more and more innocent things haram, demanding that you meet their ridiculous standards. This is the kind of crowd that Null has surrounded himself with, and the reason FIRE are still ignoring his pleas for help, because their lawyers do not want to be subjected to Null's moral police fundamentalists holding them, their families and their associates up to their ridiculous purity standards. Any lawyer who agrees to represent Null knows that their fucking life will be torn apart, not by the TRAs but by Null's own zealous fundamentalist audience.
The MATI moral police fundamentalists are now telling Null that he can't like pumpkin spice, even though it's nearly October:

This is what happens when you surround yourself with people who don't want to have fun on the internet and only want to be a fundamentalist moral police. They will go into a purity spiral and start declaring more and more innocent things haram, demanding that you meet their ridiculous standards.
Yeah that's pretty much my belief, and standard, when it comes to this stuff. You have to willing to let some bad exist.

Speaking of which, here's a fun post from Null on the newest McDonald's ad.
I think they were joking but knowing the retards that Null hangs with idk

I really hate these moral police fundamentalists that Null has surrounded himself with. Their obsessive over-analyzing of every little thing he does down to and including whether he likes pumpkin spice and whether that projects the appropriate amount of masculinity they expect to see from him, it's really like a fucked up form of extreme OCD. I wish Null could see how these people he has surrounded himself with have stripped him of his humanity and empathy, but I think he likes having his heart crushed. He thinks this makes him a better, stronger person, when it just turns him into an over-anxious asshole forever terrified of being found out. These people will eat him alive if they knew what his regular life was really like and he knows it. Null knows that the purity spiral these fundamentalists are on will affect him eventually. Yet he wants this, which is why you shouldn't feel sorry for him, even when they do eventually learn the truth about him and proceed to cannibalize him.
I really hate these moral police fundamentalists that Null has surrounded himself with. Their obsessive over-analyzing of every little thing he does down to and including whether he likes pumpkin spice and whether that projects the appropriate amount of masculinity they expect to see from him, it's really like a fucked up form of extreme OCD. I wish Null could see how these people he has surrounded himself with have stripped him of his humanity and empathy, but I think he likes having his heart crushed. He thinks this makes him a better, stronger person, when it just turns him into an over-anxious asshole forever terrified of being found out. These people will eat him alive if they knew what his regular life was really like and he knows it. Null knows that the purity spiral these fundamentalists are on will affect him eventually. Yet he wants this, which is why you shouldn't feel sorry for him, even when they do eventually learn the truth about him and proceed to cannibalize him.
Yea, I used to hang out with people similar to that, not OCD-tier but just very righteous and judgmental, it didn't actually prevent anything it just made me more degenerate and made me really good at hiding my degeneracy by lying to their faces and I felt terrible each time. They no longer act like that and are now mostly normal but it was a very stressful period of my life, glad I got out of that.
I'm sure Null feels even worse since they're constantly checking on him, devolving into deeper degeneracy all while becoming more two-faced each time he talks with those people, it will be his undoing.
I really hate these moral police fundamentalists that Null has surrounded himself with. Their obsessive over-analyzing of every little thing he does down to and including whether he likes pumpkin spice and whether that projects the appropriate amount of masculinity they expect to see from him,
I find that hilarious because it's completely his own fault.

He lives in two worlds constantly and can't see the delineation between them. One day he is a right-wing toughboi seemingly unaware of why people might not agree with some of his extreme stances next day he is talking about his favorite drink from starbucks. :story:

Also I hope the T&H people are happy that Null is spending their donos on 10 dollar lattes.
He is really going off the deep end this month. How many more threads are you going to fuck with before you take a midol and calm down?

This is like the 5th thread he has locked or attempted to manipulate for not even a bad reason, just no reason at all.

This is why this will never happen because Josh is so arrogant and narcissistic he wont even explain explain his moderation decisions to his users never mind a judge.
His moderation decisions are based on a roulette wheel.