• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
I don't know who Rekieta is, but I am in disbelief that Null regularly appears in his content, yet is suspicious of whatever interaction he makes outside of streaming. It's quite sad to see. Everybody is Null's enemy or an annoyance of his life despite his self proclaimed status as the "last bastion for free speech."
Here are some thoughts I had about the Null vs. Rekieta thing:

Despite being a public figure, Null himself is not actually very public. As you can tell from all the speculation about Null in this thread, Null is extremely secretive about who he is, whom he's with, where he is or what he's doing AFK. The only means that Null's audience has to gauge any aspect of Null himself is only by the company he keeps with other, more openly public figures.

Associating with others who are more openly public than himself allows Null to use them as shields for himself. However, this also means that Null's own reputation is entirely contingent on how these public figures, who are willing to vouch for him the way Rekieta does, are able to conduct themselves in accordence with the image that Null needs them to project for his own sake.

The moment one of these public shields makes a lapse in judgement (they associate with the wrong person) or exhibits behaviours that contradict the perception that Null's audience has of them and thus of Null, Null has no option but to disavow them, because, by not being public himself, he cannot demonstratively separate himself from the associates he hides behind.

Null's public associates who primarily function as shields to hide behind, they are expected to fully embody whatever LARP Null wants to project at a particular point in time.

When Null was a young man, he said he wanted to be Dick Masterson when he grew up. Null did not want to have a regular job or career, he only wanted to be a popular comedian on the internet laughing at everyone else. Null now denounces Dick Masterson as a "manchild". Having decided that it was time to adult, he replaced the previous "jobless career comedian" front with another front, that of the "monogamous Catholic lawyer dad with 8 kids". Null affectively uses his online associates the same way a gamer uses an avatar, and discards of them the same way a gamer can choose a new avatar if he grows bored of his old one.
Here are some thoughts I had about the Null vs. Rekieta thing:

Despite being a public figure, Null himself is not actually very public. As you can tell from all the speculation about Null in this thread, Null is extremely secretive about who he is, whom he's with, where he is or what he's doing AFK. The only means that Null's audience has to gauge any aspect of Null himself is only by the company he keeps with other, more openly public figures.

Associating with others who are more openly public than himself allows Null to use them as shields for himself. However, this also means that Null's own reputation is entirely contingent on how these public figures, who are willing to vouch for him the way Rekieta does, are able to conduct themselves in accordence with the image that Null needs them to project for his own sake.

The moment one of these public shields makes a lapse in judgement (they associate with the wrong person) or exhibits behaviours that contradict the perception that Null's audience has of them and thus of Null, Null has no option but to disavow them, because, by not being public himself, he cannot demonstratively separate himself from the associates he hides behind.

Null's public associates who primarily function as shields to hide behind, they are expected to fully embody whatever LARP Null wants to project at a particular point in time.

When Null was a young man, he said he wanted to be Dick Masterson when he grew up. Null did not want to have a regular job or career, he only wanted to be a popular comedian on the internet laughing at everyone else. Null now denounces Dick Masterson as a "manchild". Having decided that it was time to adult, he replaced the previous "jobless career comedian" front with another front, that of the "monogamous Catholic lawyer dad with 8 kids". Null affectively uses his online associates the same way a gamer uses an avatar, and discards of them the same way a gamer can choose a new avatar if he grows bored of his old one.
Despite my belief Null is autistic, retarded, disingenuous, hypocritical and ultimately gay I try not to psycho-analysis him too much.
Rather I just state what he has done, and what he has said, and let the implications say more. I call him autistic because you can see he is.

I can list examples where he seemingly went easy on people, omitted details. Seemingly glanced over other mistakes, and in some cases only saying something to defend his character to a degree. But all that doesn't really matter.
We all know Null is willing to defend anything so long as he sees it as a positive to himself, or something he has to, so perhaps his past obsession of certain gay-drawings and defense of them even after being kicked from 8ch wasn't out of an ideological belief but the realization his community at the time were mostly chan-users.

But there's a trend among those that make a name within said community: They always embrace KF when it's beneficial to them but then when they realize they're too much trouble for their worth they attempt to drop them, see poast, but this always upsets some kiwifag: Every time, without fail, gossip will blossom and that eventually means Null can't play nice anymore.

Because I truly believe that Null fears his community, he knows exactly what happens to lolcows. He knows exactly what happens when the community doesn't see you as useful anymore. Remember he has, even to this day, said: "Yeah I had to deal with some pretty insane people touching the cow." Even admitting some communities around certain lolcows are completely unhinged and should arrested themselves. He knows.
So my belief is that Null knows the year, the month, the day, the hour, even the second he's no longer useful to the farms is the second every single one of them will come after him. In an odd way though it's a like mutualistic relation.

Of course he views Nick as manipulative: He's manipulative.
Despite my belief Null is autistic, retarded, disingenuous, hypocritical and ultimately gay I try not to psycho-analysis him too much.
Rather I just state what he has done, and what he has said, and let the implications say more. I call him autistic because you can see he is.

I can list examples where he seemingly went easy on people, omitted details. Seemingly glanced over other mistakes, and in some cases only saying something to defend his character to a degree. But all that doesn't really matter.
We all know Null is willing to defend anything so long as he sees it as a positive to himself, or something he has to, so perhaps his past obsession of certain gay-drawings and defense of them even after being kicked from 8ch wasn't out of an ideological belief but the realization his community at the time were mostly chan-users.

But there's a trend among those that make a name within said community: They always embrace KF when it's beneficial to them but then when they realize they're too much trouble for their worth they attempt to drop them, see poast, but this always upsets some kiwifag: Every time, without fail, gossip will blossom and that eventually means Null can't play nice anymore.

Because I truly believe that Null fears his community, he knows exactly what happens to lolcows. He knows exactly what happens when the community doesn't see you as useful anymore. Remember he has, even to this day, said: "Yeah I had to deal with some pretty insane people touching the cow." Even admitting some communities around certain lolcows are completely unhinged and should arrested themselves. He knows.
So my belief is that Null knows the year, the month, the day, the hour, even the second he's no longer useful to the farms is the second every single one of them will come after him. In an odd way though it's a like mutualistic relation.

Of course he views Nick as manipulative: He's manipulative.
Only a fool doesn't fear the monster they created. Even dr Frankenstein feared his monster when he knew what it was capable of and died trying to get away from it. Also see:
Or who he has ripped off in the past.
What are you referring to? Whom did he rip off?

Because I truly believe that Null fears his community, he knows exactly what happens to lolcows. He knows exactly what happens when the community doesn't see you as useful anymore. Remember he has, even to this day, said: "Yeah I had to deal with some pretty insane people touching the cow." Even admitting some communities around certain lolcows are completely unhinged and should arrested themselves. He knows.
So my belief is that Null knows the year, the month, the day, the hour, even the second he's no longer useful to the farms is the second every single one of them will come after him. In an odd way though it's a like mutualistic relation.

Do you think KiwiFarms can exist without Null? As I've said elsewhere, my understanding (and this is something I didn't know when I joined the forum) is that KiwiFarms is essentially just an appendage of MATI, kinda like the "research and development" department of MATI. I came to understand that KiwiFarms exist as a platform for Null to collect unique lolcow material for MATI. KiwiFarms is useful for Null as long as it provides fodder and filler for his podcast. Null's main interest is MATI, KiwiFarms is just a necessary evil he has to maintain for the sake of MATI.

Of course he views Nick as manipulative: He's manipulative.
All lawyers are manipulative. It's what they're trained to be.
They are masters of the art of the implied underhanded suggestion.
If Null doesn't like manipulative slime-ball lawyers he shouldn't have not-really-befriended one so publically.
Null just a moment ago on MATI very publicly burned his bridge with Rekieta:

Based on what Rekieta said, that he wants me to be the one to say we're not fwends anymore, I would be completely right to say you're lying about me, deliberately, to drive a wedge between me and my community. That's pretty shitty, go fuck yourself. Every reasonable person, it would be extremely reasonable to say that. And I wouldn't be MATI, because it's not the internet that's pissing me off, it's one particular person. However, chat, in good faith, I will treat Rekieta as he has treated me, because whenever he signs off his rants about me, he says "I love Josh, I love the KF": I just think everything about him is shit and his community is fucking garbage and I don't care, and I hope he goes away, because, fuck it. That's his thing, he does this really passive-aggressive thing, where he circles around, telling me to go fuck myself, but he can't be the one to say it. So I won't be able to say it. In fact, I will treat Rekieta as he's treated me, and I'm gonna say (proceeds to read a passive-aggressive note with a lot of what I guess are underhanded insults referring Rekieta lore or private conversations that I'm completely unfamiliar with and hence can't parse.)

Nick, I hold no ill will towards you. I totally forgive you for lying about me offering to censor your thread. I know from your nose, it's just part of your nature and you can't help yourself. Your car is so cool, and you totally deserve to treat yourself.
(I didn't get the rest, to me it sounded like Null was referring to stuff that Rekieta had discussed with him privately, like buying a new car or something like that, that Null is now implicitly making fun of.)
Do you think KiwiFarms can exist without Null?
The answer is a bit more complex than a simple yes or no, also he wasn't even the one to start it iirc. It used to be chris chan focused when someone else originally made it and became kiwifarms later. I can see the same thing happening again. It probably won't be known as kiwifarms but if someone manages to get all the data off the site they can basically just copy it over and mirror it continuing it as a spiritual successor like kiwi was for the chis chan one. Depending on who he gets to host the site someone could pull 4d chess and make a copy. Probably why he also says not to trust unofficial mirrors. In theory it could certainly continue without him in one form or another, again it probably just won't be called kiwifarms.
KiwiFarms exist as a platform for Null to collect unique lolcow material for MATI.
I believe its more accurate the other way around. Im sure this isnt entirely accurate since Im working with some pretty hazy memories from when I used to listen to MATI years ago, but I believe he's said something like he made MATI as a way to make money in a way that wasnt "directly" tied to kf since he would get banned if he tried to make official kf accounts on patreon and similar services.
This also coincided with him trying to network with all the cool youtubers at the time, most of which he's burned bridges with by now, lol.
Increasing his brand recognition and thereby generating interest/traffic to the farms, was a factor in all of this too, I believe.
They literally think Rekieta wants to have sex with Null:
i'm amazed you haven't been following 2023's lolcow of the year. Nick is lying through his teeth and you're more autistic than null for not seeing that. Josh has been through this whole show for a decade. Nick's doing the internet thread subject equivalent of catcalling. No he doesn't actually just want to talk or tell josh he looks pretty today or that he should smile more. Josh is 100% in the right and the only autistic thing is that he doesn't realize humans grey rock that shit. "yeah i heard that sucks" or if he truely liked Nick "thats awful, so hows the kids?" but he is doing what he should here, also Nick's black friend is just his version of Vito. You might defend Vito the pedo but Josh had a shitload of luck breaking shit off right when Dick was starting to get closer to him.

Josh is playing the metokur playbook for the most part, keep everyone at bay and keep your activities online secret. the fact that josh actually uses kiwifarms shows he's slightly more public but overall he's playing by a somewhat normie playbook about his activites online.

I'm actually disappointed, has no one ever slid in your DMs to flirt? Nick is doing everything short of sending a dick pic to josh.
There will always be a gossip forum, but KiwiFarms itself cannot exist without Null.
Most drama sites eventually become stagnant, or implode, thus why most people find Null's site to be particularly exceptional.
So: No, in my opinion I don't think it can exist without Null.
it really takes a special type of weirdo to keep up a website out of spite for so long. Redbar's mike david barely made more than a guy working at staples by the 10th anniversary of his site and was 100% Null-esque in that era, and while not autistic Mike was so determined to prove the haters and especially his family and former friends wrong that he kept his site up when the userbase was practically nothing. 4k listeners.

If josh was normal then like every other forum, once it stopped being fun or he could milk it he'd drop it and run. literally exactly like ED which has had a dozen different "owners" in the last decade. You need to be unable to get a life outside of your passion project in order to keep at it years later. George Lucas is a bigger example, him not playing with the unions and kikes meant he was the Null of his empire for decades, unable to move on from a franchise that was just one of the dozen ideas he had for films in the 1970s.

plenty of businesses have similar stories, once you take the big guy out then it goes from someone's passion project to something people with almost no passion just take over and use and pass on to the next guy with even less care once they're done with it.
i'm amazed you haven't been following 2023's lolcow of the year. Nick is lying through his teeth and you're more autistic than null for not seeing that. Josh has been through this whole show for a decade. Nick's doing the internet thread subject equivalent of catcalling. No he doesn't actually just want to talk or tell josh he looks pretty today or that he should smile more. Josh is 100% in the right and the only autistic thing is that he doesn't realize humans grey rock that shit. "yeah i heard that sucks" or if he truely liked Nick "thats awful, so hows the kids?" but he is doing what he should here, also Nick's black friend is just his version of Vito. You might defend Vito the pedo but Josh had a shitload of luck breaking shit off right when Dick was starting to get closer to him.
Balldo man is 100% a weirdo you shouldn't talk to after the sun goes down but josh is also 100% spastic. The fact that nick's late night "you up bby" messages have seemingly caused him so much mental distress is hilariously retarded.