Based on what Rekieta said, that he wants me to be the one to say we're not fwends anymore, I would be completely right to say you're lying about me, deliberately, to drive a wedge between me and my community. That's pretty shitty, go fuck yourself. Every reasonable person, it would be extremely reasonable to say that. And I wouldn't be MATI, because it's not the internet that's pissing me off, it's one particular person. However, chat, in good faith, I will treat Rekieta as he has treated me, because whenever he signs off his rants about me, he says "I love Josh, I love the KF": I just think everything about him is shit and his community is fucking garbage and I don't care, and I hope he goes away, because, fuck it. That's his thing, he does this really passive-aggressive thing, where he circles around, telling me to go fuck myself, but he can't be the one to say it. So I won't be able to say it. In fact, I will treat Rekieta as he's treated me, and I'm gonna say (proceeds to read a passive-aggressive note with a lot of what I guess are underhanded insults referring Rekieta lore or private conversations that I'm completely unfamiliar with and hence can't parse.)
Nick, I hold no ill will towards you. I totally forgive you for lying about me offering to censor your thread. I know from your nose, it's just part of your nature and you can't help yourself. Your car is so cool, and you totally deserve to treat yourself. (I didn't get the rest, to me it sounded like Null was referring to stuff that Rekieta had discussed with him privately, like buying a new car or something like that, that Null is now implicitly making fun of.)