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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Null just went over this Twitter exchange between Dick Masterson and Rekieta, he's so mad about it, LMAOOO:


"We need to get Null a wife and get him some kids, Not even joking! #TrollcowBackup would help!"
Here's the data he provided:

21 and Single White Male...​

-Shy -Smart -Young at Heart -Computer skilled

-Humorous -A great thinker and go-getter -"Natural salesperson" -Enjoys good parts of life

-Diplomatic -Friendly -Loves his family -Peaceful -Very creative -He's lonely...


*18-21 years of age *does _not_ already have a boyfriend *Single

-Average to Slender Weight/Body Type -White -Lives in Charolettesville or Ruckersville area

*Does NOT Smoke or Drink Alcohol -Happy, Positive Personality

*Average/High Income -Drives a vehicle

If any ♂MEN♂ read this huge sign...​


"If you send your kids to French schools"... does not know French, has never learned any French or anything about France in school, has never been to France on their own. Typical KF trad-LARPer running their mouth about shit they don't know.

You should've posted this in the KF thread though, not here in the Null thread.
I agree and yes I meant to post it in the KF thread but accidentally posted it here.
Null said he's a quarter Italian on his maternal grandfather's side, and that his ancestors are from Naples... does this explain his eruptive temper?


"Italian volcano stretched nearly to breaking point", LMAO, if Null ever needs a log-line for his online dating profile, that should be it.

Maybe Null and that Neapolitan volcano are still somehow connected. Perhaps Null can sense in his Italian genes when the volcano in Naples is about to erupt, and in response he gets angry and erupts himself.
Josh's friends (actual friends and not his forum users who kiss his ass) believe he is too autistic to have a normal conversation with. To Josh, a friendless individual for 10+ years, there's always some end game to every conversation and that friends don't just talk and keep up with each other for talkings sake, ie. what friends do. The only time Josh ever mentions going out of his way to talk with Nick is to ask about some obscure legal questions which shows Josh has some strange transactional approach to friendship.

Everyone in Nick's thread is kissing Josh's ass which is par for the course. No one really knows the full extent of the conversation, but unanimously agree Josh is in the right. Josh is also seething that Nick is very friendly with Dick Masterson and cannot believe Nick would stand by his best friend Drexel to defend him from Josh's criminal grooming accusations.
"Everybody who've helped you and who would help you you've alienated. You listen to weird narratives about people and you don't just ask them 'what's going on?' you just run with it." Some very wise words from Mr. Rekieta that autistic Josh cannot comprehend.

Poor, autistic Josh! He did everything correct! All his internet friends leave him yet remain friends which each other and it's never his fault! How long till he calls Nick a pedophile enabler? You know his audience is itching to. All they're waiting for is for Josh to give the sign.
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Josh's friends (actual friends and not his forum users who kiss his ass) believe he is too autistic to have a normal conversation with. To Josh, a friendless individual for 10+ years, there's always some end game to every conversation and that friends don't just talk and keep up with each other for talkings sake, ie. what friends do. The only time Josh every mentions going out of his way to talk to Rekieta is for legal questions which shows Josh has some strange transactional approach to friendship.
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Everyone in Nick's thread is kissing Josh's ass which is par for the course. No one knows the full extent of the conversation but unanimously agree Josh is in the right. Josh is also seething that Nick is very friendly with Dick Masterson and doesn't believe that Nick would stand by his best friend Drexel to defend him from Josh's criminal grooming accusations.
"Everybody who've helped you and who would help you you've alienated. You listen to weird narratives about people and you don't just ask them 'what's going on?' you just run with it." Some very wise words from Mr. Rekieta that autistic Josh cannot comprehend.
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Poor, autistic Josh! He did everything correct! All his internet friends leave him yet remain friends which each other and it's never his fault! How long till he calls Nick a pedophile enabler?
There's a saying I tell people, it's a good lesson I feel: To know a person's nature is to simply observe how they treat and view their enemies.
I think Josh proves that lesson.
Imagine being this obsessed with race, in the words of professional clown Sargon of Akkad "you're a acting like a fucking white nigger, mate" :story:


"NIGGERS could be here" he thought, "I've never been in this neighbourhood before. There could be NIGGERS anywhere." The cool wind felt good against his bare chest. "I HATE NIGGERS" he thought. Sweet Dreams are Made of These reverberated his entire car, making it pulsate even as the $9 wine circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of minorities after dark. "With a car, you can go anywhere you want" he said to himself, out loud.


Sike, Josh is too much of a loser to get a driving license.
You ever wonder how Josh could literally admit he jacked off to shota porn, and fantasize about rape, literally created a board for nounces, got kicked by 8chan for enabling nounces, actively caught himself in drama involving these situations and has played defense for others involving these situations but he'll always be given excuses and deniability? Yet when it involves anyone else somehow KF will go off on the slightest affront?
I mean I can't say I'm surprised, I don't think any of these people actually care. Literally selective outrage.
I went on 8chan ONE time and was immediately greeted with softcore CP. fuck that. Jim and Ron Watkins are creepy fucks too.
I went on 8chan ONE time and was immediately greeted with softcore CP. fuck that. Jim and Ron Watkins are creepy fucks too.
I somehow avoided it, the most I ever saw was loli, granted I only browsed /v/.
Also you aren't going to hear me defend Jim and Watkins, fuck them for literally making the site completely politically based and actively encouraging the site to just be Trump posting. Also fuck them for actually paying Mark, the board owner of /v/. I cannot believe how fucking stupid Mark was, and it pains me he was paid to be that fucking stupid.