An Onion Among Onions
Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.
Starting to get closeted / chaser vibes tbhSo there you go: Null thinks that simply seeing a trannie IRL will make a real "unsocialized" man start mailing bombs around.
Null said on MATI yesterday that he regretted not sending a fan letter to Ted Kaczynski before his suicide about how terrible everything is. Null wanted to tell Kaczynski that he's better off on the inside than the outside. But then he heard about Kaczynski's cancer diagnosis and decided not to write him a letter because he though it would be too depressing. Null also worried that writing a letter to Kaczynski would have him placed on a list, as if he isn't already on a list along with all the Kiwis.
Here is the part where he talks about the Unabomber, whose writings he seems to be very familiar with:
Null, ever the monocausal reductionist, then claimed that the reason Kaczynski went crazy and started bombing people was not because he had been subjected to sadistic psychological tests that had desensitized him, not because he felt encroached upon living in his cabin in the woods and was worried about the destruction of the natural environment by industry, but because he had a bout of gender dysphoria and had briefly convinced himself he was trans. Null claims that what broke Kaczynski was visiting the gender clinic and seeing all the disgusting AGPs there in the waiting room, which instantly cured him of his gender dysphoria but made him hate modernity even more. Null agrees with Kaczynski's claim that males are "oversocialized", that they care too much what others think of them (as if Null doesn't crave the respect of his peers for his antisociality; Null has simply created his own hierarchy where being antisocial gains you respect).
So there you go: Null thinks that simply seeing a trannie IRL will make a real "unsocialized" man start mailing bombs around.
This paragraph reads like something written by ChatGPT and is brain cancer-inducing.Null, ever the monocausal reductionist, then claimed that the reason Kaczynski went crazy and started bombing people was not because he had been subjected to sadistic psychological tests that had desensitized him, not because he felt encroached upon living in his cabin in the woods and was worried about the destruction of the natural environment by industry, but because he had a bout of gender dysphoria and had briefly convinced himself he was trans. Null claims that what broke Kaczynski was visiting the gender clinic and seeing all the disgusting AGPs there in the waiting room, which instantly cured him of his gender dysphoria but made him hate modernity even more. Null agrees with Kaczynski's claim that males are "oversocialized", that they care too much what others think of them (as if Null doesn't crave the respect of his peers for his antisociality; Null has simply created his own hierarchy where being antisocial gains you respect).
the building block of civilization and the thing that makes us human is our socialization, the pike formation from the days of troy to the days of Charles V relied on formations that ended up meaning that your chance of survival relied entirely on the guy to the left of you doing his job correctly. your ability to survive war at its most basic formation had not a single fucking thing to do with how good you were, but your buddy right next to you doing his properly. You try doing shit one on one and you'd die pretty quickly in war, thats why societies up until a certain population are de facto socialist, people dont really have enough to do more than divide stuff evenly or at best to their need or ability. its practically impossible to live on your own, even ted had his family providing shit like the shack he lived in or supplies. same with henry david throeau.Null agrees with Kaczynski's claim that males are "oversocialized", that they care too much what others think of them (as if Null doesn't crave the respect of his peers for his antisociality; Null has simply created his own hierarchy where being antisocial gains you respect).
So there you go: Null thinks that simply seeing a trannie IRL will make a real "unsocialized" man start mailing bombs around.
Joshua Walsh.
The pedophile scandal in the Catholic Church is not a pedophile scandal. The vast majority of victims are post-pubescent teens and young men. The real problem in the Church that everyone sees and few will say out loud: gay priests.
—Matt Walsh
he wants a ring camera without the cost? he's always trying to do things the hard way because he doesn't trust people.Null has apparently obtained a security camera:
View attachment 35876
Is this due to his usual paranoia or is Null actually in trouble/danger?
I can't recall him ever talking about wanting to install a security camera before. I would assume, given his obsession with privacy and not getting logged by the Internet of Things that he would hate the idea having a surveillance camera. Recall how he asked Kiwis about a car with literally no digital technology at all because he fears the CIA taking control of it and driving it off the road.
So why does Null need a surveillance camera with object recognition?
Joshua Walsh.
Sweetie, a raspberry pi for each camera with this fantastic open-source software will be the same as a ring doorbell or nest camera system.he wants a ring camera without the cost? he's always trying to do things the hard way because he doesn't trust people.
as for the car thing he's slightly fucked unless he's explicitly looking for cars 20+ years old. not many good ones at least.
>take the meds goyToo bad he probably thinks mood stabilizers are a Jewish tool to suppress the brilliant goys like himself.
This is not the first time Null is using Matt Walsh as a model to emulate for his trad-LARP. Null's anti-animation take also comes directly from a Matt Walsh video.Joshua Walsh.
I would drop a fat fucking nuke on LA. I would just wipe it out. Not even sorry. If you're gonna be fucking up people in LA, I wish you all the luck. Godspeed.
Aren't you the same person that was screeching at other users earlier about how 16 - 17 year old underage teenagers are just innocent, pure-minded little children and must be sheltered and protected at all costs? Seems like you only consider pedophilia (sorry, I mean "exposure to sex or discussion of sexual topics" with minors as, you autisticly put it) bad if homos aren't the ones doing it. Demented hypocrite.Furthermore, when your religion is based on the idea that any exposure to sex or discussion of sexual topics outside of procreation within marriage is sinful and wrong, AND you go out of your way to shelter/dissuade people from these topics as much as possible, keeping them ignorant of these topics even as teenagers and adolescents (cos remember, Christians oppose all sex ed, not just "LGBT indoctrination"), children who have been subjected to sexual abuse by religious leaders have no context to understand their experience as "sexual abuse", and instead will wallow in feelings of "sinful" guilt and shame, thinking that they somehow provoked their abuse.
This is your strawman about what you as a fag would like to present "the church" (which denomination?) as. Easy form of psychological projection for you.Matt Walsh needs to ask himself why so many chomos ended up in hiding in the church and what it was about the church that led to such a concentration.