• Welcome to Onionfarms - The most inclusive Kiwifarms splinter on the internet | all races | gay or straight | CIS or trans | If you can rock with us, you are one of us

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms

Kramer is A Man Da

Remarkable Onion
That is Squire of Gothos, a once well-regarded alog of lolcow Ethan Ralph. People turned on him after he exposed the gayops with Genius Anus/Eric of Melbourne. He does the impression on livestreams from time to time. Josh is too scared to mention him by name, only daring to mention his homosexual cohort Perspicacity ("Persip" for short) and even when he manages that he gets the lore all wrong. "Mr. Vickers drip feeds information to his capo Perspicacity." Persip hates Mr. Vickers and always has.
i'm slightly sad i missed that arc, PPP and friends going from the top of the sektor to all going at each other was probably really interesting. didn't Squire do a live video where he dressed up and it fucked him up hard?

"I know I come across as a crazy person but I have been in this shit for over 10 years and I know what I'm talking about" - Null.
i love how Null is slowly rewriting history on all of this. one of the many people he banned called out dick for this in the thread and almost caused null to move it again. Plus null broke up with dick because of the tranny stuff originally right? or the loli stuff. either way he's rewriting his dick breakup to being about the cuties thing.

i'm more surprised we don't see dick going apeshit about his lack of money, every month his patreon drops another percent and you'd think a CHAD like dick would have noticed losing a quarter of his monthly income over 3 years plus inflation fucking him on the other side. Then there's the whole fanbase that is non-existant at this point to factor in aswell


An Onion Among Onions
i'm slightly sad i missed that arc, PPP and friends going from the top of the sektor to all going at each other was probably really interesting. didn't Squire do a live video where he dressed up and it fucked him up hard?
Squire dressed up in a video to ridicule Josh and Josh pretended to not watch it, choosing to watch 15 seconds of it on stream and dismissing the video as boring, never once mentioning Squire by name. It's the same way Josh pretends not to read Onion Farms but secretly holds things against people who do.
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Hellovan Onion
null on weight loss.png

The Gays From LA

The Gays From LA Took My K.Flay Away
Hellovan Onion
Null said on MATI yesterday that he regretted not sending a fan letter to Ted Kaczynski before his suicide about how terrible everything is. Null wanted to tell Kaczynski that he's better off on the inside than the outside. But then he heard about Kaczynski's cancer diagnosis and decided not to write him a letter because he though it would be too depressing. Null also worried that writing a letter to Kaczynski would have him placed on a list, as if he isn't already on a list along with all the Kiwis.

Here is the part where he talks about the Unabomber, whose writings he seems to be very familiar with:

Null, ever the monocausal reductionist, then claimed that the reason Kaczynski went crazy and started bombing people was not because he had been subjected to sadistic psychological tests that had desensitized him, not because he felt encroached upon living in his cabin in the woods and was worried about the destruction of the natural environment by industry, but because he had a bout of gender dysphoria and had briefly convinced himself he was trans. Null claims that what broke Kaczynski was visiting the gender clinic and seeing all the disgusting AGPs there in the waiting room, which instantly cured him of his gender dysphoria but made him hate modernity even more. Null agrees with Kaczynski's claim that males are "oversocialized", that they care too much what others think of them (as if Null doesn't crave the respect of his peers for his antisociality; Null has simply created his own hierarchy where being antisocial gains you respect).

So there you go: Null thinks that simply seeing a trannie IRL will make a real "unsocialized" man start mailing bombs around.

Chrysler Building

Hellovan Onion

How much cream is he using? Even heavy cream is only 4g of carbs (at most) per 100g and it can have up 2-4g of protein per 100g depending on what you get. You can have 340cal per 100g but you shouldn't be putting 100g into your coffee, that's 2/3 of a cup! You only need a tablespoon at best and that's 21.25g!

What the fuck, is Null drinking it straight from the carton? Biiiiitch

Null said on MATI yesterday that he regretted not sending a fan letter to Ted Kaczynski before his suicide about how terrible everything is. Null wanted to tell Kaczynski that he's better off on the inside than the outside. But then he heard about Kaczynski's cancer diagnosis and decided not to write him a letter because he though it would be too depressing. Null also worried that writing a letter to Kaczynski would have him placed on a list, as if he isn't already on a list along with all the Kiwis.

Here is the part where he talks about the Unabomber, whose writings he seems to be very familiar with:

Null, ever the monocausal reductionist, then claimed that the reason Kaczynski went crazy and started bombing people was not because he had been subjected to sadistic psychological tests that had desensitized him, not because he felt encroached upon living in his cabin in the woods and was worried about the destruction of the natural environment by industry, but because he had a bout of gender dysphoria and had briefly convinced himself he was trans. Null claims that what broke Kaczynski was visiting the gender clinic and seeing all the disgusting AGPs there in the waiting room, which instantly cured him of his gender dysphoria but made him hate modernity even more. Null agrees with Kaczynski's claim that males are "oversocialized", that they care too much what others think of them (as if Null doesn't crave the respect of his peers for his antisociality; Null has simply created his own hierarchy where being antisocial gains you respect).

So there you go: Null thinks that simply seeing a trannie IRL will make a real "unsocialized" man start mailing bombs around.

Null, you murdered Uncle Ted. His only dream was to receive a letter from you and when you didn't give it to him then he killed himself out of despair. Good job faggot.


Baby Onion
Null, ever the monocausal reductionist, then claimed that the reason Kaczynski went crazy and started bombing people was not because he had been subjected to sadistic psychological tests that had desensitized him, not because he felt encroached upon living in his cabin in the woods and was worried about the destruction of the natural environment by industry, but because he had a bout of gender dysphoria and had briefly convinced himself he was trans. Null claims that what broke Kaczynski was visiting the gender clinic and seeing all the disgusting AGPs there in the waiting room, which instantly cured him of his gender dysphoria but made him hate modernity even more. Null agrees with Kaczynski's claim that males are "oversocialized", that they care too much what others think of them (as if Null doesn't crave the respect of his peers for his antisociality; Null has simply created his own hierarchy where being antisocial gains you respect).
This paragraph reads like something written by ChatGPT and is brain cancer-inducing.

By the way, I haven't bothered to follow the alleged details of the Kaczynski death thing, but I'm betting that his "suicide" was along the lines of involving two bullets being shot into the back of his head.

Kramer is A Man Da

Remarkable Onion
Null agrees with Kaczynski's claim that males are "oversocialized", that they care too much what others think of them (as if Null doesn't crave the respect of his peers for his antisociality; Null has simply created his own hierarchy where being antisocial gains you respect).

So there you go: Null thinks that simply seeing a trannie IRL will make a real "unsocialized" man start mailing bombs around.
the building block of civilization and the thing that makes us human is our socialization, the pike formation from the days of troy to the days of Charles V relied on formations that ended up meaning that your chance of survival relied entirely on the guy to the left of you doing his job correctly. your ability to survive war at its most basic formation had not a single fucking thing to do with how good you were, but your buddy right next to you doing his properly. You try doing shit one on one and you'd die pretty quickly in war, thats why societies up until a certain population are de facto socialist, people dont really have enough to do more than divide stuff evenly or at best to their need or ability. its practically impossible to live on your own, even ted had his family providing shit like the shack he lived in or supplies. same with henry david throeau.

even the guys i know who try to go it alone as e-celebs need at least a few people to handle the stuff they can't or would take up too much of their time. editors or webmasters or others to help with shit to keep it from being one guy doing everything until he collapses from exhaustion. The only real way you can go it alone is like Jim Jones, with hundreds of people helping you.

beyond that Ted's own brother sold him out so you have to understand keeping at least somewhat of a good reputation is needed to not get completely fucked in the long run. even the court system shows that, being a "jury of your peers"

The Gays From LA

The Gays From LA Took My K.Flay Away
Hellovan Onion
Null has apparently obtained a security camera:



Is this due to his usual paranoia or is Null actually in trouble/danger?
I can't recall him ever talking about wanting to install a security camera before. I would assume, given his obsession with privacy and not getting logged by the Internet of Things that he would hate the idea having a surveillance camera. Recall how he asked Kiwis about a car with literally no digital technology at all because he fears the CIA taking control of it and driving it off the road.

So why does Null need a surveillance camera with object recognition?

Kramer is A Man Da

Remarkable Onion
Null has apparently obtained a security camera:

View attachment 35876


Is this due to his usual paranoia or is Null actually in trouble/danger?
I can't recall him ever talking about wanting to install a security camera before. I would assume, given his obsession with privacy and not getting logged by the Internet of Things that he would hate the idea having a surveillance camera. Recall how he asked Kiwis about a car with literally no digital technology at all because he fears the CIA taking control of it and driving it off the road.

So why does Null need a surveillance camera with object recognition?
he wants a ring camera without the cost? he's always trying to do things the hard way because he doesn't trust people.

as for the car thing he's slightly fucked unless he's explicitly looking for cars 20+ years old. not many good ones at least.

Kunikazu Okumura

Remarkable Onion
he wants a ring camera without the cost? he's always trying to do things the hard way because he doesn't trust people.

as for the car thing he's slightly fucked unless he's explicitly looking for cars 20+ years old. not many good ones at least.
Sweetie, a raspberry pi for each camera with this fantastic open-source software will be the same as a ring doorbell or nest camera system.

The Gays From LA

The Gays From LA Took My K.Flay Away
Hellovan Onion
Joshua Walsh.
This is not the first time Null is using Matt Walsh as a model to emulate for his trad-LARP. Null's anti-animation take also comes directly from a Matt Walsh video.

Matt Walsh still can't bring himself to accept the fact that the religious elite of his chosen religion was inherently a safe haven for chomos. When your religion is based on the concept guilt/innocence or punishment/forgiveness and the idea that even the biggest sinner can be forgiven just through prayer, who the hell is that going to attract? You've set your institution wide open from the get-go to attract the biggest criminals who are unwelcome everywhere else. Furthermore, when your religion is based on the idea that any exposure to sex or discussion of sexual topics outside of procreation within marriage is sinful and wrong, AND you go out of your way to shelter/dissuade people from these topics as much as possible, keeping them ignorant of these topics even as teenagers and adolescents (cos remember, Christians oppose all sex ed, not just "LGBT indoctrination"), children who have been subjected to sexual abuse by religious leaders have no context to understand their experience as "sexual abuse", and instead will wallow in feelings of "sinful" guilt and shame, thinking that they somehow provoked their abuse. Especially if they were children and have grown up with the idea of sin being a form of punishment over personal guilt. The church actively opposes concepts such as sexual consent and personal agency, presenting sexuality as a base, animal act that just-so-happens to people and that only marriage is somehow supposed to reign in and control. Null himself is too vapid and immature to have a intelligent analysis of these things. He prefers the simplistic world of Matt Walsh instead of examining the inherent ideas built into Christianity that led to this scandal. Criminological research shows that affinity scams are very common in religious communities because religious people are encouraged to be naive, unworldly and very trusting of leaders, and to wallow in a false sense of security that is entirely imaginary and not based in reality. When your religion declares doubt itself a sin, you're concentrating a lot of unquestioning gullible suckers in one place. For any criminal hiding within your church hierarchy, they're just sitting ducks.

Instead of wallowing in homophobia, Matt Walsh needs to ask himself why so many chomos ended up in hiding in the church and what it was about the church that led to such a concentration. Perhaps when you have a hierarchical religious culture that condemns homosexuality and all sexuality as a sin but nevertheless prides itself for being open the biggest sinners, chomos will inevitably try to hide within the hierarchy of your religion. You cannot resolve this inherent contradiction within Christianity, where it's very open but very judgemental at the same time.

Besides, we all know that if it wasn't for the efforts of secular society investigating this scandal, the likes of Matt Walsh would've been happy to continue looking the other way and covering it up just to preserve "the peace" or the religious order and the religious elite. So what are the likes of Matt Walsh and Null going to do when they discover that the Church continues to be a safe haven for chomos? Ban secular society to stop people from finding out? You can't. There will always be an outside beyond the church that will want to expose any hypocrisy or criminality within the church.

The Gays From LA

The Gays From LA Took My K.Flay Away
Hellovan Onion
Null was asked on MATI today which Californian territory he'd want to wipe out, and he apparently wants to nuclear Holocaust K.Flay:

I would drop a fat fucking nuke on LA. I would just wipe it out. Not even sorry. If you're gonna be fucking up people in LA, I wish you all the luck. Godspeed.

Poor K.Flay, all she did was love another woman.

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Baby Onion
Furthermore, when your religion is based on the idea that any exposure to sex or discussion of sexual topics outside of procreation within marriage is sinful and wrong, AND you go out of your way to shelter/dissuade people from these topics as much as possible, keeping them ignorant of these topics even as teenagers and adolescents (cos remember, Christians oppose all sex ed, not just "LGBT indoctrination"), children who have been subjected to sexual abuse by religious leaders have no context to understand their experience as "sexual abuse", and instead will wallow in feelings of "sinful" guilt and shame, thinking that they somehow provoked their abuse.
Aren't you the same person that was screeching at other users earlier about how 16 - 17 year old underage teenagers are just innocent, pure-minded little children and must be sheltered and protected at all costs? Seems like you only consider pedophilia (sorry, I mean "exposure to sex or discussion of sexual topics" with minors as, you autisticly put it) bad if homos aren't the ones doing it. Demented hypocrite.
Matt Walsh needs to ask himself why so many chomos ended up in hiding in the church and what it was about the church that led to such a concentration.
This is your strawman about what you as a fag would like to present "the church" (which denomination?) as. Easy form of psychological projection for you.
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