• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
View attachment 84851
geckogoy comforts Null by telling him that it's not his fault Andrew Tate makes more money than him, it's the Jews.
Has it ever occurred to the Kiwis that they mirror what the Leftoids preach about capitalism?

"My life sucks, it has to be the fault of X. It is never my fault."

While there will always be things beyond the power of an individual, blaming everything wrong with your life on an outside party is so fucking gay and lame. You alone are responsible for your life choices and you have to take responsibility for the outcomes.

A big red flag to see someone is very insecure is when they blame capitalism (like with Leftoids) or blame the Jews (like with Rightoids) for everything that is wrong with the world when 8 to 9 times out of 10 when something bad happens to them it's usually their fault and not an outside force.

Jersh can't make bank because he's a terrible business partner and he's too stupid to branch out to potential business partners, nothing more.
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Null vs Chibi Reviews. Who would win this fight?
This just shows me that Jersh is stuck in the past where it seems even his own chat is somewhat clowning on him.

This isn't the 2000's anymore where back in the day, you would've been made fun of for liking Japanese content and be mercilessly bullied for doing so. It's like video games. Before Doom and Mortal Kombat, video games were seen as lame kids stuff. But after Doom and Mortal Kombat, video games were seen as cool because the cool kids loved those games.

The same thing is happening with anime and manga and other content from Japan and the East because the cool kids gave it a chance and loved it, so anime and manga are no longer these niche forms of entertainment anymore and has become a multi-billion dollar industry and a global phenomena that has appeal to many around the world.

As for the overused joke about how weebs can't get women. I think a lot of weebs at this point have rationalized their preference for fictional female characters by adopting the Men Going Their Own Way' ideals by not seeking a relationship and not seeking marriage because feminism ruined male-female relationships (it simply wouldn't matter whether anime is present or not as many men in general around the world have given up on dating and marriage altogether; weebs preferring 2D women over 3D women is a symptom and not the cause of the male loneliness epidemic). I think there's a part of Jersh that knows while Andrew Tate is a terrible person, he's not wrong about why there is a male loliniess epedemic because of how the way things are. People used to make fun of Japan for their declining birth rate and their men choosing hobbies over relationships but this trend is also starting to be seen in the rest of the developed world.

As for Chibi Reviews. I see him as cringe but looking at everything so far, this seems to be a Johnny Depp-Amber Heard situation where it seems the Chibi's ex-girlfriend looks like the crazy one and and he looks like the victim based on everything I've read about this so far. I bring up Johnny Depp because if you remember that celebrity drama, at first ther Internet sided with Amber Heard and Johnny Depp was getting cancelled but then Johnny Depp showed the receipts and dropped bombshells that made people side with him and turn against Amber Heard. So I don't know why Jersh thinks Chibi Reviews is the aggressor and siding with a woman that's a bigger lolcow than Chibi is but I don't know how Jersh's mind works in regards to stuff like this.

It's clear to me Jersh and probably a good chunk of the Kiwis are still stuck in the 2000's and the old meme that is antagonistic towards the anime community has aged like milk under the Sun.

This old meme here describes how people back in the 2000's felt about Japanese entertainment and was often used to make fun of the anime community but I say it aged like milk because anime and manga is everywhere now and people consume that content like hotcakes.

If you told someone 20 years ago that Japan and the East in general would be replacing Hollywood as the default source of entertainment then you would be seen as crazy. Well here we are now and this ancient meme you see here before you is a relic of how people used to think back then.
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View attachment 84888
No, we don't save embarassments.
So regarding the whole "teenagers don't know shit and they're fucking stupid" thing

How does he explain high-school sweethearts that stay together the rest of their lives?

Granted that's really not a thing these days as it used to be decades ago, but it's still a thing. Are they stupid for doing that as well because they decided to be with just ONE person and not explore their options?

i get it, teens do stupid shit, but this is just as bad as saying we need to dumb down media for children because they can't handle complex situations. There are plenty of teens that act mature for their age and have gotten with the program long before the rest of the herd.
It's another episode of Casanova Josh™ giving relationship advice.
View attachment 84881
Jersh, Chris-Chan has a legitimate girlfriend and you're still alone.

Me taking relationship advice from Jersh would be like me taking stock trading advice from Homer Simpson.
View attachment 84888
No, we don't save embarassments.
Jersh forgets that concepts like childhood and legal protections for minors are recent concepts in recorded human history.

The idea that society has an altruistic obligation to add legal protections for minors wouldn't really be prevalent until the Industrial Revolution when social activists of the day were concerned about the well being of kids and teenagers working dangerous jobs (like factory work and mining) along with minors at the time being targeted by bad people. Back then, minors were expected to grow up fast and adapt to their environments fast because the law of the jungle often did not permit minors to fully enjoy their youthful years (in many ancient cultures, when you turned around 10 to 13 years old you were expected to learn the basics of home economics, learn how to grow crops, learn how to raise cattle, getting a job, you may be drafted to go to war if you were male, get married and often people below the age of 18 got married in those days, learn how to travel by horse, and the list goes on). Things like childhood and legal protections for minors are luxuries that can be afforded by developed first-world countries and some second-world counties.

If you want to look at how humanity used to be like back then, look no further than the third-world where kids and teenagers mature faster than their first-world and second-world counterparts because they have to adapt faster to their situations. Go to some African or Latin American country where it's not an uncommon sight to see a 14 year old driving a car to run errands; even if said third-world countries have laws that say how old you have to be to drive a car they're often unenforced because that's just how things are over there.

This isn't me saying that legal protections for minors is a bad thing (because legal protections for minors have been a net positive for humanity). This is me pointing out that legal protections for minors was a luxury that only the rich and powerful could afford while the plebeians had to deal with shit the world throws at them (disease, exploitation, war, famine, whatever the case may be).

If Jersh were to travel to a third-world country and look at how kids and teenagers act there then he would realize they are far more mature for their ages than those living in a first-world country because third-world living is borderline living under the law of the jungle where you are required to grow up faster in the third-world. Legal protections for minors is a first-world luxury, it is not universal. If tomorrow we see that the first-world nations as we know them collapses, the situation for minors living in said former first-world countries would return back to how things were before the Industrial Revolution.
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Its ironic that grifter retard thinks it has anything to say about marriage.
A reminder that Chris-Chan has a better chance of getting married than Jersh does.

At least Chris-Chan is shown that he can get a girlfriend (CWC is currently in a relationship) so CWC's prospects of getting married and potentially having a kid is higher unlike Jersh and many of the Kiwis.

So far Chris-Chan is winning at life.
Jersh, Chris-Chan has a legitimate girlfriend and you're still alone.

Me taking relationship advice from Jersh would be like me taking stock trading advice from Homer Simpson.

Jersh forgets that concepts like childhood and legal protections for minors are recent concepts in recorded human history.

The idea that society has an altruistic obligation to add legal protections for minors wouldn't really be prevalent until the Industrial Revolution when social activists of the day were concerned about the well being of kids and teenagers working dangerous jobs (like factory work and mining) along with minors at the time being targeted by bad people. Back then, minors were expected to grow up fast and adapt to their environments fast because the law of the jungle often did not permit minors to fully enjoy their youthful years (in many ancient cultures, when you turned around 10 to 13 years old you were expected to learn the basics of home economics, learn how to grow crops, learn how to raise cattle, getting a job, you may be drafted to go to war if you were male, get married and often people below the age of 18 got married in those days, learn how to travel by horse, and the list goes on). Things like childhood and legal protections for minors are luxuries that can be afforded by developed first-world countries and some second-world counties.

If you want to look at how humanity used to be like back then, look no further than the third-world where kids and teenagers mature faster than their first-world and second-world counterparts because they have to adapt faster to their situations. Go to some African or Latin American country where it's not an uncommon sight to see a 14 year old driving a car to run errands; even if said third-world countries have laws that say how old you have to be to drive a car they're often unenforced because that's just how things are over there.

This isn't me saying that legal protections for minors is a bad thing (because legal protections for minors have been a net positive for humanity). This is me pointing out that legal protections for minors was a luxury that only the rich and powerful could afford while the plebeians had to deal with shit the world throws at them (disease, exploitation, war, famine, whatever the case may be).

If Jersh were to travel to a third-world country and look at how kids and teenagers act there then he would realize they are far more mature for their ages than those living in a first-world country because third-world living is borderline living under the law of the jungle where you are required to grow up faster in the third-world. Legal protections for minors is a first-world luxury, it is not universal. If tomorrow we see that the first-world nations as we know them collapses, the situation for minors living in said former first-world countries would return back to how things were before the Industrial Revolution.
Driving ages around the world are not all that different: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_minimum_driving_ages#/media/File:Driving_Age_---_Global.svg

Age of puberty
Age of puberty.jpg
If Jersh were to travel to a third-world country and look at how kids and teenagers act there then he would realize they are far more mature for their ages than those living in a first-world country because third-world living is borderline living under the law of the jungle where you are required to grow up faster in the third-world. Legal protections for minors is a first-world luxury, it is not universal. If tomorrow we see that the first-world nations as we know them collapses, the situation for minors living in said former first-world countries would return back to how things were before the Industrial Revolution.
Hell, if he went to some place like Cambodia, or other places like that, he'd be having to bitch every single little minute that he'd have to work in whatever the conditions are there, meanwhile the children up there are working every single minute.
Josh has added special rules to streamer Steven "Destiny" Bonnell's thread (possibly out of fear of pending litigation) when every other popular lolcow, like lolcow Ethan Ralph, has the same kind of behavior going on in thief respective threads.
Screenshot_20250223_013925_Samsung Internet.jpg

He also warned a user for instructing others to flag Destiny. This isn't the issue as we all know Kiwifarms is full of flaggers. The issue is the threat was made directly and would give Destiny a weapon. When other users indirectly threatened to dox the children of Destiny's friend Dan Saltman and alluded to make phone calls to her employer nobody was warned at all.
Screenshot_20250223_014159_Samsung Internet.jpg
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well that's fucking surprising.PNG

Well I'll be goddamned, Josh is doing some due-diligence it seems, banning faggots who de-rail the destiny thread, and somehow some fucking way, he agrees that it's classless to make fun of destiny for being molested, wow, that's something I'd say. Genuinely shocked.
View attachment 84985
Well I'll be goddamned, Josh is doing some due-diligence it seems, banning faggots who de-rail the destiny thread, and somehow some fucking way, he agrees that it's classless to make fun of destiny for being molested, wow, that's something I'd say. Genuinely shocked.
Only because users ITT were arguing with his dingleberry, Lidl. I bet he banned them, but not Dingle Drip.
Hell, if he went to some place like Cambodia, or other places like that, he'd be having to bitch every single little minute that he'd have to work in whatever the conditions are there, meanwhile the children up there are working every single minute.
It would basically be this if Jersh were to move to a third-world country where a job he'd most likely get is in agriculture.
View attachment 84985
Well I'll be goddamned, Josh is doing some due-diligence it seems, banning faggots who de-rail the destiny thread, and somehow some fucking way, he agrees that it's classless to make fun of destiny for being molested, wow, that's something I'd say. Genuinely shocked.
Josh giving week-long bans for "Infighting" but doesn't even warn those who've cheered Destiny's molestation dozens of times :haha: (he just advises against it because he agrees it makes his site look terrible) and ONLY because Lidl entered the thread to police it of these disgusting comments :haha::haha:

Meanwhile he's banned users for giving him weight loss advice.
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View attachment 84985
Well I'll be goddamned, Josh is doing some due-diligence it seems, banning faggots who de-rail the destiny thread, and somehow some fucking way, he agrees that it's classless to make fun of destiny for being molested, wow, that's something I'd say. Genuinely shocked.
Seems to be the only reason why Jersh is doing this is to minimize any legal liabilities in regards to the Destiny drama.

He's just looking out for his own self-interests, nothing more.