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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Of all the shitty things Trump has done, "freeing Tate" (asking Romania to lift his travel restrictions) is Josh's final straw and he pretends he'll "ignore politics for 4 years" if Trump succeeds.
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Will Josh make good on his threats? Probably not.
Screenshot_20250227_102012_Samsung Internet.jpg

Will Josh make good on his threats? Probably not.
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And ruin his "non-profit freeze peach" grift? You don't know our Jocelyn.
Will Josh make good on his threats? Probably not.
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Even if it's proven that the Tate Brothers did some horrible things to women and children, at this point Jersh keeps losing.

If you remember Nick Rekieta, it was proven that he was a terrible person and Kiwi Farms kept documenting the whole shitshow only for Nick Rekieta to get a slap on the wrist in the end.

This is not a defense for the Tate Brothers (I'm willing to condemn them if and when they are proven in a court of law that they are really guilty). This is me pointing out that Jersh often A-Logs about the lolcows he personally hates and doesn't view things objectively that his predictions that he makes are often wrong.
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Null is cutting loose by saying he is know counter suing anyone who attacks KF legally and thinks Trump's policies will help him.
This is because Jocelyn / James Gabriel Potter (née Joshua Conner Moon) is a grade A, class 1, absolute fucking imbecile.

There are troubled people who bring vexatious lawsuits against Josh, such as Melinda Scott. These people have real grievances and could, theoretically, be sued for 'malicious prosecution'. Except, in US law being mad or simple is not malice. More specifically, the usual elements of the tort are (sauce, Cornell Law School):
  • The defendant was actively involved in bringing or continuing the lawsuit;
  • The lawsuit ended in the plaintiff’s favor;
  • No reasonable person in the defendant’s circumstances would have believed that there were reasonable grounds to bring the lawsuit against the plaintiff;
  • The defendant acted primarily for a purpose other than succeeding on the merits of the claim;
  • The plaintiff was harmed; and
  • The defendant’s conduct was a substantial factor in causing the plaintiff’s harm.
  • Some states also add the English rule, which is essentially that there must be proof of injury beyond the usual consequences (e.g. attorney's fees) or being sued.
So, when you have thrown a bucket of money at your lawyer to prove all that, you then have two problems. (1) The crazy defendants believe in the merits of their claims (and on a moral basis, are entitled to justice even if they make a cluster-fuck of their lawsuits). (2) The crazy defendants have no money, as Josh admitted of Melinda Scott in his ZeroHedge article. So if you can prove that the crazy defendants are acting for an improper purpose (i.e. malice) then you still make a large net loss for the pleasure of bankrupting them. Also the judges know Kiwi Farms are assholes and if Josh makes so much as one filing error they will fuck with him.

Then you have your Greers, LFJs and Vordrak types. People with lawyers or legal training. They won't fuck up enough to get hit by malicious prosecution or vexatious prosecution claims and will target their claims at jurisdictions and legal theories that work for them.

Josh could try counter-suing in libel. Unfortunately for Josh, he is going to have great difficulty doing that anywhere because he literally has no reputation and has made numerous adverse statements and admissions over the years.

What he really means is (mentally insert his insufferable nasal vocal fry here), "It's not faiirrrr!!!" Josh is the living embodiment of FAFO.
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Null sucks at fishing.
Josh every stream: I don't have any time. I'm busy doing shit. (That's also why I stopped streaming twice a week down to only-Friday's).
Josh in reality: Sitting around a lake watching the water ripple all day long.

Never believe his lies. If people want to do something, they make time in their schedule to do something. It's all excuses. Also, he doesn't work a real job. Then you might have an argument that you don't have time. But he's a NEET. I don't care how much aimless driving around USA he's doing or how many Target stores he's entering. He has free time. Lots of it. More than 95% of people. When you can afford to take an entire month off from streaming (already a bum "job"), you have copious free time.
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@thefrogninja, do you have a clip of the stream that's being discussed here?
It was a particularly awful part of his stream last week.

He admitted he knew nothing about the topic and ended up reading someone else's summary of what occurred which is what happens literally every show. He can't be bothered to prepare for his 1 day a week shows because it's easy passive income he can half-ass and not prepare for as his audience will just give him topics he has hastily run through just like the reddit segment and the twitter segment which his non-parasocial fans actually loathe.
josh says prepwork to ask for topics.png
This is not a defense for the Tate Brothers (I'm willing to condemn them if and when they are proven in a court of law that they are really guilty). This is me pointing out that Jersh often A-Logs about the lolcows he personally hates and doesn't view things objectively that his predictions that he makes are often wrong.
Such is the folly of the a-log.
Is he going to use the money he raised for the litigation fund to do this? Because last November he said starting a new lawsuit wasn't in his best interest.
He admitted to blowing most of it in AUS court against LFJ.
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"Don't like sweets all that much". X. Noodles, donuts (that's what bunter broom means) and potatoes... fries.
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lol. Calm down, dear. You being so fat, you'll stroke out. btw, IJ doesn't realize how short joshy is. joshy is fat because he eats too much, and moves too little.
Josh's current weight.pngJosh's ideal weight goal.pngFight-Club-Tyler-Durden-Leather-Jacket-ezgif.com-webp-to-jpg-converter.jpgBaker-FightClub-ezgif.com-webp-to-jpg-converter.jpg

Jewsh Moonpie wants to lose half his weight (estimated currently 275 lbs, needs to reach 150 lbs). He wants a leather jacket so he can roleplay as Tyler Durden from his favorite movie Fight Club. And then he can pose for pics for his nonprofit internet freedom grift organization. It feels good when everyone in the sector is a fat slob, food-addict that can't stop eating goyslop and have eldritch horror bodies like Ralph or Asston and you have a six pack. When you actually look like the Fight Club body others want to have, but are too lazy to attain. When your only concern is pondering whether it's worth going below 12% bodyfat or to keep it ~12% for a more relaxed diet. And everyone else is just eating themselves to death; a race to suicide by gluttony. The sector is full of lazy, fat, slob, addicts. They have become fat and lazy because they get paid too much money by retards. Think about how fat Asston is. Basically hovering slightly below 400 lbs. All that money wasted on food to keep his weight up. Moon knows that he can shit out bad lazy streams because Tetrabax is gonna slip him $400 per stream, no matter what. Just for showing up. Same for Kino Casino. Both KC and Moon take long vacations. Sometimes a week off. Sometimes a whole month off. You can only do this cause you got paid too much. Speaking of which, look for Moon and Kino Casino to link up in one of these long vacations soon, probably in Vegas.
"No one wants thoughtful exchange..."
*bans users for telling him to count calories*
*bans random users with "spam" as the ban reason in completely unrelated threads*
Hard to have "thoughtful exchange" when you silence anyone that you disagree with.

The USPG2 thread in Autistic Thunderdome has a lot of thoughtful exchange, and we get along just fine. Maybe he should learn from the very section of the forum he hates so much.