• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Of all the shitty things Trump has done, "freeing Tate" (asking Romania to lift his travel restrictions) is Josh's final straw and he pretends he'll "ignore politics for 4 years" if Trump succeeds. He also continues to call Andrew Tate a child molester without evidence and this all goes through trial.
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Despite the idea Josh promotes to his users that he "only calls people pedophiles if he would shoot them in the head" (let's just ignore that this isn't based on any semblence of objetive facts, but feelings) he has previously called Maet Gaetz a child molester despite being cleared of all charges. He's also defended his friend Cody Wilson from being called a pedophile despite being on the sex offender registry and he's previously defended streamer Steven "Destiny" Bonnell despite the abundance of evidence he is attracted to minors.
To be fair, Andrew Tate isn't exactly a good person for other reasons.

The biggest reason for me to hate Andrew Tate is that he's a grifter that preys on young and lost men that don't have any direction in life. Andrew Tate is not wrong when he says that there is a male loneliness epidemic going on around the world because things like feminism often unfairly punishes men. But what makes him a grifter is what he tries to sell you afterwards. Andrew Tate has a weird view on Egoism and religion where he thinks men should live a hedonistic lifestyle where men should live like a rockstar and engage in every vice the world has to offer as well as converting to Islam to "Own the feminists". You can make the argument that what Andrew Tate preaches is self-destructive for men much like how feminism has been self-destructive for women.

Just go to the gym, play some video games that you do like, and hang out with family and friends. You don't need some grifter to tell you this.
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The soyteens have started making memes declaring their takeover of Kiwi Farms, which they plan on colonizing into a new Sharty.
I think the Sharty is losing their touch with their memes because these look super gay and unfunny. So way to make Wojaks look cringy here Shartycucks.

This kinda reminds me of the cringe shit I saw back in the 2010's that tries too hard to be funny but it isn't. As someone that has been on the Internet for decades, this reminds me of an old comic called "I Am Silly" where the whole meme comic is a dumb strawman meant to make the protagonist look reasonable and make other side look silly on purpose; the comic was meant to mock slapfight arguments between midwits that think they are smart but the two sides fail to realize that rarely is anything in life are black and white (whether it's some smug asshole that thinks they're Einstein or some idiot that they think schizoposting will somehow make them win an argument) and said arguments then get derailed where everyone looks like an ass in the end. In this case, the Sharty tries to portray themselves as "superior" to the Kiwis and Kiwi Farms are portrayed as the "Silly" ones.

Those two memes fail because it's a dumb strawman on the Sharty's part where the Sharty is trying to prop themselves up and they don't realize they're just a bunch of losers that are no different from the Kiwis for that matter. Terrible memes, the Sharty is losing their touch. The "punchline" here is Kiwi Farms Bad and they are "Silly" which isn't really a punchline (it's no different from how Leftists try to portray Trump as an absurdly irrational man in political cartoons found in newspapers; using 'I Am Silly' to mock someone is not a funny punchline and it never will be). This is the Sharty's version of "I Am Silly".

So when I see these two memes, it's the same energy as this:
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The biggest reason for me to hate Andrew Tate is that he's a grifter that preys on young and lost men that don't have any direction in life.
I don't hate him for that, the cash was just sitting on the table. The Clinton foundation spent twenty years telling the most productive, handsome and capable men on earth that they were garbage, It was smart of Tate to focus on them.
I don't hate him for that, the cash was just sitting on the table. The Clinton foundation spent twenty years telling the most productive, handsome and capable men on earth that they were garbage, It was smart of Tate to focus on them.
But that is my reason why I don't like Andrew Tate, what he sells to men is just as destructive as feminism was to women.

Why did feminism ruined many women? Feminism gave the world no-fault divorce, DEI/ESG nonsense, and #MeToo where women were presented that if they want to get rich quick or climb up the social ladder then just divorce their husbands in court to get the money, falsely accuse a man of rape to climb up the social ladder, and have sex with many men and women as they want. In the short-term, women got a good deal to get rich quick and be given an easy way to be part of the elite class in society. In the long term, women are now realizing the harsh reality that feminism brought where men are now dropping out of the dating scene and saying "I Don't" to marriage because men don't want to deal with any of that nonsense anymore and many women have so many body counts in regards to sex that they are not desirable anymore. So women got screwed in the end where men don't want to date them or let alone marry them anymore.

What Andrew Tate preaches is that he thinks men should give up any hobbies that makes them happy, engage in the vices that the world has to offer, act like a pimp by treating women and other people like they were hookers answering to a pimp, buy expensive luxuries to look like a "Chad" for the sake of "Owning the Feminists"; basically live the Rockstar lifestyle which is not only unrealistic for men but this promotes dangerous self-destructive behaviors for men.

Any man that is dumb enough to accept Andrew Tate's advice will either find themselves with crippling debt (because vices and luxuries cost money), may find themselves in any legal trouble, or probably dead. This is the praxis of what Andrew Tate preaches for men. Also Andrew Tate wants men to covert to Islam because Christianity was not extreme enough for him (even Muslims find Andrew Tate to be a tasteless degenerate).

Andrew Tate is not wrong when he says that there is a male loneliness epidemic because of feminism. But the solution that Andrew Tate offers won't fix the male loneliness epidemic and if anything it will just make it worse. Andrew Tate is a False Messiah for men and he's probably just controlled opposition at this point, so no one should respect him or let alone entertain his nonsense.
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But that is my reason why I don't like Andrew Tate, what he sells to men is just as destructive as feminism was to women.

Why did feminism ruined many women? Feminism gave the world no-fault divorce, DEI/ESG nonsense, and #MeToo where women were presented that if they want to get rich quick or climb up the social ladder then just divorce their husbands in court to get the money, falsely accuse a man of rape to climb up the social ladder, and have sex with many men and women as they want. In the short-term, women got a good deal to get rich quick and be given an easy way to be part of the elite class in society. In the long term, women are now realizing the harsh reality that feminism brought where men are now dropping out of the dating scene and saying "I Don't" to marriage because men don't want to deal with any of that nonsense anymore and many women have so many body counts in regards to sex that they are not desirable anymore. So women got screwed in the end where men don't want to date them or let alone marry them anymore.

What Andrew Tate preaches is that he thinks men should give up any hobbies that makes them happy, engage in the vices that the world has to offer, act like a pimp by treating women and other people like they were hookers answering to a pimp, buy expensive luxuries to look like a "Chad" for the sake of "Owning the Feminists"; basically live the Rockstar lifestyle which is not only unrealistic for men but this promotes dangerous self-destructive behaviors for men.

Any man that is dumb enough to accept Andrew Tate's advice will either find themselves with crippling debt (because vices and luxuries cost money), may find themselves in any legal trouble, or probably dead. This is the praxis of what Andrew Tate preaches for men. Also Andrew Tate wants men to covert to Islam because Christianity was not extreme enough for him (even Muslims find Andrew Tate to be a tasteless degenerate).

Andrew Tate is not wrong when he says that there is a male loneliness epidemic because of feminism. But the solution that Andrew Tate offers won't fix the male loneliness epidemic and if anything it will just make it worse. Andrew Tate is a False Messiah for men and he's probably just controlled opposition at this point, so no one should respect him or let alone entertain his nonsense.
"Don't like sweets all that much". X. Noodles, donuts (that's what bunter broom means) and potatoes... fries.
lol. Calm down, dear. You being so fat, you'll stroke out. btw, IJ doesn't realize how short joshy is. joshy is fat because he eats too much, and moves too little.

It was smart of Tate to focus on them.
Not so smart to literally admit to all his crimes, in recorded form. Much like the other "Male role models for closeted faggot nonces" Tommy "I don't like the Muslim nonces, the ones in the EDL are "not even that bad" Robinson.
I don't hate him for that, the cash was just sitting on the table. The Clinton foundation spent twenty years telling the most productive, handsome and capable men on earth that they were garbage, It was smart of Tate to focus on them.

Tate is a pedophile who raped a little girl in the ass and got reported by a Marine relative of an American girl that he raped on camera and sex trafficked. He also seems to have a gay past according to a photo of him and his brother posted to twitter, I'm trying to find it now but Andy and Tristan were doing gay stuff together and they come off as incestuous to me.

Thousands of men have been able to see Andrew Tate's generic as fuck advice ("have a good work ethic and work out a lot") and go "I can get that from someone who isn't a pedophile." There are no excuses for joining his cult and trying to whine about how "feminists forced me to pay a pedophile money to teach me how to sex traffic children into camming!!!" There is no reason to cape for a pedophile that is being prosecuted for raping a little girl in the ass and creating a gay shitskin pedo cult.

If only dear Jeffrey Epstein had realized all he needed to escape being suicided was to start a Youtube channel and a Twitter account where he tells men that wanting have sex with adult women is gay and feminist. He could even tell people the Clintons made him do it.

But that is my reason why I don't like Andrew Tate, what he sells to men is just as destructive as feminism was to women.

Why did feminism ruined many women? Feminism gave the world no-fault divorce, DEI/ESG nonsense, and #MeToo where women were presented that if they want to get rich quick or climb up the social ladder then just divorce their husbands in court to get the money, falsely accuse a man of rape to climb up the social ladder, and have sex with many men and women as they want. In the short-term, women got a good deal to get rich quick and be given an easy way to be part of the elite class in society. In the long term, women are now realizing the harsh reality that feminism brought where men are now dropping out of the dating scene and saying "I Don't" to marriage because men don't want to deal with any of that nonsense anymore and many women have so many body counts in regards to sex that they are not desirable anymore. So women got screwed in the end where men don't want to date them or let alone marry them anymore.

What Andrew Tate preaches is that he thinks men should give up any hobbies that makes them happy, engage in the vices that the world has to offer, act like a pimp by treating women and other people like they were hookers answering to a pimp, buy expensive luxuries to look like a "Chad" for the sake of "Owning the Feminists"; basically live the Rockstar lifestyle which is not only unrealistic for men but this promotes dangerous self-destructive behaviors for men.

Any man that is dumb enough to accept Andrew Tate's advice will either find themselves with crippling debt (because vices and luxuries cost money), may find themselves in any legal trouble, or probably dead. This is the praxis of what Andrew Tate preaches for men. Also Andrew Tate wants men to covert to Islam because Christianity was not extreme enough for him (even Muslims find Andrew Tate to be a tasteless degenerate).

Andrew Tate is not wrong when he says that there is a male loneliness epidemic because of feminism. But the solution that Andrew Tate offers won't fix the male loneliness epidemic and if anything it will just make it worse. Andrew Tate is a False Messiah for men and he's probably just controlled opposition at this point, so no one should respect him or let alone entertain his nonsense.

Andy minced and pranced his way into the most generic as fuck takes imaginable "muh male loneliness epidemic!!! muh feminism!!! le wahmen bad!!!!" and got millions of followers simply because he repeated Fox News rhetoric from fucking 2010. Add on to the fact that he is a mudsharked shitskin that rapes white girls out of sexual jealousy (he will never be white, he will never be heterosexual and he is mad about it!) and of course conservatards are all fighting the chance to be his number one butt boy.

I do not understand why this is but the guaranteed steps to be a massively popular conservative influencer include:

1) be a shitskin, preferably mixed race instead of pure black or obviously Mexican or South America. if you have light skin then make sure to emphasize your prominent nigger features like chimp lips and a squished misshapen skull
2) be a pedophile with lots of rumors implying that you have a history of child rape before you found internet fame with Tucker Carlson
3) scream about JEWS and about how they're not letting you make money
4) show off your millions of dollars while having manbaby tantrums about the jews and how you are poor; your audience will send you tons of superchats when you tell them this will defeat Israel.
5) tell your conservative audience that raping white girls is fine because all white women are feminists and they all have 9001 abortions by the time they are 4 years old; you can be subtle and still coach your audience to accept pedophilia as conservative and based.
6) tell your audience that they should search pre-schools and kindergartens for their future wives
7) invite your conservative audience to your home for "meet ups." If you pay for their plane tickets then they will not be likely to file a police report when you rape them in your basement. If you want variety then you can rape teen boys along with teen girls and the RW influencer sphere (Jack Poso, Tucker Carlson, Cernovich etc) will move heaven and earth to defend your pedophilia and will help you profit from it.

Optional: you can throw in some "great replacement" dog whistles occasionally but conservatives don't actually care about this very much despite all the noise Xitter makes. The conservatives' real goal is to demographically replace white people via mudsharking which is why they want to replace white women with low IQ apes from South America and Africa. The great replacement dog whistles can therefore be dicey because if someone may start asking questions about why you want to get rid of white women but are complaining about the white race being eroded.
Not so smart to literally admit to all his crimes, in recorded form. Much like the other "Male role models for closeted faggot nonces" Tommy "I don't like the Muslim nonces, the ones in the EDL are "not even that bad" Robinson.
He's just a man on the internet who made a lot of money appealing to a niche that was hammered out by Left-Wing culture and their weird USAID funding, he added this money to the money he had already made exploiting Eastern European slags... the pearl clutching is a bit weird.

You can't compare him to Robinson because Robinson has always had Jew money to bolster his grift, I personally feel like Tate funded his own grift with his slutmoney and I respect that.
Tate is a pedophile who raped a little girl in the ass and got reported by a Marine relative of an American girl that he raped on camera and sex trafficked. He also seems to have a gay past according to a photo of him and his brother posted to twitter, I'm trying to find it now but Andy and Tristan were doing gay stuff together and they come off as incestuous to me.
There are a lot of Buzzwords in this post, you have to remember these things all took place in Eastern Europe, Eastern Europeans are really aware of their own mortality and the ravages of age, western women don't have to worry about getting the bag before they become their mother.
He's just a man on the internet who made a lot of money appealing to a niche that was hammered out by Left-Wing culture and their weird USAID funding
Then decided to bitch like a faggot, when he got caught breaking the law (didn't help him fessin' up to everything), then decided to call the country he was living in "really corrupt". I don't feel sorry for the mugs he gyp'd. They are just as obnoxious as him. And dumb. The idea that entering a ponzi scheme, is going to solve your problems. Or that being terminally online is going to get you a wife... lol.
He's just a man on the internet who made a lot of money appealing to a niche that was hammered out by Left-Wing culture and their weird USAID funding, he added this money to the money he had already made exploiting Eastern European slags... the pearl clutching is a bit weird.

You can't compare him to Robinson because Robinson has always had Jew money to bolster his grift, I personally feel like Tate funded his own grift with his slutmoney and I respect that.

There are a lot of Buzzwords in this post, you have to remember these things all took place in Eastern Europe, Eastern Europeans are really aware of their own mortality and the ravages of age, western women don't have to worry about getting the bag before they become their mother.

Thank you for outing yourself as a pedophile and a lover of rape, kidnapping, and homosexuality. Your shitskin hands smear pigshit on everything you touch.
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geckogoy comforts Null by telling him that it's not his fault Andrew Tate makes more money than him, it's the Jews.
You know, when you read between the lines, you get a better picture on Josh's perspective on life.

The question that he SHOULD be asking is "how can I better myself so that shit like this doesn't keep happening?", not "If I'm a piece of shit, then shouldn't I be getting gibs like these other pieces of shit?"
You know, when you read between the lines, you get a better picture on Josh's perspective on life.

The question that he SHOULD be asking is "how can I better myself so that shit like this doesn't keep happening?", not "If I'm a piece of shit, then shouldn't I be getting gibs like these other pieces of shit?"
I'm more focused on what geckogoy said. Morons like that are part of why Null lost the little self-awareness he had.