• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
I still don't get what Josh's endgame is with this male feminist bullshit.
Fatherless behavior
For it to be an honest conviction of his, something major would've had to have happened between now and his 2020 "I want a tradwife" screed.
He's fat and his dick is broke. Barriers that seems to insurmountable in size like himself.
The funniest outcome of this would be he makes his app and finally begins trooning out after locking his fanbase in with him. However, this new 'project' sounds a tad more complicated than his 'Pride before fall' website, which he's totally gonna do some day, just you wait.
Josh is full of all sorts of ideas that usually go nowhere much like his future. This entire endeavor is born out of pure spite towards his current user base that has rejected him and his self-proclaimed status as the supreme and unquestionable leader of Kiwi Farms. This app will allow him to insulate himself with only true and honest believers.
his new 'project' sounds a tad more complicated than his 'Pride before fall' website, which he's totally gonna do some day, just you wait.

LMAO, yes, I remember Pride Before Fall, he never finished it because he expected Kiwis to write all the company entries for him, which of course they never did. Did Null really expect Kiwis to make Gitgud accounts and to contribute pages to this project? He had Kiwis on the forum tell him which companies to feature, but then he refused to make the pages for those companies himself.

For those of you who didn't catch Pride Before Fall:

He has only a handful of companies listed here: Inbev, L'Oreal, Procter and Gamble, Scholastic, Target and Twitch.
still nothing: https://archive.is/v4qnF

the About page:

Pride before Fall is a list of companies which have pushed gender ideology. It exists to help boycotters identify products by companies they are boycotting. The focus of this list is very narrowly against gender ideology and young childhood sex indoctrination.
All families are welcome in protecting children everywhere from sexual predators and their corporate sponsors.
This website is not funded by any company. It is not affiliated with any organization. There is no financial investment made against any of these companies, or in the alternatives suggested. I am not currently accepting donations. I just want this to stop.
Why is the logo a pride flag?
The pride flag is a 6-striped flag that does not include a natural color spectrum's light blue. The logo has 7 stripes. The rainbow has been a symbol of many faiths and peoples for thousands of years. It was only until 1979 that rainbows were appropriated for the sexual identities. The logo is upside down, a symbol of distress. It also features a cut out of the progress chevron.

LMAO, yes, I remember Pride Before Fall, he never finished it because he expected Kiwis to write all the company entries for him, which of course they never did. Did Null really expect Kiwis to make Gitgud accounts and to contribute pages to this project? He had Kiwis on the forum tell him which companies to feature, but then he refused to make the pages for those companies himself.

For those of you who didn't catch Pride Before Fall:

He has only a handful of companies listed here: Inbev, L'Oreal, Procter and Gamble, Scholastic, Target and Twitch.
still nothing: https://archive.is/v4qnF

the About page:

Allegedly the cope around this was it couldn't be hosted as it would immediately get flagged by ISP and website domain providers as targeted harassment or something.

So are Null and Lidl Drip fucking or what? There's been way too much ass kissing between them for this to just be a casual acquaintanceship and I'm starting to get Moot and Mallory Greitzer vibes between the two, which is not a good sign for the future of the site.

Sites like stormfront, daily stormer, and doxbin all manage to stay online
Yeah it's as if it's entirely because of his inability to function and maintain the web forum without involving his personal problems.
Only Josh struggles keeping anything up (like his dick
😂 True dat
adult women).
Josh has never been with an adult woman or anything with vagina outside of his mother.
They're not trannies,
There's no way at least a few of them aren't trannies.
Josh has never been with an adult woman or anything with vagina outside of his mother.
I've never been inside a woman other than my mother either. I hacked my way out of my mother's womb with with a rudimentary machete I fashioned out of the placenta which I work hardened with bicycle kicks. Upon the anointed hour I gashed my mother open with a mighty ginsu chop. She just so happened to be in a medical facility at the time. Health care workers were so in awe of what they saw the immediately named me Caeser and pronounced the procedure I'd just preformed a Caesarean Section. I was deeply honored. Unfortunately I later had to change my name when I discovered Caeser was a fucking loser who couldn't even beat some fatass old senators in a knife fight.
I had kids with my wife by inseminating her with a marinade injector I picked up at a local restaurant supply wholesaler. The price was a little steep but I figured it was lot better than diving into that rotten fish market. When I whipped out the injector for the first time my wife said "what the hell is that?" I replied "Forsooth. I must make you with child lo your parents perceive my queerness and demandeth a refund of their dowry"
There's no way at least a few of them aren't trannies.

I've never been inside a woman other than my mother either. I hacked my way out of my mother's womb with with a rudimentary machete I fashioned out of the placenta which I work hardened with bicycle kicks. Upon the anointed hour I gashed my mother open with a mighty ginsu chop. She just so happened to be in a medical facility at the time. Health care workers were so in awe of what they saw the immediately named me Caeser and pronounced the procedure I'd just preformed a Caesarean Section. I was deeply honored. Unfortunately I later had to change my name when I discovered Caeser was a fucking loser who couldn't even beat some fatass old senators in a knife fight.
I had kids with my wife by inseminating her with a marinade injector I picked up at a local restaurant supply wholesaler. The price was a little steep but I figured it was lot better than diving into that rotten fish market. When I whipped out the injector for the first time my wife said "what the hell is that?" I replied "Forsooth. I must make you with child lo your parents perceive my queerness and demandeth a refund of their dowry"
There's no way at least a few of them aren't trannies.
Let's be real here if even one of the weird BP circle he's obviously talking to behind the scenes is a secret troon he is fucked. The leaks would be crazy. Then again like IPreferPickles says most of them would probably follow null through hell and back with their underwear on their heads.
Let's be real here if even one of the weird BP circle he's obviously talking to behind the scenes is a secret troon he is fucked. The leaks would be crazy. Then again like IPreferPickles says most of them would probably follow null through hell and back with their underwear on their heads.
I do believe some of them are. I've had other female kiwis mention similar sentiments to me about it before.
Do you suspect he's trapped in a blackmail scenario and now he HAS to play nice with the TERFs or else risk some serious comeuppance?
It's not out of the realm of possibilities, However I just it's more fatherless behavior from josh. He's going to side with Turfs because they support his arguments and offer very little criticism of him. Also Josh is a feeder so lots of pork to go around.
He's going to side with Turfs because his Mom was just like that.
Also Josh is a feeder so lots of pork to go around.
Pssssht. The broom is going to be the one who says "Are you going to finish that?" just after grace has been given (grace being a short prayer to thank God for the meal, IYDAK)
Null is not being blackmailed by anyone, everything you see happening is purely of his own design.
Yes, all of the broom's problems, he is the architect. However, he is being blackmailed, in a sense. A sort of reverse extortion. joshy's latest self inflicted wound is his financial dependence on a certain type of paypig. "If you don't do what I say, I won't give you the kids trust fund money".

He's still a kid. He's still financial dependent on Mentalist Bint, only now it's not his Mother, but a few hormonal welfare queens.

Now, we all know... joshy fucks everything up. What will happen when he fucks this up (child bennies guna dry up sooner or later), and he can't bring in the next gen of lolcow farms bints? One day the bints will have that naked lunch moment and go "Wait... he gave all that slush fund money to men... one of them to pay a fine. Y'know what? I'm going to Fag Hag the Kino Casino!"
Null is not being blackmailed by anyone, everything you see happening is purely of his own design.
Making it even funnier. The last few days watching him get felted for being such a gluttonus hambeast in his own thread have been lulzy. most of the users giving him headpats and soft calming coos in the ear via stickies have been obese legbeards from the man hate thread.
it is why he protects them. when he cries about being a fat porpoise with bitchtits, the male users will laugh and tell fatty to lose some weight while the women all give him body positive accolades.
It feeds (lol) into his narcissistic inability to change anything about himself