Joshua's 'influence' continues to wane as YouTube removes the main mati archive YouTube account
Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.
is kill himselfWhat Null should do
is kill himself
Fake news.
How Null sees himself and how he really is. The part about crashing into the sun will end up being clear soon enough. He is already past Mercury at this point.
Daily reminder that Big Mommy is Josh's sock.Joshua's 'influence' continues to wane as YouTube removes the main mati archive YouTube account
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He's trying to use the MATI streams to get new young dumb people on the site so he can scam them too.What Null should do is just host his streams in an archive on his own site. Then he wouldn't have to worry about shit like that. I don't know why he can't. He has countless years of other archived footage. Seems bizarre he doesn't do it with this. He could rebroadcast and share through Telegram because Telegram doesn't give a shit about anything.
Too broke for sprate to jump onFake news.
Josh couldn't get it up for a giant fish. He dick too broke. ...broke.
Daily reminder that Big Mommy is Josh's sock.
He's trying to use the MATI streams to get new young dumb people on the site so he can scam them too.
And one little piggy said "we, we, we", all the way home.
Elissa thought she was doing him a favor here clipping this, but all it did was age poorly and massively piss me off with his Balldo levels of lies and cope about "OMG HOW WAS THERE A PEDO ON MY FARMS I HAD NO IDEA." when this was a known person for years and he actively let other pedos on the Farms post their bullshit for freeze peach and he not just three weeks ago was fighting in the Shadman thread with other users about posting absolutely disgusting uncensored lolicon - for science, of course - to the objection of other users who said it wasn't necessary and it wasn't. Shadman already admitted he was a lolicon drawing pedo. Why did we need to see it? Then Null completely jannied the thread of the entire argument he made to post it like the fucking spineless faggot he is. Just...yeah, I am MATI right now.
True dat.The funnieet thing Is that the Boo wasn't a Fat hag like most of Bp
And now everyone is a
He actively let other pedos on the Farms post their bullshit for freeze peach and he not just three weeks ago was fighting in the Shadman thread with other users about posting absolutely disgusting uncensored lolicon - for science, of course - to the objection of other users who said it wasn't necessary and it wasn't. Shadman already admitted he was a lolicon drawing pedo. Why did we need to see it? Then Null completely jannied the thread of the entire argument he made to post it like the fucking spineless faggot he is.
Most hilarious thing is living well is the best revenge. PB isn't fat, still living a great life, has a bf that is very well on the track to success in his life.The funnieet thing Is that the Boo wasn't a Fat hag like most of Bp . Thanks for proving her point i Guess lmao
Whats left to talk about that Fat faggot loser. He Is totally going to save rekieta kids, make them post on pedo friendly forum go back to the states to marry Lauren Southern. Any minute nos!Joshua Moon thread, guys.
I heard that too in the clip and was like what in the absolute fuck? Why is this worth wasting so much of your time and money over?In his last stream he bragged about having two lawyers in the Rekaka case, it's so sad he couldn't hear the Jewhands rubbing together in the distance as he said it.
I don't think you understand quite how big Rekakas dick is.I heard that too in the clip and was like what in the absolute fuck? Why is this worth wasting so much of your time and money over?
But, but Null is a true and honest hetro guiz!I don't think you understand quite how big Rekakas dick is.
HomosexualityI heard that too in the clip and was like what in the absolute fuck? Why is this worth wasting so much of your time and money over?
I have some bad news on that front...Hope they arent the sane jew lawyers who are going to lose the greer case for him lmao
This. Plus Jersh has been taking a lot of L's lately. Likely, he is aching for some kind of vindication. Remember, he is a righteous warrior. Just like his hero: Batman...but with guns.Homosexuality