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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Rekieta will have a public trial. Null is already warning his users to not act stupid in the courtroom.
hope kf gets shutdown over nullo sissy unrequited love of rekieta
My favorite scene from this latest meltdown is this.
Screenshot 2024-08-17 021816.png

Rekaka isn't being held accountable? The court date has been set, lawyers have been contacted, vigilante pedophiles have been summoned and his kids were taken into care. It sounds to me like the courts are holding Rekaka accountable.
Josh and his team of lawyers lost their request to broadcast the omnibus hearing.
My favorite scene from this latest meltdown is this.
Screenshot 2024-08-17 021816.png
Josh can't read and his autism is at it again. Firstly, Rekieta didn't say his kids will stand trial. He said his kids COULD stand trial and IF they did the third party recorder may choose to include them in the footage.
Screenshot_20240816_183424_Adobe Acrobat.jpg

Secondly, Josh's evidence is who is slated to appear in court is for a SINGLE DAY.
Josh and his team of lawyers lost their request to broadcast the omnibus hearing.
View attachment 61965

Josh can't read and his autism is at it again. Firstly, Rekieta didn't say his kids will stand trial. He said his kids COULD stand trial and IF they did the third party recorder may choose to include them in the footage.
View attachment 61967

Secondly, Josh's evidence is who is slated to appear in court is for a SINGLE DAY.
View attachment 61969
How could you not be a dumb slag with a name like Kayla Christine Rekaka?
My favorite scene from this latest meltdown is this.
View attachment 61963
Rekaka isn't being held accountable? The court date has been set, lawyers have been contacted, vigilante pedophiles have been summoned and his kids were taken into care. It sounds to me like the courts are holding Rekaka accountable.
I don't expect Josh to know anything about trials other than what the certain fat man tells him, but kids do testify very often in family courts, even in criminal courts. Unlikely isn't synonymous to nigh-impossible.
Lol. Lmao even.Legbeard here calling me an incel but cant type the word penis because its too triggering for her.
its a body part sweetheart, not an forbidden incantation.
i am curious as to which one of the fingerbang gang you are. Perhaps one of the pooners?

Actually dont bother telling me. In keeping with the thread topic, I think this sums up my position on your opinions nicely: