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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Well, what is the point of having a gun if you have no idea how to shoot it, never practiced, and have no idea how to care for it? Just possessing a gun is not some magic. In fact, one of the things drilled into me in a course about the legality of firearm usage in my state was that even if you have a gun, people with knives can fucking kill you faster than you can pull out your weapon and aim. You can't think of it as some magic solution. You have to be otherwise physically able to deal with that situation.

He, like many, thinks he can be as fat and unhealthy as he wants, but as long as I have muh gun, it is all ok. No, it fucking isn't.
Well, what is the point of having a gun if you have no idea how to shoot it, never practiced, and have no idea how to care for it? Just possessing a gun is not some magic. In fact, one of the things drilled into me in a course about the legality of firearm usage in my state was that even if you have a gun, people with knives can fucking kill you faster than you can pull out your weapon and aim. You can't think of it as some magic solution. You have to be otherwise physically able to deal with that situation.

He, like many, thinks he can be as fat and unhealthy as he wants, but as long as I have muh gun, it is all ok. No, it fucking isn't.
He only needs it to pretend to be a tough trad guy instead of a fat nerd with bitch tits who never satisfied a woman.
I just can't imagine being so obsessed with a junkie that you have multiple lawyers trying to "squeeze lolcow milk" out of him. Yeah, one of his 50 kids got hold of his stash. The kids were removed from the home. Kiwis had absolutely nothing to do with that.
Moon runs a harassment site with severe pedo problems. No rational person would even remotely consider Moon and his ilk the good guys even compared to a junkie.
I just can't imagine being so obsessed with a junkie that you have multiple lawyers trying to "squeeze lolcow milk" out of him. Yeah, one of his 50 kids got hold of his stash. The kids were removed from the home. Kiwis had absolutely nothing to do with that. ...that.
Moon runs a harassment site with severe pedo problems. No rational person would even remotely consider Moon and his ilk the good guys even compared to a junkie.
Well that's KF for ya
Josh is angry, angry about Runescape.
I just can't imagine being so obsessed with a junkie that you have multiple lawyers trying to "squeeze lolcow milk" out of him. Yeah, one of his 50 kids got hold of his stash. The kids were removed from the home. Kiwis had absolutely nothing to do with that.
Moon runs a harassment site with severe pedo problems. No rational person would even remotely consider Moon and his ilk the good guys even compared to a junkie.
I have been lurking the Rekaka thread for a few days and the mania is real, there are users who I considered chill frothing at the mouth for pollack blood.
Balldo is a disgusting human being, but so is Jersh and what makes it so funny when Null acts like he is on a moral plain far higher than Balldo when he runs fucking KF as it is. The man that barely three weeks ago arguing with his own users about posting uncensored lolicon that was illegal in some of his users' countries because it needed to be documented when it clearly did not. There was nothing funny or interesting or important. It was just disgusting and jerkoff material for pedos and then he had the gall to get indignant about pedos being on his forum when he absolutely fosters them being there.

Balldo and Jersh should just hurry up and fuck because they were clearly made for each other.
Obsessive love disorder is embarrassing to behold in its later stages. Ditto for a man* in his 30s needing an internet daddy at all.

Imagine frothing at the mouth with rage and dreaming up increasingly unrealistic acenarios of abuse because a fat virgin with a forum feels betrayed by his latest father surrogate. Never change, simps.

Balldo and Jersh should just hurry up and fuck because they were clearly made for each other.
they would if one wasn't busy snorting cocaine and the other wasn't in Serbia eating entire cheese pizzas.
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