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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
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Null can't find any camo in his favorite pattern.
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View attachment 57899
Null wants to build his compound in a swamp and start a farm there.
View attachment 57900
Null admits he's still fat and gained back all the weight he lost a few years ago.
View attachment 57901
Null still wants armor piercing rounds.
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Null wants the Republican Party to make radio jammers legal.
Lol at him admitting he got huge during DKF. You shouldn't admit the enemy has this much control over you Josh.

When is this mf moving to America? It seems like he's been talking about it like he's packed up and it's happening next week for a year now.
null is a pedo.png
I like it when he brags about 10,000 ACTIVE USERS like half of those aren't bots and search engine crawlers. Wow Josh you have a forum the size of a moderately busy discord server and you get the same number of site views every day as any random tiktok uploaded by some nobody in middle America. You've also failed to make the forum appealing to anyone new in the span of a decade so you're stuck with the same losers who can stand your personality and have always been there.
it's incredible that this shit managed to outdone the catler PM in degeneracy by thousands of miles :story:
At least @Meowsolini isn't at a real danger of cutting off some poor man's dick.
but it's okay since it's the womyn who did this
Threatening to cut off a man's dick is as bad as threatening FGM because you're mad at a female.
Null wants to buy camouflage now.
He should buy it at Torrid.
What a powertripping faggot.




She's a fucking nip, of course she's going to be grossed out by your Amerifat whaleness. You can't force people to be attracted to you, fucking tranny-tier.
Null banned Cpl. Long Dong Silver for posting "I'll anally rape you" at JamledUpWords. He then reposted what he claims is an email exchange he had with Cpl. to get him unbanned.
Shouldn't have been banned, he was clearly mocking her. He was annoying but he shouldn't be censored.
null is really triggered lately by body shaming lol. This and telling Meiwaku to personally fuck off for calling him "thick" in a PM chain.
You can't do jack fucking shit on swamp land.

Even if Joshua wanted to try anyway, it's generally illegal by code in most places so he would likely not be able to get the permits.

An effing swamp... is this because of Shrek? That movie did something to people, Josh has watched the Shrek movies too many times and now he thinks living in a swamp is a viable idea and not a plot device for a kids movie.

Lol at him admitting he got huge during DKF. You shouldn't admit the enemy has this much control over you Josh.

When is this mf moving to America? It seems like he's been talking about it like he's packed up and it's happening next week for a year now.

He could cut carbs and drop drastic amounts of weight in a few months even if he did eat at the same amounts. But cutting carbs requires forethought and planning.

Josh gaining his weight back means he is in the US and has been for a long time, if he ever left. Being fat in a European country is very hard because they don't do junkfood like we do. Josh should have lost tons of weight if he was living in Eastern Europe for real. If he hasn't then it means a) he is getting his fritos and nabisco cookies from a supplier in Serbia or whatever, even constant pizza eating would be difficult to keep up there b) Null never left the US and has been mainlining Coke and potato chips this whole time.

He apparently drinks 5-7 Cokes a day or whatever, is it really that easy to get your hands on in Serbia? I doubt it.
An effing swamp... is this because of Shrek? That movie did something to people, Josh has watched the Shrek movies too many times and now he thinks living in a swamp is a viable idea and not a plot device for a kids movie.

He could cut carbs and drop drastic amounts of weight in a few months even if he did eat at the same amounts. But cutting carbs requires forethought and planning.

Josh gaining his weight back means he is in the US and has been for a long time, if he ever left. Being fat in a European country is very hard because they don't do junkfood like we do. Josh should have lost tons of weight if he was living in Eastern Europe for real. If he hasn't then it means a) he is getting his fritos and nabisco cookies from a supplier in Serbia or whatever, even constant pizza eating would be difficult to keep up there b) Null never left the US and has been mainlining Coke and potato chips this whole time.

He apparently drinks 5-7 Cokes a day or whatever, is it really that easy to get your hands on in Serbia? I doubt it.
Coca Cola is worldwide. I doubt it would be a problem to get it in Serbia.

Under recently introduced legislation, people who haven't given up their unregistered weapons now face prison sentences of up to 15 years. Gun owners will face strict background checks, psychological evaluations and regular drug tests. Other measures have also been enacted, including a ban on new gun licenses, stricter controls on gun owners and shooting ranges, and tougher punishment for the illegal possession of weapons.

Yes Josh go ahead and get a background check and psych evaluation so you can start building your arsenal in Serbia. Serbia decided that after the last mass shooting enough was enough.